He should nominate Paul/Victor & Bronte. Then get rid of Paul or Victor. Although, I'm soooooooooo not opposed to James being evicted but I know Paulie is not about that life and this week will be Frank's and the houses HOH zzzzzzz
So the 8 pack is already starting to not trust each other, they think Tiffany will throw them under the bus and make the first power move against them and they are worried she is going to say a bunch of things to put a target on frank
-if bronte/nat win road kill they are going to put up Tiffany so it looks like an attack from the 8 pack va if they put a bet up they will know who won.
-paulie convinced Paul to go up as a pawn this week and they may back door victor so he can't play in veto, bronte and Paul will be on the block then
- after victor they want bronte out so I can see Paul making t a little farther
-paulie is worried Davonee, Nicole, zaykaia will flip and work with bronte & Nat since they have more girls in the house now
-zayhkia doesn't trust frank at all and if he does anything shady they may try to evict him soon.
Also idk if it was mentioned but in Frank's opening interview with Jeff he mentioned he doesn't want to be a comp beast so he is going to try to avoid winning hem, if he needs to win he will but doesn't want the extra target on his back
Da'Vonne is disposable to me and her paranoid *** keep making me sick she needs to relax and just lay low or she'll be out before jury again. Zakiyah is jury bound right now for SURE. ❤
I'm kind of over this season already. The cast is bleh & there is no one that is extremely likeable. It is already predictable & I'm over the returnee's & siblings. I hate the ******* newbies didn't evict Paulie.
Da'Vonne is disposable to me and her paranoid *** keep making me sick she needs to relax and just lay low or she'll be out before jury again. Zakiyah is jury bound right now for SURE. ❤
She always starts over thinking and idk why. Meanwhile Z, is just along for the ride and she's sitting very pretty right now.
But does anyone else kinda miss BOB now? Like too many people IMO are just doing nothing. No drama either. Last night was sooooo boring but with BOB there would be drama because 4 people are going up so chaos would happen lol
However, I do see the Tiffany dislike. Like right now she isn't doing much but I'm pretty sure she will be the one that screws the girls over because she's getting very close to Paulie and I don't trust him either. Like on down the line that duo (like Davonne said) has got to go. I mean her sister is Vanessa and I think Tiffany is a bigger fan of the show than Vanessa.
I can't wait when it is annonced to everyone Tiffany is Vanessa sister like I would be ******* if she didn't mention it especially when paulie mentioned he was Cody brother... Then again I am not stupid and would no right away. I would have called her out day 2 on it
I can't wait when it is annonced to everyone Tiffany is Vanessa sister like I would be ******* if she didn't mention it especially when paulie mentioned he was Cody brother... Then again I am not stupid and would no right away. I would have called her out day 2 on it
Tiffany is in a lose/lose situation.
Paulie can play off being Cody's brother because Cody was really dumb but loyal as shit. Like he basically played for 2nd the entire season. Paulie can make people think he's loyal af just because he's Cody's brother.
On the other hand Vanessa was a smart *** player and if people knew Tiffany was Vanessa's sister they'd probably want to get rid of her sooner rather than later. Espessicaly James and Day.
Da'Vonne is disposable to me and her paranoid *** keep making me sick she needs to relax and just lay low or she'll be out before jury again. Zakiyah is jury bound right now for SURE. ❤
She always starts over thinking and idk why. Meanwhile Z, is just along for the ride and she's sitting very pretty right now. But does anyone else kinda miss BOB now? Like too many people IMO are just doing nothing. No drama either. Last night was sooooo boring but with BOB there would be drama because 4 people are going up so chaos would happen lol
I hated BOB tbh. And the only time they even really used it for decent strategy (trying to throw it so Frankie stays up) they couldn't even throw it correctly. Like that whole trio took m***ive L's that week.
Paul/Bronte are noms.Victor won roadkill and put up tiffany but apparently told a lot of people he won?
what a *******. Like why tell everyone when your low anyways it would be better for his game had he not told people because he could have made it look like an 8 pack did it and maybe got Tiffany to flip and work with them
Paul told victor everyone was working together except the 4 of them which victor didn't believe. Paul also said they would Backdoor him so Paul was actually attempting to convince victor to put himself out that way he could play in veto
Paul told victor everyone was working together except the 4 of them which victor didn't believe. Paul also said they would Backdoor him so Paul was actually attempting to convince victor to put himself out that way he could play in veto
Victor is the target. If anyone but tiffany wins victor is most likely going up. He should havr probably nomed himself but thats hella risky lmao
Tiffany will be safe this week. They want victor, bronte, Tiffany, Paul/Bridgette/Natalie out in that order so it sounds like if victor stays off the bronte will go
james,Nicole, Davonee, zaykaiah are all on bored for that
if you have all access you can watch season 1
Ok paulie 100% won he has an hoh key around his neck
If its 64 episodes for season 1 then this is th eone i found. I'm estactic now.
I think Paulie won HOH?
He should nominate Paul/Victor & Bronte. Then get rid of Paul or Victor. Although, I'm soooooooooo not opposed to James being evicted but I know Paulie is not about that life and this week will be Frank's and the houses HOH zzzzzzz
Waits for the episode where Bronte uses her real voice
Honestly as long as frank stays I would mind an non 8 pack player winning hoh but I also want bronte gone
OMG YAY PAULIE!!! Hope he nominates Victor and Paul.
So the 8 pack is already starting to not trust each other, they think Tiffany will throw them under the bus and make the first power move against them and they are worried she is going to say a bunch of things to put a target on frank
-if bronte/nat win road kill they are going to put up Tiffany so it looks like an attack from the 8 pack va if they put a bet up they will know who won.
-paulie convinced Paul to go up as a pawn this week and they may back door victor so he can't play in veto, bronte and Paul will be on the block then
- after victor they want bronte out so I can see Paul making t a little farther
-paulie is worried Davonee, Nicole, zaykaia will flip and work with bronte & Nat since they have more girls in the house now
-zayhkia doesn't trust frank at all and if he does anything shady they may try to evict him soon.
Also idk if it was mentioned but in Frank's opening interview with Jeff he mentioned he doesn't want to be a comp beast so he is going to try to avoid winning hem, if he needs to win he will but doesn't want the extra target on his back
Da'Vonne is disposable to me and her paranoid *** keep making me sick she needs to relax and just lay low or she'll be out before jury again. Zakiyah is jury bound right now for SURE. ❤
I'm kind of over this season already. The cast is bleh & there is no one that is extremely likeable. It is already predictable & I'm over the returnee's & siblings. I hate the ******* newbies didn't evict Paulie.
She always starts over thinking and idk why. Meanwhile Z, is just along for the ride and she's sitting very pretty right now.
But does anyone else kinda miss BOB now? Like too many people IMO are just doing nothing. No drama either. Last night was sooooo boring but with BOB there would be drama because 4 people are going up so chaos would happen lol
However, I do see the Tiffany dislike. Like right now she isn't doing much but I'm pretty sure she will be the one that screws the girls over because she's getting very close to Paulie and I don't trust him either. Like on down the line that duo (like Davonne said) has got to go. I mean her sister is Vanessa and I think Tiffany is a bigger fan of the show than Vanessa.
I can't wait when it is annonced to everyone Tiffany is Vanessa sister like I would be ******* if she didn't mention it especially when paulie mentioned he was Cody brother... Then again I am not stupid and would no right away. I would have called her out day 2 on it
Or better yet Vanessa IS Tiffany.
Tiffany is in a lose/lose situation.
Paulie can play off being Cody's brother because Cody was really dumb but loyal as shit. Like he basically played for 2nd the entire season. Paulie can make people think he's loyal af just because he's Cody's brother.
On the other hand Vanessa was a smart *** player and if people knew Tiffany was Vanessa's sister they'd probably want to get rid of her sooner rather than later. Espessicaly James and Day.
I hated BOB tbh. And the only time they even really used it for decent strategy (trying to throw it so Frankie stays up) they couldn't even throw it correctly. Like that whole trio took m***ive L's that week.
Paul/Bronte are noms.
Victor won roadkill and put up tiffany but apparently told a lot of people he won?
what a *******. Like why tell everyone when your low anyways it would be better for his game had he not told people because he could have made it look like an 8 pack did it and maybe got Tiffany to flip and work with them
But if Paul/bronte don't come down from veto bronte is going home
Paul told victor everyone was working together except the 4 of them which victor didn't believe. Paul also said they would Backdoor him so Paul was actually attempting to convince victor to put himself out that way he could play in veto
Victor is the target. If anyone but tiffany wins victor is most likely going up. He should havr probably nomed himself but thats hella risky lmao
Although apparently frank has mentioned trying to vote out tiffany and the 8 pack arr mostly on board
thats because they don't trust Tiffany and want her gone before double eviction
The whole house knows because of Frank and James and Victor still til this moment thinks that only Paulie/Frank and Paul knows.
Victor is the target this week and he doesn't even know it.
Tiffany will be safe this week. They want victor, bronte, Tiffany, Paul/Bridgette/Natalie out in that order so it sounds like if victor stays off the bronte will go
james,Nicole, Davonee, zaykaiah are all on bored for that
Davone and zaykaia are playing in veto
So Paul picked zaykaia for veto which was surprising because I would think he would pick victor.
Veto was a spelling one but letters were worth certain points like scrabble, paulie won so victor is going to go home probally