The math challenge on the first episode of season 1 was the best challenge of ALL TIME
they integrated math in a clever way on that one though, it was actually entertaining to watch because they had to figure it out as a team and everyone was struggling to swim so it was kinda funny. Integrating math works every now and then if done correctly but when it's done too often and designed without much imagination, it gets boring
The Ketchup Song Asereje at the start of the episode was so random and brought me some many memories from when I was in like 1st grade. They made us dance to that song during one of the school talent shows lol
The Ketchup song is so weird. I don't hate the soundtrack this season but last season was more classics that you could be proud of liking and this season is like the corny catchy songs you're embarrassed to like.
The Ketchup Song Asereje at the start of the episode was so random and brought me some many memories from when I was in like 1st grade. They made us dance to that song during one of the school talent shows lol
Girl, I was LIT both times I watched that episode and started doing the choreography we used to do all the time when that song originally came out. That song was a big hit here.
My heart hurt for Melinda this episode. Loved her since Austin.
I love this show so much. It's way better than the regular show. I love seeing the real relationships and the real stories. It's what the show is about. So happy these people came back!!
I'm actually liking the multiple alliances breaking out this season. I don't want a Brad, Jodi, and Darrell-ran game. Boooooring. Challenge the big dogs, Kings and Casey. This is why it's more fun to watch than that sucky main challenge.
I actually liked this elimination tbh. The last 2 have been really solid, way better than the new ones introduced last season and the tick tack toe this season.
Jonna Ayanna Darrell Nehemiah and Jodi are really the only people still there that have been relevant in every episode. Not really surprising. Jonna is the only one that doesn't have to be involved in the nom or winning a mission to be featured.
The math challenge on the first episode of season 1 was the best challenge of ALL TIME
they integrated math in a clever way on that one though, it was actually entertaining to watch because they had to figure it out as a team and everyone was struggling to swim so it was kinda funny. Integrating math works every now and then if done correctly but when it's done too often and designed without much imagination, it gets boring
i thought this daily was decent. Idk. Seemed very challeng-y, even something from the Fresh Meat days
The Daily was ok ( enjoyed the old school Casey quitting a challenge ) the elimination was great tho
I like the majority of that alliance but the boys saying "Kings Palace" every 18 seconds was beyond annoying
The Ketchup Song Asereje at the start of the episode was so random and brought me some many memories from when I was in like 1st grade. They made us dance to that song during one of the school talent shows lol
The Ketchup song is so weird. I don't hate the soundtrack this season but last season was more classics that you could be proud of liking and this season is like the corny catchy songs you're embarrassed to like.
arissa's quit was way better
Nehemiah wants to be a top dog in a major alliance so bad
No, Tina!!!!! Why??
Can't wait to see Brad, Darrell & MJ topple that weak *** king shit alliance.
and we're here for it !! I love when cast members learn from their previous mistakes.
Girl, I was LIT both times I watched that episode and started doing the choreography we used to do all the time when that song originally came out. That song was a big hit here.
I like it I don't want the people we expect just to be the majority alliance the whole season
My heart hurt for Melinda this episode. Loved her since Austin.
I love this show so much. It's way better than the regular show. I love seeing the real relationships and the real stories. It's what the show is about. So happy these people came back!!
I'm actually liking the multiple alliances breaking out this season. I don't want a Brad, Jodi, and Darrell-ran game. Boooooring. Challenge the big dogs, Kings and Casey. This is why it's more fun to watch than that sucky main challenge.
I actually liked this elimination tbh. The last 2 have been really solid, way better than the new ones introduced last season and the tick tack toe this season.
Is Ayanna in love with Teck or something?
Anyone else impressed with the visual Tina created during elimination as she stands center whilst Melinda stormruns her way to victory?
Go read Casey's Instagram post. But here's a snippet:
The second Janelle gets a confessional I know she's a goner!
LMAO RIGHT, that girl is invisible, like if she don't go start a fight or something...
can yall stop sayin her name tf
Jonna Ayanna Darrell Nehemiah and Jodi are really the only people still there that have been relevant in every episode. Not really surprising. Jonna is the only one that doesn't have to be involved in the nom or winning a mission to be featured.
she's irrelevant it's true
Disgusting that Nehemiah is leading the pack.
Where does Cancun stand in Kings Palace vs Top Dogs
They're anti Nehemiah