The Challenge: All Stars 4- Rachel Robinson

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It's okay - you found the light Smile she's the best! 

Tvandcoffee, where are you for my recap!

Official Podcast Recap: 

  • Rachel said the guys are great, but remembers seeing all 12 women on the cast and said every single one of them is an opinionated ******, and thinks something special is happening 
  • After a long hiatus winning a star on the 1st daily was very special to her
  • Rachel said she always stayed in touch with Tina. She was initially hesitant about Veronica, but was pleasantly surprised that they had each other's back. She had a great time on the season

  • Rachel said she didn't want Exes 1 to be her last memory of the show. She praised Aneesa for being a good partner, but admits that season wasn't fun for her

  • Rachel loves Averey. She didn't know her before the season, but after they talked she realized that Averey had a similar experience to her when she filmed Exes 2

  • Rachel said she can tell Ayanna was going through an emotional regression and depression because she would be alone and sleep all the time. She believes Kam and Leroy were targeting Ayanna regardless because they had the political power and she was annoying people, and she didn't do herself a favor by giving them a reason

  • Rachel found it interesting the house reason of not sending Jasmine against Janelle was because she's a single mom who needs this when they put Ayanna up who's a single mom of 4 after the next challenge. She feels that nobody needed it more than her. But she was glad she didn't go against Tina and Veronica

  • Rachel doesn't understand Kam's perspective in her issues with Cara. She feels like people who expect others to play the game their way are entitled. Tori said she done this with Jordan, but recently realized just because they're close it's unfair to use him as a pawn in her game even though it would benefit him

  • Rachel said she wasn't targeting the strong women in the game. She believes that's outdated. She really appreciated that Cara did not say her name in nominations

  • Rachel dislocated her shoulder during her elimination with Ayanna. She popped her shoulder back in to finish the elimination. She was ok but felt pain for the rest of the season. She had to pop it back in again during the next daily challenge

  • Rachel said Averey told her that she wouldn't say her name in nominations. And admits she's a little bothered that Tina said her name, but confirms that they are still friends

  • Rachel said that she was close with Nicole during the season. She admits that Laurel is a lot nicer in person than she comes across on tv. She says that Nicole & Laurel's dynamic constantly changed

  • Rachel congratulated Tori for winning Ride or Dies, and for beating 2 of the strongest men to play the game. Tori added Devin to that, but Rachel believed that his role was to "support Tori"

  • Rachel commended Aneesa for being one of the stronger girls in the game. She believes that Aneesa is underestimated

  • Rachel said that Kam was a big force in the house, and going against that is difficult

  • Rachel likes the unpredictability of All Stars 4. She hates how people come into the game with a ton of friends, and play a numbers game (she been coming at the 39 cast and I believe this is shade to the vacation alliance lol). Aneesa interjects saying that having a lot of friends in the game can also be a weakness because it becomes awkward

  • Aneesa said that she did not like the elimination setup between Rachel & Cara Maria, but Rachel was glad it wasn't something physical because of her shoulder

  • Rachel believes that everything happens for a reason, and truly believes that Cara was meant to stay longer than her so she's fine with being eliminated

  • Rachel said that if she won the elimination she would've given a star to Flora because she thought it would be funny, or Laurel

  • And Rachel said she has another 10 years in her

  • Tvandcoffee, where are you for my recap!

    theres alot of insufferable podcast hosts I will sit through, but the combination of tori and aneesa is too much to tolerate. Dreamdoll got you though! 

    Wow! Thanks Dream!


    Tvandcoffee, where are you for my recap!

    theres alot of insufferable podcast hosts I will sit through, but the combination of tori and aneesa is too much to tolerate. Dreamdoll got you though! 

    lol i dont blame u

    I don't mind Tori and Aneesa - I like their dynamic on the podcast. Susie and Sarah will always be my favs at the podcast job but Tori and Aneesa aren't bad. I also like that when the old school people are on because Aneesa and them will bring up old times and can talk about them. They made references to the two battle of the sexes on this podcast. 

    Tori and aneesa constantly interrupt, its irritating af and unprofessional. They also are very biased. I can tolerate it when its one of them paired with day or devyn but the two of them together is too much.  

    i did laugh at the clip I heard of Rachel gagging them with her comment about being on 10 seasons straight so of course these people go in with alot of friends LOL

    Has she talked about her reason for returning? Just find it interesting she said no for so long, decided to finally do one and now is saying she has 10 more years in her lol
