Battle of the EX-iled Recap Special to air after episode 6

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Battle of the EX-iled Recap Special to air after episode 6

I was thinking we had to watch these EX-iles online only, but looks like they will air at least some of it on MTV.

source please? And these should've been on the show from the jump. 

I think this may be what he was talking about:

MTV listings for next Tuesday, Feb 10.  The episode airs at 11pm and it looks like a 30-min exile special is airing at 12am.

the spiecal was about tj explaning to the viewers that the eliminated teams did not go home yet but were on battle of the exiled or as tj calls them the losers and we got to see the losers battle in challenges to rejoin the group

jessica and dustin vs thomas and hailey

jessica and dustin vs john and simone

nany and johnny vs john and simone

knight and jemme were cameos