The Challenge: All Stars 2- Jodi Weatherton

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We bullied her out of the US.

Jodi's husband is Polish.

mAAM theres still 5 months until octoberfest...

Lmao y'all need to let this woman live 

We bullied her out of the US.

Tina & Dan told her to get out of their country on the Inferno 2... and she obeyed.

What if Jodi got pregnant by Alton on G2?

Freaking love her <3  We were blessed to see her in Season 2 and she was ROBBED of a win

Freaking love her <3  We were blessed to see her in Season 2 and she was ROBBED of a win

you didn't answer my question.


Freaking love her <3  We were blessed to see her in Season 2 and she was ROBBED of a win

you didn't answer my question.

cause it was a hypothetical that didn't need to be answered Smile

oh no you didn't....oh NO you didn't...

Lmao y'all need to let this woman live 

Right that's a regular fit where she lives lol idc I love Jodi for some reason lol 

Mike Lewis no longer advertises here since he's above us now. With that said he just did a Jodi interview and she said she can't find her road rules season anywhere and wants to show it to her kids. Can one of y'all try to find it and give it to me so I can link it to the queen? I'll give you the credit for finding it when I dm her.

Mike Lewis no longer advertises here since he's above us now. With that said he just did a Jodi interview and she said she can't find her road rules season anywhere and wants to show it to her kids. Can one of y'all try to find it and give it to me so I can link it to the queen? I'll give you the credit for finding it when I dm her.

who do you think you are??

Mike Lewis no longer advertises here since he's above us now. With that said he just did a Jodi interview and she said she can't find her road rules season anywhere and wants to show it to her kids. Can one of y'all try to find it and give it to me so I can link it to the queen? I'll give you the credit for finding it when I dm her.

I only know where to find episodes 11-17, but I wont post them in the thread because I dont want them taken down. Check your messages

Danny (RIP) hated Jodi with a passion after he was voted out of Xtreme and I think spread rumors of her being a ***** who kept her position by blowing Derrick and Patrick.  Gauntlet 2 was the same result in terms of Danny leaving early in a very embarassing duel with Alton (how the hell do you literally tap someone with just one mild shove, talk about weak) and still hating Jodi as well as Cara/Susie.  Shame he died a decade later.  I wonder whether he and Jodi at least made amends.

It's a travesty that Road Rules isn't on Paraflop.


Mike Lewis no longer advertises here since he's above us now. With that said he just did a Jodi interview and she said she can't find her road rules season anywhere and wants to show it to her kids. Can one of y'all try to find it and give it to me so I can link it to the queen? I'll give you the credit for finding it when I dm her.

I only know where to find episodes 11-17, but I wont post them in the thread because I dont want them taken down. Check your messages

Yes stans are seriously the superior fandom on this site. I dmed you back and will give you credit with a screenshot of you. Altho idk if I want her to know what vevmo is if she hasn't looked yet cause people said gross things about her looks on here for no reason. She says she follows spoilers but isn't internet savvy I feel like she just follows gamer 


If anyone can find episodes 1-10 let me know. You'll get credit too.


Mike Lewis no longer advertises here since he's above us now. With that said he just did a Jodi interview and she said she can't find her road rules season anywhere and wants to show it to her kids. Can one of y'all try to find it and give it to me so I can link it to the queen? I'll give you the credit for finding it when I dm her.

I only know where to find episodes 11-17, but I wont post them in the thread because I dont want them taken down. Check your messages

Exactly, Tvandcoffee  I found all of RR on torrent and youtube but not spilling no tea because of the simple fact the Fandom can't hold water 

Is jodi's hair still as flat as ever though?

Is jodi's hair still as flat as ever though?

LOLing. Aww Jodi's still a queen

Is jodi's hair still as flat as ever though?

Is KVM still annoying?


Is jodi's hair still as flat as ever though?

Is KVM still annoying?

