It was said that they were told to pick partners for a daily and then after were told these partnerships were permanent right? If so, I'm curious why Darrell didn't initially partner with Jonna, Kendal, or even Jodi. Even if the other guys were wanting them too, they could have said no I want Darrell. So it'll be interesting to see how it shook out.
It becomes an interesting question since you'd assume Tyler and Jannelle would partner up (unless they don't like each other) but if there was a rule like "have to partner with someone you haven't been partners with" and then they threw the twist in there, then it's gonna bug me. I hate these stupid twists for the sake of drama that **** with the game too much.
Did Anyone listen to Jisela's Podcast with Mike? I don't wanna get spoiled and read through this thread. She mentioned Piggy was on BOTS1 but then was gone. Did she get mixed up with Inferno 1? I've never heard the rumor Piggy was there in Jamaica. Also, I figured her and Aneesa hooked up at some point and that had a lot to do with their falling out. It's what annoys me about Aneesa. She doesn't have romances and keeps it to herself. She always feels the need to either tell or give big hints. Aneesa seems like the type that didn't get much attention from boys or girls while growing up and it made her insecure so she feels the need to let everyone now when she hooks up with someone who is considered a hot commodity on the show (Cory, Rachel, Nany, Laterrian, etc.)
I too thought that maybe Jisela got mixed up with The Inferno but one, she wasn't on The inferno so how could she mix it up? Two, she said she remembers Piggy and David E. Arguing in the pool. David wasn't on The Inferno either.
I hope it's something good about Sophia, Ryan, Jodi, Ayanna or Sophia.
It becomes an interesting question since you'd assume Tyler and Jannelle would partner up (unless they don't like each other) but if there was a rule like "have to partner with someone you haven't been partners with" and then they threw the twist in there, then it's gonna bug me. I hate these stupid twists for the sake of drama that **** with the game too much.
he looks like Charles Manson ?
Brad went from looking like a heroin user to a serial killer. Why he thinks the beard is cool is beyond me.
Lol that was a choice. He could at least dye the shit
Melinda looks amazing. Hopefully they stop casting Brad now.
I wouldn't even want to get close to Brad. That beard looks disgusting.
Melinda looking identical to her Austin self. She is flawless.
wtf at Brad and his beard. Between the eyes and the beard, guaranteed he will scary the *** out of me every time I see him on screen.
PR's oops has me ????
Brad looks like the guy who kidnapped Elizabeth Smart.
I hope Brad looks better on camera because whew...
Melinda is glowing
"You can hide your weed in there"
Brad has everyone shook!
When is promo expected to start?
i hope this week
I hope customs checked brads beard thoroughly
Melinda Queen of being camera ready.
Brad looks ROUGH
melinda is as beautiful as ever!
All the girls are shook because he looks like every dude whose ever had girls locked in his basement for multiple years.
So when is this reunion if season 3 films October?
im guessing the of this month since it would be a month since filming ended...
i don't see how she was annoying. She consistently gives some of the best interviews on social media and drops some serious tea. Jisela is great.
I too thought that maybe Jisela got mixed up with The Inferno but one, she wasn't on The inferno so how could she mix it up? Two, she said she remembers Piggy and David E. Arguing in the pool. David wasn't on The Inferno either.
i wonder if episodes are still going to drop on thursday. if so, then i also wonder if they're going to put an episode out on thanksgiving
I just realized that Tina uncensored is going to be fun to watch.
Tina being back on our screens soon is the biggest blessing.
What?! I supported Svetlana for you lol.
you right, lemme support Tina! ❤️