Unproblematic as is not giving any reason to have this much vitriol towards her whether ppl think she's boring or not <3
Lol I don't dislike Amber as a human in the slightest. She seems very sweet and like a good person. She's just not made for reality tv. Most of the really bad ones like Devun, John, Vicki, Josh, Kayzzz, and Aneesa we all universally hate so there just isn't as much discussion and debate around them.
The person who said Amber and Davonne liked a post probably wasn't trying to lie. People might not be aware but last week or so a glitch started happening. On insta it now sometimes shows who you and that person follow instead of showing the likes onder the photo but it should fix itself within a few hours.
If true I just know Devin and aneesa were behind this!!
What would Montana do?
Give wine to children!
Losing one of Amber or Da'Vonne is fine but losing BOTH....omg
Hopefully Davonne's daughter is running hers but Amber is out.
only one person would be gone by now btw
we don't even know the official format or elimination rules yet. All stars 2 and 3 had 2 people go home episode 1.
Well ofc you'd be saying this bc you're intimidated by unproblematic women so there's that
Regardless I'm happy to see Amber back even if it's for one episode
Unproblematic is a cute way to say hella boring.
Unproblematic as is not giving any reason to have this much vitriol towards her whether ppl think she's boring or not <3
Like we have ra(p)ists and ra(c)ists getting cast for the challenge but yes, Amber is the problem!
Amber so boring but has the cast members bothered time after time. I would rather Amber over Melissa cringy *** all day.
What if it was a day 1 purge and all the trios had to nominate one person to purge out and that's how Amber and Da'Vonne got sent home
we are starting w 24 ppl. not 40. this did not happen.
some of yall and your ******* theories i cant.
Chauncey is running Amber's socials and Kadence is running Da'Vonne's (I'm spiraling help)
they will never get anyone as pretty as jenna on this show
hopefully whoever said they liked it is just suffering from psychosis bc I follow both Amber and Day and they're NOWHERE to be seen in the likes
they trying to jinx our girls and I'm NOT having it
Yall are so lucky I'm not an admin bc I would place temporary bans for******* that spread misinformation
I would keep an eye on Katie tho #KluesFromKilla #KillaKlues
Lol I don't dislike Amber as a human in the slightest. She seems very sweet and like a good person. She's just not made for reality tv. Most of the really bad ones like Devun, John, Vicki, Josh, Kayzzz, and Aneesa we all universally hate so there just isn't as much discussion and debate around them.
The person who said Amber and Davonne liked a post probably wasn't trying to lie. People might not be aware but last week or so a glitch started happening. On insta it now sometimes shows who you and that person follow instead of showing the likes onder the photo but it should fix itself within a few hours.
Gamer hinting Wes may have entered the game. A Devin minion.
What’s the opposite of East-
Wes ruined All Stars 3.
Didn't Wes' fans go after Da'Vonne during WOTW?
yes. they called her job
they sure did he still never fully apologized for that situation that's why I will never see it for him