she looks at lot more flattering in motion than that picture does. honestly the same can be said about the majority of this cast. i understand they have a budget but i feel like they can create better looking cast photos with an iphone and some natural light.. like these are so bad LOL
She's looking kinda haggard. She got a man at home or she just gave up?
yr in it for the long haul cause based on the trailer i don't think she's going to be in all stars 5 either
The hottest challenge blond does vevmo AGREE?!
Love her
Haggard? She looked fine...haggard? LOL
She's looks the same she did in 2012 which is HOT!
I don't know but she looked REALLY good IMO. Yeah she's not 21 anymore but that body is fire.
Ashley K's friendship with Amber is so cute.
She and Dario clearly wanna bang again.
Her ex-husband/baby daddy and Dario are total ******* morons. She is so so so fine.
She's about the 112th hottest RW girl. There is nothing special about her looks-wise at all.
To you.
She's cute but that cute blonde Jenna basic look does nothing for me
She's an absolute doll and how she's not wifed up is an absolute travesty. Body's still tight.
Well we lost that Barbie beast to Ashley K's ex boyfriend with the breeding kink.
Frank too!
Ashley K for season 41 winner.
Name the 111 lol
she kinda fighting for that regular status idk!
Face card - Check
Body card - Check
Single - Check
Flirty, desperate, can get a lil slotty? - We'll see
Loving her tremendously today.
Daily ashley kelsey love omg amber better BRING IT the next few episodes or she's getting REPLACED
kidding just trolling like floppy ily amber
she looks at lot more flattering in motion than that picture does. honestly the same can be said about the majority of this cast. i understand they have a budget but i feel like they can create better looking cast photos with an iphone and some natural light.. like these are so bad LOL
I really don't remember her being so likeable but she's winning me over.
She's always had a personality they just haven't shown it
Full of personality queen. What Jenna wishes she could be.
Loving her tremendously today
She was deemed boring before calling cast members boring was a trend. Hopefully she pops out this season.