The Challenge: All Stars- Eric “Big Easy” Banks

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I'm sad that they cast non-cast members. 

He was at his lowest... old, nasty, and broke. Career in shambles. He came on this ***** mad as hell

Production members shouldn't receive spots on the cast.


Burger KING


Wack *****.

Also since this is an OG thing: NON CASTEMEMBER!

Non cast member alert. 

Fat piece of shit

I had a nightmare that Big Easy and Colie did a Challenge together. 

I had a nightmare that Big Easy and Colie did a Challenge together. 

Poor Colie.


Burger KING


When I say I can't stand you.... This comment physically hurt me from laughing



Burger KING


When I say I can't stand you.... This comment physically hurt me from laughing


Btw I just finished rewatching Endurance and ugh, I'm so ready for Queen to return on April 1st

The comments on this page r disgusting, y'all did not pass the vibe check

Him and Katie were an entertaining team on FM1.

Eric is a genius. Put on 50 lbs so you can lose 45 and say "look its a new me"....


but seriously its been what 8 years? How are you talking big and still looking like that? That's not genetics. That's still thinking you can order a diet coke with your fish and chips then calling it a healthy meal.

The comments on this page r disgusting, y'all did not pass the vibe check

Using "r" instead of "are" is disgusting, you don't pass the vibe check.

The comments on this page r disgusting, y'all did not pass the vibe check

and it will stay that way


The comments on this page r disgusting, y'all did not pass the vibe check

Using "r" instead of "are" is disgusting, you don't pass the vibe check.

Ya'll need to put some respect on this thin KINGs name



The comments on this page r disgusting, y'all did not pass the vibe check

Using "r" instead of "are" is disgusting, you don't pass the vibe check.

Ya'll need to put some respect on this thin KINGs name

I think you're on the wrong thread, the thin one is Wes


The comments on this page r disgusting, y'all did not pass the vibe check

and it will stay that way


The comments on this page r disgusting, y'all did not pass the vibe check

and it will stay that way

Fat piece of shit

What did Devyn Simone ever see in him?

What did Devyn Simone ever see in him?

a storyline

LMAO everyone roasting him on page 1 of this thread has me in tears 

I hate to admit this but I have like him this season

I honestly didnt remember him being so good at puzzles, so I will give him props for that. 

I hate to admit this but I have like him this season

Same. Like I haven't been bothered by him and was kinda happy he beat Nehemiah. Lol

I hate to admit this but I have like him this season

I hate to admit this but I have like him this season

