They do not always film on the bus, so we won't see this, but Kellyanne and Jonna did stand up to the other girls about all the shit they were saying about Kendal behind her back and how the women were treating her. Kellyanne called them out and told them they were wrong for how they treated Kendal and the way they speak about her, and Jonna jumped in and backed her up. The women were mean girls and borderline bullies to Kendall. Kendall said that they both said something to the women after she won her first elimination also. After Kendal won the first elimination there was a lot of snickering on the bus about her, so Kellyanne and Jonna said something to them. Kellyanne told them they were mean to her and they acted like they did not know what she was speaking about so Jonna jumped in from the back of the bus and pointed out specific moments they were mean to Kendal. Kellyanne and Jonna were the only women who had her back and were nice to her.
i don't think the word "bullies" is how to describe them, but i can agree that they were being extremely fake / rude to Kendal. They were threaten by her so the only way they thought was a good idea was to be fake and talk shit. I'm glad KellyAnne & Jonna said something tho. Seems like the only girls who didn't treat Kendal bad was KellyAnne, Jonna, Beth, Ruthie, Arissa, Katie, and maybe Trishelle
So there was really no legit reason for them to hate Kendal lol. Aneesa is a total weirdo who again no normal human being respects or takes seriously. Jisela is a middle aged weirdo obsessed with and creeping on Alton. Jimmy is just gutter trash that follows whatever group gives her airtime. None of them should have been taken seriously.Meanwhile Kendal has a family and an actual productive job . I don't blame her if she acted like she was above them cause she truly is. Only trash gets jealous when people live better lives than them.
So there was really no legit reason for them to hate Kendal lol. Aneesa is a total weirdo who again no normal human being respects or takes seriously. Jisela is a middle aged weirdo obsessed with and creeping on Alton. Jimmy is just gutter trash that follows whatever group gives her airtime. None of them should have been taken seriously.Meanwhile Kendal has a family and an actual productive job . I don't blame her if she acted like she was above them cause she truly is. Only trash gets jealous when people live better lives than them.
to be fare - Alton seems into Jisela lol def seems mutual based on the edit lol
So there was really no legit reason for them to hate Kendal lol. Aneesa is a total weirdo who again no normal human being respects or takes seriously. Jisela is a middle aged weirdo obsessed with and creeping on Alton. Jimmy is just gutter trash that follows whatever group gives her airtime. None of them should have been taken seriously.Meanwhile Kendal has a family and an actual productive job . I don't blame her if she acted like she was above them cause she truly is. Only trash gets jealous when people live better lives than them.
I agree aside from Jemmye. Jemmye doesn't need anyone for air time. She's always going to narrate. If anything she just needs someone to hookup with.
But yes Kendal is "better" than them and they're all jealous of her
Kendal responded on Twitter to someone saying how Jemmye talked about her and she said it hurt and she didn't understand it because Jemmye was basically really supportive and nice to her while out there.
Kendal responded on Twitter to someone saying how Jemmye talked about her and she said it hurt and she didn't understand it because Jemmye was basically really supportive and nice to her while out there.
Kendal responded on Twitter to someone saying how Jemmye talked about her and she said it hurt and she didn't understand it because Jemmye was basically really supportive and nice to her while out there.
This is why so many call her two-faced.
Wasn't Jemmye also plotting with Veronica to get Beth eliminated prefilming but was buddy buddy with her during?
Something we agree on
i don't think the word "bullies" is how to describe them, but i can agree that they were being extremely fake / rude to Kendal. They were threaten by her so the only way they thought was a good idea was to be fake and talk shit. I'm glad KellyAnne & Jonna said something tho. Seems like the only girls who didn't treat Kendal bad was KellyAnne, Jonna, Beth, Ruthie, Arissa, Katie, and maybe Trishelle
So there was really no legit reason for them to hate Kendal lol. Aneesa is a total weirdo who again no normal human being respects or takes seriously. Jisela is a middle aged weirdo obsessed with and creeping on Alton. Jimmy is just gutter trash that follows whatever group gives her airtime. None of them should have been taken seriously.Meanwhile Kendal has a family and an actual productive job . I don't blame her if she acted like she was above them cause she truly is. Only trash gets jealous when people live better lives than them.
Well said, rwportland.
to be fare - Alton seems into Jisela lol def seems mutual based on the edit lol
I agree aside from Jemmye. Jemmye doesn't need anyone for air time. She's always going to narrate. If anything she just needs someone to hookup with.
But yes Kendal is "better" than them and they're all jealous of her
Loop I say something wrong
Hotboiswag back?
Kendal responded on Twitter to someone saying how Jemmye talked about her and she said it hurt and she didn't understand it because Jemmye was basically really supportive and nice to her while out there.
This is why so many call her two-faced.
Thats Jimmy's MO, idk why she is shocked..
But she still likes Jimmy's stuff. People need to hold her accountable and quit letting her get away with it.
I love this ***** <3
Everyone needs to just ignore Down Syndrome face
what is your issue?
what does this even mean?
Is this in regards to Jimmy or Kendal? Either way there are plenty of ways to clown someone but this aint one.
Jordan made that awful comment about Jemmye on a season (XXX I believe) but I'm not sure why anyone thinks it's okay to use or repeat
Who hurt you
oh shit yeah you're right I remember that lmao. But yes let's ignore jemmye
Robbed queen, would have loved to see her in a final but idk how she would do on the eating..that's definitely where I'd give up lol
shut the **** up, ******* loser...
double post.
Wasn't Jemmye also plotting with Veronica to get Beth eliminated prefilming but was buddy buddy with her during?
and didn't Aneesa being Aneesa manage to make it all about herself.
Not really but she did manage to get involved as did others.
She was the star of season 1
Brad hates her it would be interesting if they do a show together