I desperately need someone to talk about the show with. I promise it's worth it. If you're that lazy go ahead and start on episode 3 where the drama really begins. I'm cackling.
Format: 6 teams of 4 friend groups compete in backyard style challenges. The episodes begin with a fast competiton (usually indoors) where the winning team wins the power to sabotage another team. At the main challenge teams compete to not be in the bottom 2. The two teams that finish the challenge last are automatically up for elimination. All four players in each team compete in the elimination challenge (these can get physical) and the losing team has to vote off a member of their own team. When a team of three loses an elimination challenge again, the entire team is eliminated from the competition. The winners in the final buddy games split 200k.
Most of the cast is over 40 as we know older contestants PROVIDE. Most are out of shape too. This is not a wannabe sport. There are a team of female derby players, paegent queens, old gays, black Chicago police officers, hicks from Oklahoma, and besties from philly.
Episode 3 commentary
The pageant queen team has lost their minds. I understand they want to rely on relationships and ride the middle but in this particular format of a show every single person in that house has three best friends in the house with them already. Nobody is going to save you because they became friends with you in the house. You have to make deals and alliances to survive. The fact that they are turning on their own for doing that for them is absolutely insane. Devi reminds me so much of BETH and I love it. I just know her team is going to vote her out if they lose elimination
The challenge is a game of soccer in those big tubes like in free agents. THESE PEOPLE ARE SO OLD AND FRAGILE. HOW DID SOMEONE GET INJURED LITERALLY 2 SECONDS AFTER THE WHISTLE WAS BLOWN. Don't those bubbles protect you from getting hurt???? This is a mess
Since y'all don't believe me
Like, do you freaks that watch big Brother and the challenge on Wednesdays do you seriously turn the TV off for an hour while this is airing? it makes no sense
I like the beauty pageant queens and the roller derby team.
People still watch live tv? Assumed everyone just recorded everything
So many new shows idk how y'all keep with all of them
record? who can afford cable in this economy
drop one show for another. I personally stopped watching Survivor altogether, and only watch the last half hour of the Thursday show of big Brother, which gives me time to watch this, and that ghetto CW reality show.
ive never seen this before but episode 3. having them all do confessoinals together as if they arent there is hysterical
thank you for watching CD. Up to this point there hadn't been drama within the teams. Remember they're all supposed to be a friend group outside of the show. I don't think the producers expected conflict like that lol But they definitely should've pulled her to the side and let her do her own confessional so we can hear her true thoughts without being interrupted
I'm sure it save them so much time though.
This looks too corny, the same reason I can't watch big brother
I wouldn't be surprised if they cast someone from this show for season 3 of The Challenge: U.S.A. because Emer and Julie are producers on Buddy Games.
Buddy Games ,BB ,TAR,Real Loveboat,Tough As Nails cast members will alliance to prevent another Survivor from winning CUSA3.
I wonder if they regret using Love Island for season 1 and want to stick to their iconic long running shows to cast from now. Maybe they don't care but might seem like a waste if they cast someone from a show that's gonna get canceled in the next couple years
Whats the real love.boat?
CBS's Love Island replacement. It's just Love Island on a cruise ship, only one episode a week, cast is slightly older. I don't know if it got renewd for a second season.
Theresa's brother/ Nany's ex was on it.