The Challenge: All Stars - Season 3 (Spoilers Discussion)

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Maybe we don't lose a girl after all?

johnny and beth both dropping out? boring *** show i was so excited for them both

I was literally over the moon excited for 2 main reasons.  1. Tina-Veronica-Beth reunion 2. Hurricane Nia return.  Of course 1.) falls apart.

Did Janelle decline or was she not picked

Did Janelle decline or was she not picked

I think she got pretty banged up after All Stars 2.  She posted a nasty picture of her toe nail busted.  

Hopefully this sours production on bananas dropping out last minute. I mean he's already on a thin line as he hasn't been on the last two

I guess the competition was too stiff lol

Losing Bananas is such an objective win. These series are limited in runtime, which Bananas would have absolutely ate up 30% minimum without question. We have all had enough of his face and voice for a lifetime.

It also prevents the toxic masculinity from taking hold of the show. Most of the other machismo men will keep it under control now that King DBag isn't making fun of all the women 24/7.

Now please put Ace on over Tyler.

Will it def be Ace or Tyler replacing him?  Kinda hope someone better replaces him. 

we need an early boot

I hope Sophia gets another chance. 

I hope Sophia gets another chance. 

I'd prefer Miss Sophia over Sylvia

I just want to hear Ace call everyone monsters over and over again, that was so bizarre and weird that it was endearing.

I hope Sophia gets another chance. 

I'd prefer Miss Sophia over Sylvia

I really hope production does not agree.

No John = win

Although I'm guessing it's Tyler unless they found someone else last minute

Maybe they got Tony time to replace him lol. 


I hope Sophia gets another chance. 

I'd prefer Miss Sophia over Sylvia

I really hope production does not agree.

I don't dislike her I'm just worried about a bunch of "modern" people coming in. It was cute and wholesome with most of the players being "oldies".

omg just saw the news that made the season 1000 times better for me! Do you know how great it is to not have Bananas there with minions catering to him? To have a Wes and Jordan there who don't like each other with no Bananas at the center hogging the spotlight? 

YAY!!!!!!!!! On Bananas. We dodged a BULLET. 

Thank God Bananas's *** isn't on

Maybe they got Tony time to replace him lol. 

Then they should have paid John


Maybe they got Tony time to replace him lol. 

Then they should have paid John

It wasn't about money

Is anybody else dropping?

Johnny out, we won.

I can't wait until Wes sends home Jordan first

this is fantastic news. still don't want to see Ace or Tyler but i can't complain much now 

I can't wait until Wes sends home Jordan first

And then someone sends Wes home second. I hope its Brad sending home his own Groomsman lol

Maybe they got Tony time to replace him lol. 

Then they should have paid John

It wasn't about money

Sorry--they should have met his demands or done whatever else he needed to save us from Tony if that's the alternative  lol

Bananas gone is a huge win 

am i the only person who thinks johnny would have been an excellent addition to the cast and he would have brought the necessary drama that the show has been lacking? hate him or love him he brings a lot to these shows and would have made it a very interesting dynamic.



When you hear the word all star y'all really think slyvia over Marie LOL

Yes Sylvia > Marie

Sylvia provided next to nothing besides one punk move on Madison in her real world. Besides that she was one step above wallpaper in her one season
