The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines Discussion Deux (SPOILERS)

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Tony/Madison, Brad/Tori, Danny/Melinda for Exes 3!

Tony/Madison, Brad/Tori, Danny/Melinda for Exes 3!

Real exes.

That's the only time I'd be down to see Tori and Madison.

Danny/Melinda zzzzzzzzz 

But is it true Madison has a new boyfriend? Like how tragic. 

The thing I am confused about is 2 weeks ago she posted a picture of imhim for mcm and how she missed him. Or something like that I will try to find the link. So if they did break up I would think it was him 

It looks likethey actually broke up

It looks likethey actually broke up

Here I was thinking a Real World couple had finally made it...





It looks likethey actually broke up

They will be like every other annoying couple these days and get back together later on in a couple days. They did that shit on their season too. What could have happen thats worse than the shit Tony did in front of madison on skeletons ?. She will forgive that guy no matter what. 

It looks likethey actually broke up

They will be like every other annoying couple these days and get back together later on in a couple days. They did that shit on their season too. What could have happen thats worse than the shit Tony did in front of madison on skeletons ?. She will forgive that guy no matter what. 


If it doesn't happen, though, I can't say I'm surprised. Tony doesn't seem the type to give up his freedom. I don't think he cares who he hurts, or what happens, he just isn't interested in a long term relationship. You can say that Madison was the longest he had, but that isn't true. I'm positive one of the girls who came on as his skeleton had been with Tony for two years, prior to the show. Eight or whatever months is nothing compared to that.

Madison now.. Maybe it was her. I dunno. I'm not ruling out the possibility that she might have been the reason they broke up or had a small falling out that will probably last a couple of days to a matter of a few weeks. Callous but that's the harsh reality of it all. I'm more curious about what went down; if Tony did something, or if Madison did something - cause one of the comments that was posted on that link could make a lot of sense as to why he's acting the way he is now.

Well this turned out to be a typical white trash story *****.

Well this turned out to be a typical white trash story *****.

Well this turned out to be a typical white trash story *****.


Well this turned out to be a typical white trash story *****.

So true. LOL

Well this turned out to be a typical white trash story *****.

So true. LOL

It keeps getting better and better:

No idea who is that person, but he comment on Tony's most rescent picture. Plus, didnt someone wrote on here that Madison have a new bf.

"You are not going to be a father..."


was she pregnant? why didnt this happen on the show?


PinkRose it would seem that the person doesn't personally know them and is just going off of what others are saying.

They wrote this under one of Madi's recent pictures:

"You are not going to be a father..."


No idea if that peraon is a troll, but she for sure knows more about the stpry than we do

PinkRose it would seem that the person doesn't personally know them and is just going off of what others are saying.

They wrote this under one of Madi's recent pictures:

Lmaooo oh well, false alarm. My noisy self is so curious about this whole story.

I was abput to say, I didnt expect that at all. Plus he has on his ig Bio soone to be a father.

Can't say I'm surprised at all, but just hoping maybe Tony changed his ways (not to say he's 100% the one who caused this break up or break).

If tony isn't the father I am not shocked. If he is I am shocked the broke up and wonder what they will do since they are now in different states. It's just surprising since they bought a condo and everything together which wasn't even that long ago that the bought it. (Maybe right before tony left for the challenge)

If tony isn't the father I am not shocked. If he is I am shocked the broke up and wonder what they will do since they are now in different states. It's just surprising since they bought a condo and everything together which wasn't even that long ago that the bought it. (Maybe right before tony left for the challenge)

I think its for sure his kid and fans are just making up rumors

Madison out here like that?

It's like she's two totally different people in one lmaooo her soft, little girl-ish voice is hiding a LOT behind it lol

where tf Nany been tho

Damn! When the **** is this challenge going to air? Most likely no even in OCT since we dont even have a trailer yet.. So disapointing. Feel like we havent had a challenge in so long..

Calling it now. Challenge Bloodlines wont air until after AYTO 3 is over.

Wait so are Madison and Tony together and is he the father? Do we need maury because I'm confused!!???

Maybe its just me but wouldn't it make sense theyd air the challenge after the next one is done filming? If half the cast will be on it don't they need them for the reunion/after shows?! Maybe I'm wrong

Maybe its just me but wouldn't it make sense theyd air the challenge after the next one is done filming? If half the cast will be on it don't they need them for the reunion/after shows?! Maybe I'm wrong

They would be done filming the next season before the reunion would air. Filming is around 4-6 weeks and the airing of a season would be around 13.
