I have no knowledge about lip fillers whatsoever so someone please inform me... is that a permanent side effect , a side effect from just having them done recently, or just a sign she needed to get it done again?
I have no knowledge about lip fillers whatsoever so someone please inform me... is that a permanent side effect , a side effect from just having them done recently, or just a sign she needed to get it done again?
the filler has migrated to the area above her lip which is causing it to flip up like that. she needs to get the filler dissolved and fixed by someone else
I have no knowledge about lip fillers whatsoever so someone please inform me... is that a permanent side effect , a side effect from just having them done recently, or just a sign she needed to get it done again?
the filler has migrated to the area above her lip which is causing it to flip up like that. she needs to get the filler dissolved and fixed by someone else
Neither of them are probably getting casted again so I don't know why they going back and fourth...
Yeah, I definitely don't see Paulie coming back. Won't be shocked if Jemmye is on All Stars at some point again
well, he's right about the part where he says she is a bully who sticks her nose in things.
However, the bottom line is they both suck.
Paulie's family's culture is making out with their dad?
thats what I'm trying to figure out
Is he trying to say because he's Italian (which I assume by his last name), it's a custom thing to kiss as a greeting?
"you broke my heart, Fredo."
just kidding about that last part.
i be confused about that too...
Yeah, sad.
I have no knowledge about lip fillers whatsoever so someone please inform me... is that a permanent side effect , a side effect from just having them done recently, or just a sign she needed to get it done again?
Yeah, I don't know what's going on with her upper lip there but that's actually not a bad picture of Jemmye
yea she actually looks good in that
That pic is going to drive V over the edge!
A beth/veronica hall brawl/pole wrestle sounds nice and by sounds nice i mean beth would drag that vile hag
the filler has migrated to the area above her lip which is causing it to flip up like that. she needs to get the filler dissolved and fixed by someone else
thank you for answering!
Her hair and cheap extension looks tragic
I liked her up until dirty 30
I thought that was her real face lmao
It is without photoshop and filters.
Amazon? Nah, she got it from Wish.
Trash box
I can't look at her without remembering meeting her a few years ago and she had her hair down and a big bald spot on the back of the top of her head.
When I tell you guys there is market for everything and everyone all you need is a set following that will pay from jars with farts to Jemmye nudes
need me a freak like that
I- nope, just no.
I feel sick now