The Ellen and Puck rivalry is honestly so iconic. Like you could see they truly hated each other and it wasn't just a random drunk argument and then we're good the next days.
These two would've been another amazing team on Rivals 3 because they're both hotheads and won't hesitate to go off on anyone. On The Inferno II, the Bad ***** really wanted to get rid of The Miz because he was one of the best players on the Good Guys team. Abram w***ick of his team trying to get rid of Mike because they were best buds. He stated: "No, I do not have an alliance with Mike. If one more person accuses me of making an alliance, there's a real likelihood that my patience will wear off." And BOY, was he right! When Tina accused Abram of aligning with Mike, he went the **** off!
Forward to 16:05
Tina: "This is what I heard and I believe it, that you and Abram have an alliance!"
Abram: "Hold up, hold up, hold up, who do you think you're talking to? I voted for him because y'all wanted him, I didn't want to vote because I think it's wrong that you send players in that deserve to be here! I BELIEVE IN COMPETITION! I BELIEVE IN THE BEST ************* TO BE HERE IN THE END AND IF YOU ALL THINK I HAVE AN ALLIANCE WITH MIKE, YOU CAN ALL GO **** YOURSELVES!"
Abram: "I'm so full of shit?!? "
Tina: "YES YOU ARE! "
Everyone's reactions during this scene was everything. Veronica's laughter was ******* priceless lmaoooo you can tell that she was loving every minute of it. I mean, I would too. Abram's anger would crack me up but scare me at the same time. He was like a ticking time bomb. Tina pissed him off so much that he had to leave the room and throw a gl*** in order to express his frustration.
The hatred between Abram and Tina intensified towards the end of the season. Before the last female elimination, Abram, CT and Derrick wanted to keep Shavonda on the other team since she was the weaker player. However, Rachel, Tina and Veronica wanted to go against her because they weren't comfortable going against Jamie, who was the stronger player. Looking back on this is hilarious because Rachel knew damn well she could beat both of those girls LOL you could tell she just wanted Tina and Veronica to get a better chance of coming back. When Tina argued how the girls always supported the guys in their decisions, Abram lashed out and said she was full of it.
Abram: "It's Jamie, I'm not backing down from that! I hope you ******* go in! I hope you go home!"
Tina: "Ooooh lovely, you're very vindictive! You're a LITTLE *****!"
Abram: "OH!!!!!!"
They both got under each other's skin so much ***** it was everything. Abram actually did end up siding with the girls later so major points to him because Tina was always a ***** to him!
The Winner: In the final mission, Tina struggled and couldn't even run in the final lap. Abram had to carry her and w***o supportive towards her so I would say that the winner was Abram. I love Tina but she talked a big game and couldn't back it up.
Forward to 11:00-11:20
Wasn't it such a cute moment to see them work together? (=
18. Aneesa vs. Robin - The Duel
This is one of those rivalries where you wanted someone to get slapped. EVERYONE was #TeamAneesa when this episode aired. This rivalry was really surprising because Aneesa and Robin were on two challenges before The Duel and have always gotten along. When Robin got wasted, she went after Aneesa.
Robin: "Aneesa, you confuse the **** out of me! Aneesa, you're gay, lesbian, straight, Black, White, Puerto Rican, Portuguese, PICK SOMETHING!"
Aneesa: "You don't talk about Black, White, nothing! I ain't never said anything to anybody racially! GET THE **** OUT OF MY FACE, YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO WOMEN! YOU ARE A DISGRACE!"
Aneesa (interview): "Robin's acting like an idiot. And I'm like OH HELLLLLL NO."
Aneesa: "And you say some racial shit to me? You are an embarr***ment. I'm embarr***ed to be a ******* woman cause of you! Who the **** are you?!
Robin: "See you in the Duel."
Robin's comments were just disgusting. It w***o sad to see Aneesa break down after that argument. I really wanted to give her a hug. This scene just makes you feel for her.
Aneesa: "I'm proud of everything that I am. I accept everybody for who they are, no matter where they come from, what they choose to study, who they love."
After this argument, Aneesa went to confront Robin about what she said. It was hilarious when Aneesa said: "I'm trying to wake her up and she's like ehhhhh. And I'm like NO HOE, GET UP NOW." LMAO cl***ic Aneesa. During this argument, we learn that Robin has actually approached Aneesa multiple times saying that she never understood Aneesa. Robin was just being stubborn, she knew she was in the wrong and kept trying to make excuses. Both girls were just going back and forth, which resulted in Aneesa to stop interacting with Robin.
The Winner: Aneesa, hands down. She called Robin into the Duel like a G and sent her packing so justice w***erved (= I actually do like Robin and remember her tweeting about how she completely regretted her behavior in that episode. She apologized to Aneesa and it looks like they're on good terms now. During the episode when Trashelle went after Aneesa on Rivals 2, Robin tweeted: "Did Trishelle have an old me moment?" lmaooo both girls were a team on Rivals and it really sucked that they were eliminated in the first episode because I think that they had a lot of potential.
17. Coral vs. Trishelle - The Gauntlet & The Inferno
During the golden era, Coral and Trishelle were already known as Queens before they even made their Challenge debuts. Coral was known as the outspoken bad *** who would never let anyone talk down to her while Trashelle was known as the original thot. When both girls were on the Real World team, you already knew they weren't going to get along. Coral came into The Gauntlet with her best friend, Mike. Both players had won their very first challenge on Battle of the Seasons so Coral expected Mike to have her back. However, when Mike started dating Trishelle, he got hypnotized by her ****** (Coral's words lmaooo) and wanted to keep her around.
The build up towards their rivalry started when Trishelle called out Coral for being the weakest link on their team. Forward to 11:35
Trishelle: "I do not think that I am the weakest link on the team but I feel like I am so sick of everyone not being honest with themselves and I said that if I screwed up, I would vote for myself and today, a lot of people screwed up, I know I did too, but Coral, I do think you're the weakest. I am voting for myself but I do think that no one else will own up to their mistakes."
Coral's face during this scene is just PURE COMEDY. It looks like she's thinking "Just be cool. Let me not start with this *****....." and she delivers one of my favorite confessionals in Challenge history:
"Trishelle trashes everybody and goes I think everybody's just not willing to admit their mistakes and I think Coral's the weakest think. I was like *****HHHHHH." The way she imitated Trishelle's accent ******* killed me LOL and the editing was amazing! Right when Coral said *****HHHH, you see a lightning effect because she was that pissed off. Ah, it was glorious. After Trishelle won her elimination, she tried to vote Coral in once again. However, the Real Worlders rallied behind Coral and voted Trishelle in the very next elimination because they knew Coral was the better ***et. As a result, Trishelle ended up getting eliminated.
On The Inferno, the hatred between Coral and Trishelle intensified. Mike and Trishelle broke up because apparently, Trishelle got drunk and made out with five guys in front of him. "Not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE." True Challenge fans will know who said that quote anyways, Trishelle got jealous when she saw Mike dancing with Kendall. When Coral stood up for her buddy, Trishelle threatened to beat Coral's *** which was just....*****. We all know Trishelle would've gotten her shit rocked in like 5 seconds. And she also threatened to beat up The Miz and sweet MALLORY of all people! So her teammates nominated her for the Inferno because she w***uch a troublemaker.
When Coral confronted Trishelle before the elimination, Trishelle didn't want to hear it.
Forward to 9:20
Trishelle: "The only time when people change their votes is when you open your mouth in the meeting."
Coral: "Cause I believed in what I have to say and I still believe in my vote."
Trishelle: "You talk over everyone else in the ******* meeting and it goes your way."
Coral: "You're INSANE if you think...."
Julie trying to cut off Coral is HILARIOUS lmaoooo Coral's like ***** stay out of this. "Let me have this conversation. Let me have this conversation. LET ME HAVE THIS CONVERSATION." LOL
Coral: "You wanna blame you going into the Inferno on me. That's not cool. It's not my fault you're going into the inferno. They picked you! Not me."
Trishelle: "After you started talking."
Coral: "Who should I have nominated?"
Syrus ended up breaking the argument between Coral and Trishelle and Julie geeked the **** out lmaooo "She just stood up to Coral. AND CORAL LEFT. I NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THAT. You're amazing!" it was hilarious seeing Julie so happy that Coral left the room. Julie really thought Trishelle owned Coral in that argument but Coral only left because Syrus convinced her to lol Trishelle ended up getting eliminated early and I wish she stayed because I enjoyed the bond she shared with Julie over their dislike for Coral.
The Winner: Obviously, Coral. During their two season rivalry, Trishelle got eliminated while Coral made it to the finals both times. Both girls are actually on good terms now. I remember Trishelle saying in an interview for Seasons 2 that she wanted Coral to come back on a future challenge so they can both gang up on the new kids and run shit. Man, I would've LOVED if that happened. I was always #TeamCoral during their rivalry but I've grown to like Trishelle now. She was really entertaining on all of her Challenge seasons. Both Coral and Trishelle ended their Challenge careers on a bitter note so it would be great to see if they both ended up making kick *** comebacks in the future (=
Idk which ones are the rivalries from the JEK era, but I think the female outcast is Tonya vs. the Mean Girls an the two cast members that were hated maybe Susie/Cara?
Hints for the next four rivalries:-Two of these rivalries are from the JEK era-This female outcast went against a group of popular girls-These two cast members were HATED by their entire team after pulling a strategic move to benefit their game
I think as much as they clashed, Abe & Tina had a fondness for each other. During the Inferno elimination Tina was clearly pulling for Abe to win & their hug when he came back was sweet.
These are amazing Justin!The Ellen and Puck rivalry is honestly so iconic. Like you could see they truly hated each other and it wasn't just a random drunk argument and then we're good the next days.
Late as **** but this is so damn true. This was one the best rivalries this show has produced.
16. Chadwick & Holly vs. Road Rules - Battle of the Seasons
Oh Chadwick and Holly, the original Brad and Tori! Actually no, they were way more legendary than those two. Just like Ellen and Puck from Battle of the Sexes, Chadwick and Holly definitely made their one and only appearance count. Battle of the Seasons was the first challenge that featured the vote-off system, which allowed the competitors to play the game dirty. When Chadwick and Holly landed in the first inner circle, they wanted to make sure that the stronger players were eliminated so they could continue saving themselves. As a result, they voted off Yes & Veronica, who were just one point away from receiving a spot in the first inner circle.
A LOT of Road Rulers were furious and vowed to get revenge on them. Chadwick and Holly also pissed off their teammates outside of the game too. For example, they loved to judge Belou on her parenting skills but she was clearly NOT the one to **** with LMAO on this challenge, Belou brought her baby with her which is hilarious because no one would ever be able to do that now. When Chadwick called out Belou for not watching her baby, she went off on him and it was TV GOLD.
Forward to 4:40-5:30
Belou: Don't talk about my ******* kid! OK? Cuz you don't know me!
Chadwick: That's appropriate.
Belou: *****!
Chadwick: That's appropriate.
Belou: *****! You wanna try and tell me I'm not a good muhdur?!?
Chadwick: Yeah, you're not a good mother.
lmaoooo Belou's use of the word "*****" is so ******* great! After Belou argues with Chadwick, Holly jumps in and tell her that she needs to get her baby away from the window. Big mistake. Belou's imitation of Chadwick and Holly is PRICELESS.
Forward to 6:25
Holly: I didn't say anything rude!
Belou: "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT HER IN FRONT OF THE GL***! NOOOO, YUR NOT A GOOD MUHDURR!" You told me that and I hope you NEVER get a child YO! I HOPE THAT FOR YA *** AND YA KNOW WHY?! Because you hurt me YO, talking about my kid!
Holly: I can't wait to know what her first word is.
This has to be one of the funniest moments in Challenge history! SO MANY epic one-liners. This scene never fails to crack me up. Belou was also an AMAZING one-hit wonder that would've been great on future challenges! She gave me Angelique (Rock of Love 2/I Love Money 2) vibes lmaoooo I thought it was hilarious how this whole fight was going on during a dangerous hurricane and Belou gave NO ****S. Since there was a hurricane, the cast decided to have a toga party later and of course, Chadwick and Holly isolated themselves from everybody to go be holy or whatever.
Chadwick and Holly's dirty game eventually came to bite them in the ***. Emily B. (the OG Queen of Mean) told some of their teammates that she had an alliance with Chadwick and Holly. Chadwick called Emily a liar, which caused SO MUCH CHAOS. Chadwick's speech to his alliance w***o ******* entertaining:
Forward to 8:50
Chadwick: I'm a strong competitor. I'm a strong team. I'm gonna stay at the top as long as I can. I'm gonna vote how I feel the need to to get someone out of there but I'm not gonna partake in this. I think this is horeshit. And I think it's gotten way out of hand and people are taking it too far, blaming my wife and I because we have doubled our odds to walk with $100,000. You guys can just kiss my ***. And just for the record, I'm breaking this thing. I'm breaking this alliance right now!
When Dan/Tara and Timmy/Emily won their spots in the next inner circle, they decided to vote off Chadwick for his shady ways. Chadwick w***o pissed off that he sent Emily an email telling her what a horrible person she was LOL that's how you know this rivalry was ******* epic!
The Winner: Although Chadwick and Holly were super entertaining, they definitely are the losers. Chadwick got eliminated early and karma came back to bite Holly in the *** in the final mission. She was the ONLY Road Ruler in the final who did not make any cash (Real World and Road Rules made deals with each other so they can all receive money) because she refused to make a deal with Coral, who ended up walking away with the most money
I'm glad this didn't completely die and that it came back with one of my top 3 challenge (moments? more like 10 moments!) ever! I would give anything to see Belou today. I am finding it hard to think of anyone else who was so epic in such a short and only appearance. Holly & Chadwick were heinous and I could not stand them, but I'd have liked to see how their stank attitudes on BOTSeasons would have impacted them in other formats of challenges.
After Beth's epic Inferno 2/Gauntlet 2 apperances, it seemed like it was a tradition for everyone to hate her for no reason. Beth was the true Challenge outcast and gave no *****, which is why she w***uch an amazing character. During the second challenge, ALL of the girls targeted Beth and ganged up on her her during the first heat because they were threatened by her.
Kina: I'm gunning for Beth because I don't trust her. Honestly, I have never ever ever seen a more evil, conniving individual in my life. I'm uncomfortable by her presence and feel like nauseous when she's around.
Beth: From what I hear, the girls are gunning for me and I'm the *****. WHATEVER! I find it very amusing, you know. Be afraid. Be very afraid,*******! Because ya know what, if this wasn't a popularity contest, I'd have your ***** on a platter!
Kina and Beth's confessionals were everything LMAO what's hilarious is that before this challenge, Beth never backstabbed Kina or did anything to her when they were on The Gauntlet 2 but of course, Kina had to jump on the Anti-Beth bandwagon because that was the cool thing to do! Beth let the girls know that she was not afraid of them and told Jodi that if she was voted into the Duel, she would pick one of her friends, which TERRIFIED Jodi's alliance, especially Kina who shouted "THIS IS BLACKMAIL!" Kina's fear of Beth was ******* hilarious ***** she constantly bashed Beth in interviews but during Casey's aftershow interview with Blair, they aired clips of Kina kissing Beth's *** telling her that she is an amazing player and deserves to go far because Kina knew damn well that Beth would kick her *** in a duel!
Beth LOVED the attention she got from the other girls and planned to make their lives a living hell. When she won the "Push Over" mission, everyone was nervous because they realized that Osama Beth Laden had some power. Since Beth was in a good position, she decided to call the girls out on their gang jumping ways <3 Robin told Beth that she needed to stop being paranoid and acting like everyone is out to get her which is just....LOL I like Robin but it's hilarious how she said that since she becomes a super paranoid player in her future seasons.
Since Beth w***ick of the girls ganging up on her, she branded Jodi, Kina, Diem and Robin "The Drama Mafia" and made it her goal to get rid of them. As a result, she created one of my favorite alliances in Challenge history, the outcast alliance, which consisted of her, Aneesa, Nehemiah and Wes B)
Beth(confessional): Look, I'm no dummy, I couldn't stand Aneesa but I told her together, WE ARE POWERFUL!
Beth: We have each other.
Aneesa: I know, Ebony and Ivory!
Beth: We gotta break up that alliance.
Wes: You guys can team up!
Beth: The four of us can take those******* on! Let's just team up and do it, we can beat them!
Beth (confessional): We realize that we need to be together as a team. We are just mirroring what you are doing to us. TAKE THAT DRAMA MAFIA, HE HE HE HE!
The scene with the outcast alliance was one of the best endings to an episode ever!
The Winner: Sadly, Beth got eliminated on a stupid DQ BS rule against Svetlana in "Push Me" which was obviously rigged by production. However, I still believe that Beth is the winner in my eyes because the other girls were so terrified of her while she loved torturing them every second she got. Beth MADE the first half of The Duel AWESOME. It's a shame she got eliminated early because I would've loved to see her continue the outcast alliance with Aneesa and Wes. Her outcast legacy will never be forgotten though <3 she is the true example of an underdog who will not hesitate to go against the popular kids! Beth for Challenge 29!
I'm glad this didn't completely die and that it came back with one of my top 3 challenge (moments? more like 10 moments!) ever! I would give anything to see Belou today. I am finding it hard to think of anyone else who was so epic in such a short and only appearance. Holly & Chadwick were heinous and I could not stand them, but I'd have liked to see how their stank attitudes on BOTSeasons would have impacted them in other formats of challenges.
Battle of the Seasons is one of my favorite seasons ever and the Belou scene still cracks me up to this day! I HATED Chadwick and Holly but they were so entertaining to me. And I agree, I wish all three of them did at least one more challenge. The vibe on Battle of the Seasons was so different compared to the newer seasons. There was drama but it was GAME DRAMA that was interesting. And you can tell that so many cast members had such a great vacation because the environment looked like it was a lot of fun. The toga party scene is one of my favorites
I'm glad this didn't completely die and that it came back with one of my top 3 challenge (moments? more like 10 moments!) ever! I would give anything to see Belou today. I am finding it hard to think of anyone else who was so epic in such a short and only appearance. Holly & Chadwick were heinous and I could not stand them, but I'd have liked to see how their stank attitudes on BOTSeasons would have impacted them in other formats of challenges.
Battle of the Seasons is one of my favorite seasons ever and the Belou scene still cracks me up to this day! I HATED Chadwick and Holly but they were so entertaining to me. And I agree, I wish all three of them did at least one more challenge. The vibe on Battle of the Seasons was so different compared to the newer seasons. There was drama but it was GAME DRAMA that was interesting. And you can tell that so many cast members had such a great vacation because the environment looked like it was a lot of fun. The toga party scene is one of my favorites can you imagine those three on The Gauntlet or Inferno? Would've been amazing.
And was pretty evident the cast had a good time. Far Cry from today where everyone seems miserable.
Your write-up of Puck vs. Ellen made me remember how entertaining Ellen was. Definitely one of the top one hit wonders this show has seen.
Queen Ellen <3 she was everything you'd want in a competitor. A kick *** player who brought the drama with her meltdowns and controversial game moves. Her reactions to everyone were hilarious too. I was watching an episode where Ellen was pissed off that Emily B. wasn't listening to her trying to have a meeting with the girls and she said in her confessional "NOW, I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOU, EMILY!", tilted her head and smiled so *****y lmaoooo I would have loved to see Ellen do a challenge with Coral.
Your write-up of Puck vs. Ellen made me remember how entertaining Ellen was. Definitely one of the top one hit wonders this show has seen.
Queen Ellen <3 she was everything you'd want in a competitor. A kick *** player who brought the drama with her meltdowns and controversial game moves. Her reactions to everyone were hilarious too. I was watching an episode where Ellen was pissed off that Emily B. wasn't listening to her trying to have a meeting with the girls and she said in her confessional "NOW, I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOU, EMILY!", tilted her head and smiled so *****y lmaoooo I would have loved to see Ellen do a challenge with Coral.
Do you know how amazing that would've been given Ellen had got into it with Coral before? That would've been legendary.
MTV Junky wrote:Your write-up of Puck vs. Ellen made me remember how entertaining Ellen was. Definitely one of the top one hit wonders this show has seen.
Queen Ellen <3 she was everything you'd want in a competitor. A kick *** player who brought the drama with her meltdowns and controversial game moves. Her reactions to everyone were hilarious too. I was watching an episode where Ellen was pissed off that Emily B. wasn't listening to her trying to have a meeting with the girls and she said in her confessional "NOW, I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOU, EMILY!", tilted her head and smiled so *****y lmaoooo I would have loved to see Ellen do a challenge with Coral.
Do you know how amazing that would've been given Ellen had got into it with Coral before? That would've been legendary.
It would've been everything and I can totally see them getting into it again if Ellen was on The Inferno and Battle of the Sexes 2 because Ellen was good friends with Julie and Tonya and she would have stood up for them. I loved the friendship between Ellen and Tonya on Battle of the Sexes! It's crazy to see how chill and innocent Tonya was on her debut season.
MTV Junky wrote:Your write-up of Puck vs. Ellen made me remember how entertaining Ellen was. Definitely one of the top one hit wonders this show has seen.
Queen Ellen <3 she was everything you'd want in a competitor. A kick *** player who brought the drama with her meltdowns and controversial game moves. Her reactions to everyone were hilarious too. I was watching an episode where Ellen was pissed off that Emily B. wasn't listening to her trying to have a meeting with the girls and she said in her confessional "NOW, I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOU, EMILY!", tilted her head and smiled so *****y lmaoooo I would have loved to see Ellen do a challenge with Coral.
Do you know how amazing that would've been given Ellen had got into it with Coral before? That would've been legendary.
It would've been everything and I can totally see them getting into it again if Ellen was on The Inferno and Battle of the Sexes 2 because Ellen was good friends with Julie and Tonya and she would have stood up for them. I loved the friendship between Ellen and Tonya on Battle of the Sexes! It's crazy to see how chill and innocent Tonya was on her debut season.
Yep..Especially knowing what she would evenutally become.
But yeah..I think Ellen would've challenged Coral had she been on on Sexes 2. I could also see her going at it with Tina as well. Ellen proably would've gotten in the middle of the whole Coral/Julie debacle and THAT would've been a shit storm.
Battle of The Seasons cast had SO MUCH potential, so sad most of them never came back. I really liked Kelley beating everybody in "Vertical Limit!", Belou, Chadwick and Holly, Tara, Becky, Lindsay, King Slapper, Sean, Piggy, Sharon, Mike from Miami, so many good people, golden era tbh.
Battle of The Seasons cast had SO MUCH potential, so sad most of them never came back. I really liked Kelley beating everybody in "Vertical Limit!", Belou, Chadwick and Holly, Tara, Becky, Lindsay, King Slapper, Sean, Piggy, Sharon, Mike from Miami, so many good people, golden era tbh.
Reading that I realized that alot of the seasons 1 cast did not return. Shame because some of them could've been good characters later on in the shows life.
These are amazing Justin!
The Ellen and Puck rivalry is honestly so iconic. Like you could see they truly hated each other and it wasn't just a random drunk argument and then we're good the next days.
This is great!!
Hoping to see Kina and Cara on here somewhere!
I didn't know this was Justin's thread...i'll be keeping up with this then lmaoo
Thanks for the feedback guys! I just got home from my vacation so I will be updating the thread soon. Here are some hints for then next few rivalries:
-This cast member sent her rival home in an elimination round
-This cast member nicknamed her rival "The InfernHOE"
there was plenty of rivaleries on the challenges
19. Abram vs. Tina - The Inferno II
These two would've been another amazing team on Rivals 3 because they're both hotheads and won't hesitate to go off on anyone. On The Inferno II, the Bad ***** really wanted to get rid of The Miz because he was one of the best players on the Good Guys team. Abram w***ick of his team trying to get rid of Mike because they were best buds. He stated: "No, I do not have an alliance with Mike. If one more person accuses me of making an alliance, there's a real likelihood that my patience will wear off." And BOY, was he right! When Tina accused Abram of aligning with Mike, he went the **** off!
Forward to 16:05
Tina: "This is what I heard and I believe it, that you and Abram have an alliance!"
Abram: "Hold up, hold up, hold up, who do you think you're talking to? I voted for him because y'all wanted him, I didn't want to vote because I think it's wrong that you send players in that deserve to be here! I BELIEVE IN COMPETITION! I BELIEVE IN THE BEST ************* TO BE HERE IN THE END AND IF YOU ALL THINK I HAVE AN ALLIANCE WITH MIKE, YOU CAN ALL GO **** YOURSELVES!"
Abram: "I'm so full of shit?!? "
Tina: "YES YOU ARE! "
Everyone's reactions during this scene was everything. Veronica's laughter was ******* priceless lmaoooo you can tell that she was loving every minute of it. I mean, I would too. Abram's anger would crack me up but scare me at the same time. He was like a ticking time bomb. Tina pissed him off so much that he had to leave the room and throw a gl*** in order to express his frustration.
The hatred between Abram and Tina intensified towards the end of the season. Before the last female elimination, Abram, CT and Derrick wanted to keep Shavonda on the other team since she was the weaker player. However, Rachel, Tina and Veronica wanted to go against her because they weren't comfortable going against Jamie, who was the stronger player. Looking back on this is hilarious because Rachel knew damn well she could beat both of those girls LOL you could tell she just wanted Tina and Veronica to get a better chance of coming back. When Tina argued how the girls always supported the guys in their decisions, Abram lashed out and said she was full of it.
Abram: "It's Jamie, I'm not backing down from that! I hope you ******* go in! I hope you go home!"
Tina: "Ooooh lovely, you're very vindictive! You're a LITTLE *****!"
Abram: "OH!!!!!!"
They both got under each other's skin so much ***** it was everything. Abram actually did end up siding with the girls later so major points to him because Tina was always a ***** to him!
The Winner: In the final mission, Tina struggled and couldn't even run in the final lap. Abram had to carry her and w***o supportive towards her so I would say that the winner was Abram. I love Tina but she talked a big game and couldn't back it up.
Forward to 11:00-11:20
Wasn't it such a cute moment to see them work together? (=
18. Aneesa vs. Robin - The Duel
This is one of those rivalries where you wanted someone to get slapped. EVERYONE was #TeamAneesa when this episode aired. This rivalry was really surprising because Aneesa and Robin were on two challenges before The Duel and have always gotten along. When Robin got wasted, she went after Aneesa.
Forward to 2:00
Robin: "Aneesa, you confuse the **** out of me! Aneesa, you're gay, lesbian, straight, Black, White, Puerto Rican, Portuguese, PICK SOMETHING!"
Aneesa: "You don't talk about Black, White, nothing! I ain't never said anything to anybody racially! GET THE **** OUT OF MY FACE, YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO WOMEN! YOU ARE A DISGRACE!"
Aneesa (interview): "Robin's acting like an idiot. And I'm like OH HELLLLLL NO."
Aneesa: "And you say some racial shit to me? You are an embarr***ment. I'm embarr***ed to be a ******* woman cause of you! Who the **** are you?!
Robin: "See you in the Duel."
Robin's comments were just disgusting. It w***o sad to see Aneesa break down after that argument. I really wanted to give her a hug. This scene just makes you feel for her.
Aneesa: "I'm proud of everything that I am. I accept everybody for who they are, no matter where they come from, what they choose to study, who they love."
After this argument, Aneesa went to confront Robin about what she said. It was hilarious when Aneesa said: "I'm trying to wake her up and she's like ehhhhh. And I'm like NO HOE, GET UP NOW." LMAO cl***ic Aneesa. During this argument, we learn that Robin has actually approached Aneesa multiple times saying that she never understood Aneesa. Robin was just being stubborn, she knew she was in the wrong and kept trying to make excuses. Both girls were just going back and forth, which resulted in Aneesa to stop interacting with Robin.
Forward to 4:45
The Winner: Aneesa, hands down. She called Robin into the Duel like a G and sent her packing so justice w***erved (= I actually do like Robin and remember her tweeting about how she completely regretted her behavior in that episode. She apologized to Aneesa and it looks like they're on good terms now. During the episode when Trashelle went after Aneesa on Rivals 2, Robin tweeted: "Did Trishelle have an old me moment?" lmaooo both girls were a team on Rivals and it really sucked that they were eliminated in the first episode because I think that they had a lot of potential.
17. Coral vs. Trishelle - The Gauntlet & The Inferno
During the golden era, Coral and Trishelle were already known as Queens before they even made their Challenge debuts. Coral was known as the outspoken bad *** who would never let anyone talk down to her while Trashelle was known as the original thot. When both girls were on the Real World team, you already knew they weren't going to get along. Coral came into The Gauntlet with her best friend, Mike. Both players had won their very first challenge on Battle of the Seasons so Coral expected Mike to have her back. However, when Mike started dating Trishelle, he got hypnotized by her ****** (Coral's words lmaooo) and wanted to keep her around.
The build up towards their rivalry started when Trishelle called out Coral for being the weakest link on their team. Forward to 11:35
Trishelle: "I do not think that I am the weakest link on the team but I feel like I am so sick of everyone not being honest with themselves and I said that if I screwed up, I would vote for myself and today, a lot of people screwed up, I know I did too, but Coral, I do think you're the weakest. I am voting for myself but I do think that no one else will own up to their mistakes."
Coral's face during this scene is just PURE COMEDY. It looks like she's thinking "Just be cool. Let me not start with this *****....." and she delivers one of my favorite confessionals in Challenge history:
"Trishelle trashes everybody and goes I think everybody's just not willing to admit their mistakes and I think Coral's the weakest think. I was like *****HHHHHH." The way she imitated Trishelle's accent ******* killed me LOL and the editing was amazing! Right when Coral said *****HHHH, you see a lightning effect because she was that pissed off. Ah, it was glorious. After Trishelle won her elimination, she tried to vote Coral in once again. However, the Real Worlders rallied behind Coral and voted Trishelle in the very next elimination because they knew Coral was the better ***et. As a result, Trishelle ended up getting eliminated.
On The Inferno, the hatred between Coral and Trishelle intensified. Mike and Trishelle broke up because apparently, Trishelle got drunk and made out with five guys in front of him. "Not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE." True Challenge fans will know who said that quote anyways, Trishelle got jealous when she saw Mike dancing with Kendall. When Coral stood up for her buddy, Trishelle threatened to beat Coral's *** which was just....*****. We all know Trishelle would've gotten her shit rocked in like 5 seconds. And she also threatened to beat up The Miz and sweet MALLORY of all people! So her teammates nominated her for the Inferno because she w***uch a troublemaker.
When Coral confronted Trishelle before the elimination, Trishelle didn't want to hear it.
Forward to 9:20
Trishelle: "The only time when people change their votes is when you open your mouth in the meeting."
Coral: "Cause I believed in what I have to say and I still believe in my vote."
Trishelle: "You talk over everyone else in the ******* meeting and it goes your way."
Coral: "You're INSANE if you think...."
Julie trying to cut off Coral is HILARIOUS lmaoooo Coral's like ***** stay out of this. "Let me have this conversation. Let me have this conversation. LET ME HAVE THIS CONVERSATION." LOL
Coral: "You wanna blame you going into the Inferno on me. That's not cool. It's not my fault you're going into the inferno. They picked you! Not me."
Trishelle: "After you started talking."
Coral: "Who should I have nominated?"
Syrus ended up breaking the argument between Coral and Trishelle and Julie geeked the **** out lmaooo "She just stood up to Coral. AND CORAL LEFT. I NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THAT. You're amazing!" it was hilarious seeing Julie so happy that Coral left the room. Julie really thought Trishelle owned Coral in that argument but Coral only left because Syrus convinced her to lol Trishelle ended up getting eliminated early and I wish she stayed because I enjoyed the bond she shared with Julie over their dislike for Coral.
The Winner: Obviously, Coral. During their two season rivalry, Trishelle got eliminated while Coral made it to the finals both times. Both girls are actually on good terms now. I remember Trishelle saying in an interview for Seasons 2 that she wanted Coral to come back on a future challenge so they can both gang up on the new kids and run shit. Man, I would've LOVED if that happened. I was always #TeamCoral during their rivalry but I've grown to like Trishelle now. She was really entertaining on all of her Challenge seasons. Both Coral and Trishelle ended their Challenge careers on a bitter note so it would be great to see if they both ended up making kick *** comebacks in the future (=
Hints for the next four rivalries:
-Two of these rivalries are from the JEK era
-This female outcast went against a group of popular girls
-These two cast members were HATED by their entire team after pulling a strategic move to benefit their game
I lived for the Coral/Trishelle feud
Idk which ones are the rivalries from the JEK era, but I think the female outcast is Tonya vs. the Mean Girls an the two cast members that were hated maybe Susie/Cara?
Abram, Tina, Coral, Trishelle.... all classic cast members who will never be matched again. Golden days are far behind us.
Tonya/Veronica, Cara and Susie/Kina. From JEK era Wes/Kenny I guess.
Kenny vs Wes & Evelyn vs Johnny from JEK era
Tonya vs The Mean Girls
Susie/Cara vs Good Guys on Inferno 3
kina vs angel was such an underrated and epic rivalry
I really would've liked to see how Abe & Tina dealt with each other on the South Pacific RV lmaoo
I imagine there would be alot of fighting and *****ing and black eyes.
I think as much as they clashed, Abe & Tina had a fondness for each other. During the Inferno elimination Tina was clearly pulling for Abe to win & their hug when he came back was sweet.
Late as **** but this is so damn true. This was one the best rivalries this show has produced.
16. Chadwick & Holly vs. Road Rules - Battle of the Seasons
Oh Chadwick and Holly, the original Brad and Tori! Actually no, they were way more legendary than those two. Just like Ellen and Puck from Battle of the Sexes, Chadwick and Holly definitely made their one and only appearance count. Battle of the Seasons was the first challenge that featured the vote-off system, which allowed the competitors to play the game dirty. When Chadwick and Holly landed in the first inner circle, they wanted to make sure that the stronger players were eliminated so they could continue saving themselves. As a result, they voted off Yes & Veronica, who were just one point away from receiving a spot in the first inner circle.
A LOT of Road Rulers were furious and vowed to get revenge on them. Chadwick and Holly also pissed off their teammates outside of the game too. For example, they loved to judge Belou on her parenting skills but she was clearly NOT the one to **** with LMAO on this challenge, Belou brought her baby with her which is hilarious because no one would ever be able to do that now. When Chadwick called out Belou for not watching her baby, she went off on him and it was TV GOLD.
Forward to 4:40-5:30
Belou: Don't talk about my ******* kid! OK? Cuz you don't know me!
Chadwick: That's appropriate.
Belou: *****!
Chadwick: That's appropriate.
Belou: *****! You wanna try and tell me I'm not a good muhdur?!?
Chadwick: Yeah, you're not a good mother.
lmaoooo Belou's use of the word "*****" is so ******* great! After Belou argues with Chadwick, Holly jumps in and tell her that she needs to get her baby away from the window. Big mistake. Belou's imitation of Chadwick and Holly is PRICELESS.
Forward to 6:25
Holly: I didn't say anything rude!
Belou: "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT HER IN FRONT OF THE GL***! NOOOO, YUR NOT A GOOD MUHDURR!" You told me that and I hope you NEVER get a child YO! I HOPE THAT FOR YA *** AND YA KNOW WHY?! Because you hurt me YO, talking about my kid!
Holly: I can't wait to know what her first word is.
This has to be one of the funniest moments in Challenge history! SO MANY epic one-liners. This scene never fails to crack me up. Belou was also an AMAZING one-hit wonder that would've been great on future challenges! She gave me Angelique (Rock of Love 2/I Love Money 2) vibes lmaoooo I thought it was hilarious how this whole fight was going on during a dangerous hurricane and Belou gave NO ****S. Since there was a hurricane, the cast decided to have a toga party later and of course, Chadwick and Holly isolated themselves from everybody to go be holy or whatever.
Chadwick and Holly's dirty game eventually came to bite them in the ***. Emily B. (the OG Queen of Mean) told some of their teammates that she had an alliance with Chadwick and Holly. Chadwick called Emily a liar, which caused SO MUCH CHAOS. Chadwick's speech to his alliance w***o ******* entertaining:
Forward to 8:50
Chadwick: I'm a strong competitor. I'm a strong team. I'm gonna stay at the top as long as I can. I'm gonna vote how I feel the need to to get someone out of there but I'm not gonna partake in this. I think this is horeshit. And I think it's gotten way out of hand and people are taking it too far, blaming my wife and I because we have doubled our odds to walk with $100,000. You guys can just kiss my ***. And just for the record, I'm breaking this thing. I'm breaking this alliance right now!
When Dan/Tara and Timmy/Emily won their spots in the next inner circle, they decided to vote off Chadwick for his shady ways. Chadwick w***o pissed off that he sent Emily an email telling her what a horrible person she was LOL that's how you know this rivalry was ******* epic!
The Winner: Although Chadwick and Holly were super entertaining, they definitely are the losers. Chadwick got eliminated early and karma came back to bite Holly in the *** in the final mission. She was the ONLY Road Ruler in the final who did not make any cash (Real World and Road Rules made deals with each other so they can all receive money) because she refused to make a deal with Coral, who ended up walking away with the most money
Whoa how am I just now finding this? I have a bunch of reading to catch up on tomorrow.
I'm glad this didn't completely die and that it came back with one of my top 3 challenge (moments? more like 10 moments!) ever! I would give anything to see Belou today. I am finding it hard to think of anyone else who was so epic in such a short and only appearance. Holly & Chadwick were heinous and I could not stand them, but I'd have liked to see how their stank attitudes on BOTSeasons would have impacted them in other formats of challenges.
15. Beth vs. The Drama Mafia - The Duel
After Beth's epic Inferno 2/Gauntlet 2 apperances, it seemed like it was a tradition for everyone to hate her for no reason. Beth was the true Challenge outcast and gave no *****, which is why she w***uch an amazing character. During the second challenge, ALL of the girls targeted Beth and ganged up on her her during the first heat because they were threatened by her.
Kina: I'm gunning for Beth because I don't trust her. Honestly, I have never ever ever seen a more evil, conniving individual in my life. I'm uncomfortable by her presence and feel like nauseous when she's around.
Beth: From what I hear, the girls are gunning for me and I'm the *****. WHATEVER! I find it very amusing, you know. Be afraid. Be very afraid,*******! Because ya know what, if this wasn't a popularity contest, I'd have your ***** on a platter!
Kina and Beth's confessionals were everything LMAO what's hilarious is that before this challenge, Beth never backstabbed Kina or did anything to her when they were on The Gauntlet 2 but of course, Kina had to jump on the Anti-Beth bandwagon because that was the cool thing to do! Beth let the girls know that she was not afraid of them and told Jodi that if she was voted into the Duel, she would pick one of her friends, which TERRIFIED Jodi's alliance, especially Kina who shouted "THIS IS BLACKMAIL!" Kina's fear of Beth was ******* hilarious ***** she constantly bashed Beth in interviews but during Casey's aftershow interview with Blair, they aired clips of Kina kissing Beth's *** telling her that she is an amazing player and deserves to go far because Kina knew damn well that Beth would kick her *** in a duel!
Beth LOVED the attention she got from the other girls and planned to make their lives a living hell. When she won the "Push Over" mission, everyone was nervous because they realized that Osama Beth Laden had some power. Since Beth was in a good position, she decided to call the girls out on their gang jumping ways <3 Robin told Beth that she needed to stop being paranoid and acting like everyone is out to get her which is just....LOL I like Robin but it's hilarious how she said that since she becomes a super paranoid player in her future seasons.
Since Beth w***ick of the girls ganging up on her, she branded Jodi, Kina, Diem and Robin "The Drama Mafia" and made it her goal to get rid of them. As a result, she created one of my favorite alliances in Challenge history, the outcast alliance, which consisted of her, Aneesa, Nehemiah and Wes B)
Beth(confessional): Look, I'm no dummy, I couldn't stand Aneesa but I told her together, WE ARE POWERFUL!
Beth: We have each other.
Aneesa: I know, Ebony and Ivory!
Beth: We gotta break up that alliance.
Wes: You guys can team up!
Beth: The four of us can take those******* on! Let's just team up and do it, we can beat them!
Beth (confessional): We realize that we need to be together as a team. We are just mirroring what you are doing to us. TAKE THAT DRAMA MAFIA, HE HE HE HE!
The scene with the outcast alliance was one of the best endings to an episode ever!
The Winner: Sadly, Beth got eliminated on a stupid DQ BS rule against Svetlana in "Push Me" which was obviously rigged by production. However, I still believe that Beth is the winner in my eyes because the other girls were so terrified of her while she loved torturing them every second she got. Beth MADE the first half of The Duel AWESOME. It's a shame she got eliminated early because I would've loved to see her continue the outcast alliance with Aneesa and Wes. Her outcast legacy will never be forgotten though <3 she is the true example of an underdog who will not hesitate to go against the popular kids! Beth for Challenge 29!
Battle of the Seasons is one of my favorite seasons ever and the Belou scene still cracks me up to this day! I HATED Chadwick and Holly but they were so entertaining to me. And I agree, I wish all three of them did at least one more challenge. The vibe on Battle of the Seasons was so different compared to the newer seasons. There was drama but it was GAME DRAMA that was interesting. And you can tell that so many cast members had such a great vacation because the environment looked like it was a lot of fun. The toga party scene is one of my favorites can you imagine those three on The Gauntlet or Inferno? Would've been amazing.
And was pretty evident the cast had a good time. Far Cry from today where everyone seems miserable.
Your write-up of Puck vs. Ellen made me remember how entertaining Ellen was. Definitely one of the top one hit wonders this show has seen.
Queen Ellen <3 she was everything you'd want in a competitor. A kick *** player who brought the drama with her meltdowns and controversial game moves. Her reactions to everyone were hilarious too. I was watching an episode where Ellen was pissed off that Emily B. wasn't listening to her trying to have a meeting with the girls and she said in her confessional "NOW, I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOU, EMILY!", tilted her head and smiled so *****y lmaoooo I would have loved to see Ellen do a challenge with Coral.
Do you know how amazing that would've been given Ellen had got into it with Coral before? That would've been legendary.
It would've been everything and I can totally see them getting into it again if Ellen was on The Inferno and Battle of the Sexes 2 because Ellen was good friends with Julie and Tonya and she would have stood up for them. I loved the friendship between Ellen and Tonya on Battle of the Sexes! It's crazy to see how chill and innocent Tonya was on her debut season.
Yep..Especially knowing what she would evenutally become.
But yeah..I think Ellen would've challenged Coral had she been on on Sexes 2. I could also see her going at it with Tina as well. Ellen proably would've gotten in the middle of the whole Coral/Julie debacle and THAT would've been a shit storm.
Battle of The Seasons cast had SO MUCH potential, so sad most of them never came back. I really liked Kelley beating everybody in "Vertical Limit!", Belou, Chadwick and Holly, Tara, Becky, Lindsay, King Slapper, Sean, Piggy, Sharon, Mike from Miami, so many good people, golden era tbh.
Reading that I realized that alot of the seasons 1 cast did not return. Shame because some of them could've been good characters later on in the shows life.