The Challenge: All Stars- Free Fallin’

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The Challenge: All Stars- Free Fallin’

Episode: 6

The all Stars confront their worst fears in a terrifying new challenge high above the water. A pair of adversaries are thrust into a new partnership and must put their bad blood to the aside to stay in the game. TJ's twist sends players scrambling as they try to avoid the arena.

This season is going by way too fast! Lol I'm guessing the earliest we will get a season 2 would be late fall/early winter.

Hoping for less Jimmy this week and more Kendal and Katie!

hoping for more unexpected drama (a la Syrus/Alton)

Hoping for less Jimmy this week and more Kendal and Katie!

Jimmy!!! DEAD!

This season is going by way too fast! Lol I'm guessing the earliest we will get a season 2 would be late fall/early winter.

Seems like they can crank them out quickly.  This finished filming late February lol.


This season is going by way too fast! Lol I'm guessing the earliest we will get a season 2 would be late fall/early winter.

this season was done the last weekend in february, only 2 months ago and its been airing about a month. 

Now that Beth is gone we are fully rooting for Katie <3  Sad that two people leave a week, hopefully it's Jemmeye and Big Easy 

God, I love this season.  It's just so perfect.

This elimination was a nice matchup , still think Laterrian > Mark physically. **** that lil stump. 

Another good episode. Was that Aneesa vs Jisela??

God, I love this season.  It's just so perfect.


Seeing the first person drop.....lmao they would have me ****** up

Call me a wuss, but Katie made me tear up at the end when she was talking about this being her best Challenge experience and how she was going to see her family.

A Katie vs Kendal elimination was the worst case scenario for me. My two favorites but I really wanted to see Mark lose this lol. I agree with Jimmy though, STOP VOLUNTEERING I'm so happy that Katie had a great time on this though! Her last confessional made me happy and hopefully her experiences encourages Coral and others to return. Hearing that next week is the last elimination made me so sad, not ready for this to end. They just need to scrap the trash that is Season 37 and start filming season 2.


Jonna learned from Arissa and BULLIED Ruthie into being captain and I cackled at her edit AGAIN when she fell into the water while talking in confessional about trying to finish.

The convo with Katie and Jonna at the start was hilarious. They KNOW their roles and I'm super disappointed Katie didn't follow up and instead volunteered. She's completely changed from her last appearances.

I absolutely adore Laterrian. Had no idea who he was before this but he is so HUMBLE and gracious to volunteer with Katie. The way all the guys pretended to be injured was hilarious though. I really was shocked the won the first round and was so excited for an upset win against prouduction pet Mark and beast Kendal.

And didn't someone say there are ten episodes? Next episode is #7 but the final starts in episode 8? So maybe episode 8 and 9 are the final and 10 is the reunion? They rushed the hell out of this for no reason. This season has been 11/10 so far.

And Katie is a legend. So proud of her regardless. I CACKLED when she dropped her rope and cursed. She's so funny. I will miss her

Glad its officially on record that mark threw his elimination against bananas, although we've known for years

wow kendal really is kaycee but blonde, she's eliminating all the entertainment. like go home!

Kendal <33333333333333 

wow kendal really is kaycee but blonde, she's eliminating all the entertainment. like go home!

Don't do Kendal dirty like that

What's with proclaiming Aneesa as the elimination beast and saying she did such a good job in the last elimination? 2 episodes in a row they have said that. In reality it was Alton being spiderman out there while Aneesa just broke a few thin pieces of drywall.

Im still lost as to how Mark and Kendal's team were deemed the losers when there were three teams that had NO ONE completing the puzzle?  Did I miss something?

Im still lost as to how Mark and Kendal's team were deemed the losers when there were three teams that had NO ONE completing the puzzle?  Did I miss something?

probably which team had the least amount of correctly placed tiles.

I almost cried at the end of this episode.  The people I have enjoyed the most are leaving.  I loved seeing the woman Katie has grown into and Laterrian showed what a real man does (while all of Katie's friends wanted no part of helping her)..  He is prime example of why you should't cast based off past unimpressive challenge history or social media following.  I loved him this time. That scene with the montage of Katie's water falls with her whimpering had me dying.

The great thing about such a fast season?  People are gonna be dying for more.  I have loved the tone.


Im still lost as to how Mark and Kendal's team were deemed the losers when there were three teams that had NO ONE completing the puzzle?  Did I miss something?

probably which team had the least amount of correctly placed tiles.

just production changing the rules to who they wanted into elimination like usual (double agents final) 

watching mark in the elimination made me go from meh about him to actual hating him, why is he such a show boater? like laterian beat him the first time and it was pretty even the second time, its not like he blew L out of the water. the flexing and spitting and cheering was just too much.

This is an amazing season but damn the boot order is rough, Jemmeye and Aneesa still being there over all the stars who already left is sad haha 



Im still lost as to how Mark and Kendal's team were deemed the losers when there were three teams that had NO ONE completing the puzzle?  Did I miss something?

probably which team had the least amount of correctly placed tiles.

just production changing the rules to who they wanted into elimination like usual (double agents final) 

your logic is flawed bc why would production rig against Mark who is an EP and created the show 

This is an amazing season but damn the boot order is rough, Jemmeye and Aneesa still being there over all the stars who already left is sad haha 

Other than Beth and Katie it's not real surprising or that bad. I didn't think Mark or Aneesa would even see an elimination so that's a win so far. Jemmye was a lock to go far IMO. Disappointing but she does play a good game. 
