The Amazing Race 38

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Between this and Survivor 50, CBS was like "Challenge USA 3 is DEAD DEAD".

I don't get the joke.

75% of the people that would've filled out a USA3 cast are on this or Survivor 50.

oh yeah that's true

What if Enzo's partner is...Desi? (obviously I'm kidding but imagine LOL)

CHELSIE IS GOING TO END HORSE HALE ONCE AND FOR ALL YESSSSS like show that thot who the superior black girl bb winner is!

is this account even reliable?

we have joseph to show tucker what a real fruity straight man is like. millenial cringe rubina ain't doing anything either. angela doesn't even like chelsie. **** that whole little group. bb24 >>>

Why tf does taylor get to have a big strong FWB while everyone else has to have a family member or significant other? See I told yall taylor has production favors. She's going to get rigged into another win ijbol

Why tf does taylor get to have a big strong FWB while everyone else has to have a family member or significant other? See I told yall taylor has production favors. She's going to get rigged into another win ijbol

buddy did you see kyland in the final on battle of the eras? They may make it far, but they ain't winning unless Angela and Enzo are in the final by some string of luck/production interference.

The first country the cast is traveling to is apparently The Netherlands, where the Big Brother franchise began.

buddy did you see kyland in the final on battle of the eras? They may make it far, but they ain't winning unless Angela and Enzo are in the final by some string of luck/production interference.

oh tayw^hore hell will find a way to butter up to CBS producers. Mark my words!

i was like omg i didn't know natalie was dating a new girl then i just saw that's her sister...


CHELSIE IS GOING TO END HORSE HALE ONCE AND FOR ALL YESSSSS like show that thot who the superior black girl bb winner is!

is this account even reliable?

Gamer said he heard the same thing

They just don't pay enough but I was hoping we'd get 1 or 2 legends to make this worth watching

Not casting both Jen AND Libra is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING?!?!?! WTF?!?!?! They would've been 10x better than almost any pair there. Any of Rubina (who I love), Chelsie, Jag, Kyland/Taylor, Turner, Joseph, Enzo, and Hannah could've and should've easily been dropped for those two, and the Wurtenbergers 100% should've had one of those spots as well. I don't dislike Taylor, but she has got to be one of the most overrated reality stars ever, she's kinda boring for how obsessed everyone is with her... and why is there a BB/BB team? It's cool to see Natalie Negrotti back on TV, Izzy (who I hate) and her girlfriend should be fun, and I'm so excited for TUCKER AND ANGELA!!!!! I looooooove Kat as well! Something else I should keep in mind is that idk these loved ones, so they could be just as much if not more entertaining than their BB alumni partners! 

One team not from the 20's is crazy and a travesty. Who the f*** asked for dirty Turner? This whole cast is such a joke. No legends is why this will be a flop. Learned nothing from the success of The Traitors.

One team not from the 20's is crazy and a travesty. Who the f*** asked for dirty Turner? This whole cast is such a joke. No legends is why this will be a flop. Learned nothing from the success of The Traitors.

Fake Angela fan 

You are weird

buddy did you see kyland in the final on battle of the eras? They may make it far, but they ain't winning unless Angela and Enzo are in the final by some string of luck/production interference.

oh tayw^hore hell will find a way to butter up to CBS producers. Mark my words!

Apparently Jen Johnson and Libra were in consideration.


- Angela (BB26) & Lexi [Mother/Daughter] 

- Chelsie (BB26) & Jack [Father/Daughter] 

- Enzo (BB12/22) & Giacomo [Brothers] 

- Hannah (BB23) & Simone [Sisters]

- Izzy (BB25) & Paige [Dating] 

- Jag (BB25) & Jas [Brothers] 

- Joseph (BB24) & Adam [Brothers] 

- Kat (BB21) & Alex [Dating]

- Kyland (BB23) & Taylor (BB24) [Dating] 

- Natalie (BB18) & Stephanie [Sisters]  

- Rubina (BB26) & Kristine [Sisters] 

- Tucker (BB26) & Eric [Brothers] 

- Turner (BB24) & Megan [Married]

Jag/Joseph were not needed, but you can rationalize that as them needing diversity. Enzo was not needed, but you can rationalize that as... him being funny I guess. What I cannot rationalize is casting smelly Turner. Wtf. Terrible casting choice. He's not even the best long-haired homeless looking white guy from the 20s that they could've cast (Quinn). 

Lexi's hot, let get her on Challenge 42!

Lexi's hot, let get her on Challenge 42!

If she's crazy like her mama, then absolutely.


Lexi's hot, let get her on Challenge 42!

If she's crazy like her mama, then absolutely.

Should I make a spoiler thread

Should I make a spoiler thread

Yes, but if you don't and post spoilers here then let me know so that I can exit this thread Smile

can we do a draft bc yall know yall******* have no LIVES! Smile

can we do a draft bc yall know yall******* have no LIVES!

I'll do it Smile

lmaoooo poor fat D

lmaoooo poor fat D

His tweet took me tf outtttttt 


can we do a draft bc yall know yall******* have no LIVES!

I'll do it

Oh so Hannah did make the cast after all? Good for her, would've sucked if she was an alternate again. Honestly it probably should've been Tiffany though, since she has legit beef with Taylor, seemingly stemming from her relationship with Kyland.
