The Challenge: All Stars 4- Laurel Stucky

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The opposite of a Cutie Pie

She sucks. I can't believe I used to stan. She is good tv though, so I still support her.

She sucks. I can't believe I used to stan. She is good tv though, so I still support her.

My love for her runs strong Kiss 2

My love for her is nonexistent 

The definition of unhinged.

And that's why she's good TV and entertaining



The definition of unhinged.

And that's why she's a demon


Mother ❤️

Mother ❤️


Not Mother ❤️

I miss when she wasn't lesbian. Idc, cancel me if you need to.

I miss when she wasn't lesbian. Idc, cancel me if you need to.

Idk what she labels herself, but from a completely outside perspective, she's likely bi or pan since she dated and hooked up with men after Nicole. 

Is Nicole the only woman she's ever been with?



Queen Laurel has been disappointing me this season....

Puppet Master Laurel 

I'm currently cackling at her talking all that shit about going in against Cara and how she wants to "eat her ego" (whatever the **** that means) only to chicken out and FOR WHAT because she's still out of a star! LOSERRRRR LMAOOOOOOOO. I hate her guts!!!!!!!!! It's evident that the Cara Maria effect sends these******* into a tizzy because she couldn't get her story straight! 

It's fitting that Turbo hated her because he likes to call people "***** chickens" and she is now a certified chicken! 

Puppet Master Laurel 


Puppet Master Laurel 

Well, she puppet mastered her own elimination in WOTW2 by playing herself into elimination and then cheating herself out of the game, so I can't necessarily say that I disagree. 

Queen has the most individual wins this season!

The crazy .maria lover is here too, god damn it

The crazy .maria lover is here too, god damn it

Ding dóng, the last comment I made on here was 13 days ago. Anyways, I feel bad for you because you can't even get away from me while you sleep because I know you dream about me Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile what activites am I up to in your dreams? I would love to know Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile


The crazy .maria lover is here too, god damn it

Ding dóng, the last comment I made on here was 13 days ago. Anyways, I feel bad for you because you can't even get away from me while you sleep because I know you dream about me what activites am I up to in your dreams? I would love to know

What the flying **** is wrong with you buddy????

What the flying **** is wrong with you buddy????

I was just responding to someone while also not even say anything mean? Not sure how you're supposed to be able to interpret reality properly if you're clutching your pearls at me responding to someone as if you're some anti-bullying advocate, you delusional bird-brained fool! I also don't remember having a beef with you so, I'm not sure why you have this energy for me... yet the only reason you should have for having a problem with what I said is having a beef with me because I didn't say anything inflammatory... so yeah, I'm confused. I think you are too, because I know you have trouble when forced to use the little brain that you have! 

I would never **** with a pearl clutcher! Lol. 

...I'm just confused as to what that freak wanted me to do????? Not only did that person start with me, but I didn't even say anything mean to them???????? @LadySays the extent to which you are a pearl clutching, delusional, idiotic Karen is enough to make you subhuman! 
