The Challenge: Battle of the Eras- Nurys Mateo

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The Challenge: Battle of the Eras- Nurys Mateo

Most gorgeous ever

Most gorgeous and best cast pic out of everyone

She would've been a baddie in the early 2000s.


She would've been a baddie in the early 2000s.

for sure! She still is but she has the old Ashanti look 

The face...of Target checkout aisles


She would've been a baddie in the early 2000s.

for sure! She still is but she has the old Ashanti look 

Yeah, I meant she would've been baddd rocking the early 2000's fashions. Her personality would also fit great with that era. She's kool, I like her.

In the top 3 of all time beautiful challengers

In the top 3 of all time beautiful challengers

Without a doubt.

you can call her a lot of things but you can never call her anything less than stunning

Should have been a regular years ago instead of using internationals who flopped and were one and down. Skkkye is so dumb.


Most gorgeous ever

New face of The Challenge >>>>>>>> 

It really annoys me that they robbed her and KellyAnne from the title of Challenge champions. 


In the top 3 of all time beautiful challengers

Without a doubt.

Dominican queen 

Dominican queen 

People never mention that she's Salvadoran too. She's good Central American representation. 

She knows how to stand on business 

Pretty Pretty Pretty ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

She knows how to stand on business 

She's so beautiful 



Looks like a super old Dinosaur drag queen.


Sexy bi tch

Nelson & Malcolm fumbled...Horacio won.

Nelson & Malcolm won...Horacio's as lame as she is

The queen

A real baddie
