-I knew I would like Jonna again now that MJ *** left
-I'm 100% anti-treehouse at this point with the exception of Roni
-not surprised Veronica won trivia aka her forte. Derrick winning reminded me of when dumb *** Tony won a trivia challenge. Luck sometimes will favor ya even when your brain is fried
-I love Kellyanne's energy and friendship with Nia
-Glad Roni began to question her position within the treehouse but wish she would've done so sooner. She could've worked with Kellyanne and Kendal
-THIS WAS RONI'S SEASON TO WIN!!!! If she comes back again (hopefully), I can see her taking that crown. She's still a force to be reckoned with 20 years later. I got sad seeing her cry and hearing her talk about not having a flexible job and wanting the best for her kids. It especially sucks because she was one of the strongest women this season. May the stars align ever in her favor, I wanna see this queen come back and take the crown.
-Jonna handled the whole elimination great. She's so clássy.
-It's always good to see Jordan get humbled even though he was clearly at a disadvantage due to his hand. Good to see the real daddy Mark come out on top though.
-Jordan needs to stop calling himself daddy. The Challenge Gods are using Maury Povitch as a heavenly host to tell him that you are NOT the father, sexy *** Mark is.
-I wouldn't be surprised if Nia proposes to Jordan someday. She is díćk whipped and that's an understatement.
-Why aren't people targeting Wes more? He's just been figure-skating his way to the end with Nehemiah as his #1 fan (wonder if the preview for next week alludes to some type of issue between them though?)
-Brad had a booger trapped in his Osama Bin Laden beard after he fell in the water
-Kailah seems desperate for Veronica's approval while Veronica seems elated to have gotten Kailah's approval. Generational mean girl bonding I guess
-RONI I LOVE YOU. Keep your head held up high sis, you lost to one of the best competitors this season.
-We need an All Stars 4, Roni needs another chance.
One more thing, as a viewer I am SICK of TJ Lavin and I hate how he's tried so hard to make that clown-on-ecstasy forced af laughter a thing every trivia challenge. It's become so cringe that I wish they would've catapulted his *** into the water instead, 'cept they coulda just left his *** in there indefinitely.
I also think Roni deserve a second shot and felt so sad when she said she don't have the flexibility to do challenges often but she shoulda really vouched for herself earlier.
i tried to make the thread but my pictures were too big.
- Jonna is playing amazing this season. I am so impressed with her game, win or lose this is her best season of all stars ever
- Jordan was such a borefest this season. I've never been so let down by a contestant coming back, he does not need to come back.
- This season is my least favorite of the 3 seasons by far. I still feel like the energy of the season just stopped after E4, feels like a spinoff charity season since then not for 500K.
- I've never seen veronica this powerful. i thought she'd be a lot different but she should be on EVERY all stars season moving forward.
- We want Roni back!!! They made it so obvious she was going home when she finally got confessionals, but I would have liked to see her in a final. Bring her back!!
- This is my favorite Derrick in 3 seasons. I can't find myself rooting for any of the guys left and I want Derrick to win for his family.
Still even though I dont not loving this season it's been better than past Challenge seasons with all the All Stars
One more thing, as a viewer I am SICK of TJ Lavin and I hate how he's tried so hard to make that clown-on-ecstasy forced af laughter a thing every trivia challenge. It's become so cringe that I wish they would've catapulted his *** into the water instead, 'cept they coulda just left his *** in there indefinitely.
I also think Roni deserve a second shot and felt so sad when she said she don't have the flexibility to do challenges often but she shoulda really vouched for herself earlier.
she couldnt do much going in not knowing anyone. the only thing she couldve done is try to make a deal with jonna
why cant she do more challenges? shes a fan favorite and brought so much even without being on the show a lot
Going into All Stars 4, can they PLEASE not bring back Derrick and Nehemiah? They bring absolutely nothing and are not entertaining. Nehemiah literally simps for Wes knowing Wes will beat him in any final. It's like these guys have no strategy going into these games. Wes is skating by so easily. At least the girls side has some political drama.
I was SHOOK Jonna was sent in. I didn't know who she'd pick. TAKE THAT SPOILER READERS! That elimination was extremely unsuspenseful though. I guess we will never see Jonna in a physical game. She always gets random shit. Closest we got was the rigged Laurel/Cara Maria one on Rivals. Impressed she took out Roni who OUTEVERYTHINGED her all season.
The tension between Roni and Nia/Jonna was intense. She don't fool with sistas! She is a beast and I felt bad for her. She easily could've won this season if she played the middle right. She was the TRUE middle player not Jonna.
Extremely shocked Jordan went home I thought he won the season. Mark's face when he was lifting the heavy puzzle bag really showed his age sksksk I know he's happy he did something this season.
I also think Roni deserve a second shot and felt so sad when she said she don't have the flexibility to do challenges often but she shoulda really vouched for herself earlier.
I also thought her not having the time to get away to do Challenges was so sad. One of the few times a Challenger has tugged at my heartstrings lately. I just love Roni. Solid casting choice. Solid performance this season. Only to go home on a freaking puzzle. I hate puzzles already. Too many this season. Give us one or two but not every single daily and elimination please.
I love that this season for the first time since Sexes we get to see the men and women play their OWN game. Yeah there's a chance Jordan could win and refuse to vote in Nia but for the most part it seems like there's an agreement for the winners to vote in who they want of their own sex with no pushback. I've been waiting so long for a split game. Rivals 2 was the worst format for this reason. Why should opposite sex care about the opposite sex's game? Let me focus on who I'm competing against!
Who woulda thunk a couple years ago we'd see Veronica voting in Jonna from Cancun who calls in this random lady named Roni who was apparently on The Gauntlet
Who woulda thunk a couple years ago we'd see Veronica voting in Jonna from Cancun who calls in this random lady named Roni who was apparently on The Gauntlet
The trivia for season 2 was much better. That format was so dope. Knew Veronica (yes I dropped Verantula because I don't mind her this season) would win. When I take a look at the line up, I'd think she is the smartest girl.
I felt bad for Roni in that confessional towards the end. She still did well for someone gone two decades. I was manifesting her return for ages. When I saw the preview for the pulling elimination, I was wondering how the hell Jonna beat her when Roni got them arms. But then once they announced there was a puzzle, I thought, oh, makes sense.
The guys have been a let down to me but I respect that they made the big move with Jordan. Btw has Jordan ever been this happy on a Challenge?! Were the dishes clean this time or is Nia's cat just that good?
Made the thread cuz no one did lmao
completely forgot about it lmaoo lemme go watch
-I knew I would like Jonna again now that MJ *** left
-I'm 100% anti-treehouse at this point with the exception of Roni
-not surprised Veronica won trivia aka her forte. Derrick winning reminded me of when dumb *** Tony won a trivia challenge. Luck sometimes will favor ya even when your brain is fried
-I love Kellyanne's energy and friendship with Nia
-Glad Roni began to question her position within the treehouse but wish she would've done so sooner. She could've worked with Kellyanne and Kendal
-THIS WAS RONI'S SEASON TO WIN!!!! If she comes back again (hopefully), I can see her taking that crown. She's still a force to be reckoned with 20 years later. I got sad seeing her cry and hearing her talk about not having a flexible job and wanting the best for her kids. It especially sucks because she was one of the strongest women this season. May the stars align ever in her favor, I wanna see this queen come back and take the crown.
-Jonna handled the whole elimination great. She's so clássy.
-It's always good to see Jordan get humbled even though he was clearly at a disadvantage due to his hand. Good to see the real daddy Mark come out on top though.
-Jordan needs to stop calling himself daddy. The Challenge Gods are using Maury Povitch as a heavenly host to tell him that you are NOT the father, sexy *** Mark is.
-I wouldn't be surprised if Nia proposes to Jordan someday. She is díćk whipped and that's an understatement.
-Why aren't people targeting Wes more? He's just been figure-skating his way to the end with Nehemiah as his #1 fan (wonder if the preview for next week alludes to some type of issue between them though?)
-Brad had a booger trapped in his Osama Bin Laden beard after he fell in the water
-Kailah seems desperate for Veronica's approval while Veronica seems elated to have gotten Kailah's approval. Generational mean girl bonding I guess
-RONI I LOVE YOU. Keep your head held up high sis, you lost to one of the best competitors this season.
-We need an All Stars 4, Roni needs another chance.
One more thing, as a viewer I am SICK of TJ Lavin and I hate how he's tried so hard to make that clown-on-ecstasy forced af laughter a thing every trivia challenge. It's become so cringe that I wish they would've catapulted his *** into the water instead, 'cept they coulda just left his *** in there indefinitely.
It's not that funny *****.
I'm impressed by Veronica's game
I also think Roni deserve a second shot and felt so sad when she said she don't have the flexibility to do challenges often but she shoulda really vouched for herself earlier.
i tried to make the thread but my pictures were too big.
- Jonna is playing amazing this season. I am so impressed with her game, win or lose this is her best season of all stars ever
- Jordan was such a borefest this season. I've never been so let down by a contestant coming back, he does not need to come back.
- This season is my least favorite of the 3 seasons by far. I still feel like the energy of the season just stopped after E4, feels like a spinoff charity season since then not for 500K.
- I've never seen veronica this powerful. i thought she'd be a lot different but she should be on EVERY all stars season moving forward.
- We want Roni back!!! They made it so obvious she was going home when she finally got confessionals, but I would have liked to see her in a final. Bring her back!!
- This is my favorite Derrick in 3 seasons. I can't find myself rooting for any of the guys left and I want Derrick to win for his family.
Still even though I dont not loving this season it's been better than past Challenge seasons with all the All Stars
i thought it was funny, i like trivia
she couldnt do much going in not knowing anyone. the only thing she couldve done is try to make a deal with jonna
why cant she do more challenges? shes a fan favorite and brought so much even without being on the show a lot
as much as i love jonna, they love to rig it for her. oh she's in danger? get the puzzle here. oh it's a final? put the biggest and hardest puzzle!
Sounds like Roni had a great return but she needs to be one and done. There are way more boring oldies that should get her spot.
Going into All Stars 4, can they PLEASE not bring back Derrick and Nehemiah? They bring absolutely nothing and are not entertaining. Nehemiah literally simps for Wes knowing Wes will beat him in any final. It's like these guys have no strategy going into these games. Wes is skating by so easily. At least the girls side has some political drama.
Veronica winning the daily? IKTR!! Sad about Roni, though. I was really excited to see her back and thought she would have been a force in the final.
Veronica is killing it! Sad about Roni - i'm glad we got to see her back. I can see them brining Roni back for redemption next season
RONI I LOVE YOU. JONNA we need to have a talk!
Please let this be the last episode we ever have to hear jonna talking about Mj
that episode was really good
i dislike mark more than jordan but i was happy to see jordan lose because hes such a finals threat
I was SHOOK Jonna was sent in. I didn't know who she'd pick. TAKE THAT SPOILER READERS! That elimination was extremely unsuspenseful though. I guess we will never see Jonna in a physical game. She always gets random shit. Closest we got was the rigged Laurel/Cara Maria one on Rivals. Impressed she took out Roni who OUTEVERYTHINGED her all season.
The tension between Roni and Nia/Jonna was intense. She don't fool with sistas! She is a beast and I felt bad for her. She easily could've won this season if she played the middle right. She was the TRUE middle player not Jonna.
Extremely shocked Jordan went home I thought he won the season. Mark's face when he was lifting the heavy puzzle bag really showed his age sksksk I know he's happy he did something this season.
Also happy Veronica won something before her retirement. Good for her. I'm rooting for her to make the finals. I wish all finalists got money.
Do y'all HATE Jonna with a passion for choosing Roni? I know y'all PRESSED
I also thought her not having the time to get away to do Challenges was so sad. One of the few times a Challenger has tugged at my heartstrings lately. I just love Roni. Solid casting choice. Solid performance this season. Only to go home on a freaking puzzle. I hate puzzles already. Too many this season. Give us one or two but not every single daily and elimination please.
I'm mad at her now but I'll forgive her since she's a queen herself.
I love that this season for the first time since Sexes we get to see the men and women play their OWN game. Yeah there's a chance Jordan could win and refuse to vote in Nia but for the most part it seems like there's an agreement for the winners to vote in who they want of their own sex with no pushback. I've been waiting so long for a split game. Rivals 2 was the worst format for this reason. Why should opposite sex care about the opposite sex's game? Let me focus on who I'm competing against!
One thing about Queen V, she always uses her power to make a big move. Legend.
Who woulda thunk a couple years ago we'd see Veronica voting in Jonna from Cancun who calls in this random lady named Roni who was apparently on The Gauntlet
Beyoncé haters always her biggest fans. Why Nia had the biggest reaction to the Blue Ivy answer? Interesting... Noted!
Roni is a two time winner boo. Don't try it!
The trivia for season 2 was much better. That format was so dope. Knew Veronica (yes I dropped Verantula because I don't mind her this season) would win. When I take a look at the line up, I'd think she is the smartest girl.
I felt bad for Roni in that confessional towards the end. She still did well for someone gone two decades. I was manifesting her return for ages. When I saw the preview for the pulling elimination, I was wondering how the hell Jonna beat her when Roni got them arms. But then once they announced there was a puzzle, I thought, oh, makes sense.
The guys have been a let down to me but I respect that they made the big move with Jordan. Btw has Jordan ever been this happy on a Challenge?! Were the dishes clean this time or is Nia's cat just that good?
This was okay. Next week looks better.