Big Brother: The Vevmo Takeover (Official Game Thread)

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THIS HOUSE IS MAKING ME CRAY! Talking to myself!!!!

Raymond we can bake peanut butter slop cookies or make peanut butter honey balls or honey vanilla protien shakes but Jellyfish...ummm nope! While some think it is ok to eat Jellyfish (i think they are crack pots, I trust my client who sells sushi grade seafood and says that the protein content is rather low and also has identified aluminum residue, which contaminates jellyfish during processing, as a health concern. I hope there is loats of crunchy for me!! Wink


I've been having the same problem with the pages... hopefully it's fixed now?

Although wtffffffffffffff @ this twist. This freaking sucks.

Raymond we can bake peanut butter slop cookies or make peanut butter honey balls or honey vanilla protien shakes but Jellyfish...ummm nope! While some think it is ok to eat Jellyfish (i think they are crack pots, I trust my client who sells sushi grade seafood and says that the protein content is rather low and also has identified aluminum residue, which contaminates jellyfish during processing, as a health concern. I hope there is loats of crunchy for me!! Wink


well I guess I'll be staying away from the jellyfish.

Don't forget Veto competition starts tonight @ 9pm EST. 







will be participating! 

Good luck to all those playing in the veto!

I'm here  - what now Shok


okayyyyyy who is here? 


I just got word from Raymond that you he won't be here until 9:30. So I'm gonna wait till then but once 9:30 comes and he is a no show we will 100% start! I'll even setup the chatzy at 9:25. 

kk I'll be back

Yup see you at 9:30

Thank god is at 9:30 because I totally forgot, but I'm here now.

i'm back

Welcome to your next POWER OF VETO competition!


This competition is called....


and here's how it works....


Tonight's competition will take place on chatzy. So go to this link.....

pick the color I choose for you







and type in your Vevmo screen name (just backspace where it says bbvt-- that is me) and say ready. I will then explain more! 

Shit I already made my default purple - why won't anyone let me be purple!???!

Congrats on pov 




you won the POWER OF VETO!


Congrats 202mitch on veto!

thanks guys Smile

Good job bubby!! Dance 4

Congratulations Mitch!

Nice one Mitch

Veto ceremony is tomorrow! 

LIVE vote and eviction will be Saturday night and start at 8pm EST-- please everyone show up! Wink

Veto ceremony is tomorrow! 

LIVE vote and eviction will be Saturday night and start at 8pm EST-- please everyone show up! Wink

i have work til 530 PST.

Congrats! Mitch Smile

Veto ceremony is tomorrow! 

LIVE vote and eviction will be Saturday night and start at 8pm EST-- please everyone show up! Wink

i have work til 530 PST.

Okay I'll be nice. The vote will start at 8:30 like usual but come 9pm-- HOH. So if you are late. Sorry. 

Veto ceremony is tomorrow! 

LIVE vote and eviction will be Saturday night and start at 8pm EST-- please everyone show up! Wink

i have work til 530 PST.

Okay I'll be nice. The vote will start at 8:30 like usual but come 9pm-- HOH. So if you are late. Sorry. 

How long will it last? I work night shift that day. So 1030 central

Veto ceremony is tomorrow! 

LIVE vote and eviction will be Saturday night and start at 8pm EST-- please everyone show up! Wink

i have work til 530 PST.

Okay I'll be nice. The vote will start at 8:30 like usual but come 9pm-- HOH. So if you are late. Sorry. 

How long will it last? I work night shift that day. So 1030 central

It'll be over before that. 

