I'm hoping the narrator is just for the challenges/competition aspect of the show & the regular in-villa/not competition scenes stick to the normal Shore format without the narrator.
If not and the narrator is included in all scenes, they should've called it All Stars on the Beach instead of trying to rope it up with the Shore franchise lol
They don't need a narrator at all like wtf people are not dumb to not understand what it's happening
For all that talking y'all sure paid this show dust. I watched the first episode. No sense of direction. Is this a dumb party show mixed with competition? Why isn't anyone taking it serious? It's almost silly like Wipeout but not as comedic, moreso the competitors are too rich to care about the actual prize money to take the game serious or even understand what they're doing minus the poor Love Island US duo.
And ********** at Trina starting shit on accident. That's why I don't tell people SHIT. They caused all that commotion and it probably made her too anxious to speak up. Now she knows not to trust anyone. Also Johnny was def missed on The Challenge USA him and Cinco deserved to be the best male duo of all time dominating competiton and starting drama
They don't need a narrator at all like wtf people are not dumb to not understand what it's happening
Am I crazy, isn't that Pauly D doing the narrating?
But I agree, whoever it is, they aren't necessary.
It does sound like Pauly d. I wonder if they are going to have different shore stars narrate the challenges.
HOLY SHIT THAT 100% IS PAULY D NARRATING ... I didn't even notice until you said that! Yes still unnecessary, but I love me some DJ Pauly D haha
didn't look terrible but so did the EOTB trailer ☕️
Totally agree with you on this one!
Y'all didn't think that looked extremely awful? Interesting... Noted. Have fun with this one. Trina ain't enough to get me to watch
I am actually enjoying the show and its casting seems alot better than EOTB, give or take a few personalities.
did it come out yet?
Yes Trina Shore came out last night. I haven't watched it tho have zero desire
This was so good I actually laughed out loud many times
i think your girl may be a lil messy this season based on the season sneak peek
Oop let me watch now I'm not doing anything anyways. Ty for the heads up KING
I love me some Trina...the rapper too
I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. But negl at first glance I thought Bethan was over produced but she's growing on me.
The Marina chick from Brazil Circle is fly as a hell. I want a piece. I might call her Khaylen 2.0
For all that talking y'all sure paid this show dust. I watched the first episode. No sense of direction. Is this a dumb party show mixed with competition? Why isn't anyone taking it serious? It's almost silly like Wipeout but not as comedic, moreso the competitors are too rich to care about the actual prize money to take the game serious or even understand what they're doing minus the poor Love Island US duo.
And ********** at Trina starting shit on accident. That's why I don't tell people SHIT. They caused all that commotion and it probably made her too anxious to speak up. Now she knows not to trust anyone. Also Johnny was def missed on The Challenge USA him and Cinco deserved to be the best male duo of all time dominating competiton and starting drama
Who is the racist that we're supposed to hate and what he do?
Why are you watching all star shore like it's the challenge? This show is about FUN and partying idk this might not be for you
how much is the cash prize?
I enjoyed this.
I didn't realize until I watched, Johnny's the only black dude on this? He still brought it, as expected.
Is this better or worse than Buckhead shore?
definitely better loll
Based on the episode they both released so far...All Star Shore hands down
Episode 1 is online
All Star Shore | Season 1 Premiere | Full Episode | Paramount+
Jist watched episode 1 and I appreciate it's not as serious as the challenge/survivor. I feel like the cast mesh well together.
This cast is like a big family
I've only seen the first episode but I'm really liking this show. Trina is messy af, it's hilarious. I really like Joey Essex shockingly lols.