1ST Annual 2014 "Real World/Road Rules Challenge" Awards [Nominee-Level Voting]

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*cough* Sarah Greyson. Gauntlet Smile

sooo? i didn't say Laurel was the winner, just that she can still count as a nominee.

You got it.

1. Coral and Julie

2. CT and Adam

3. Landon

4. Don't remember the name, but in Battle of the Exes where they had to run through the airplane jet.

5. CT and Brad - The Duel (Hated the outcome, but memorable nonetheless!)

6. Jo - Gauntlet 2

7. Paula - The Island

8. Paula & Mike - Rivals

9. Leroy & Mike - Rivals

10. Sarah from The Gauntlet (Cara Maria runner up)

11. Battle of the Exes

12. Julie trying to kill Veronica

13. Julie trying to kill Veronica

14. Evan's failed attempt to throw a mission in Rivals

15. Shauvon

16. Evelyn in FM2

17. The Island

18. Honestly, the injuries aren't memorable to me. All I can think of when I picture someone in a ambulance is Coral after her spider bite. So that's my vote.

19. Cara Maria in Rivals 2

20. Not sure

21. Rivals

22. C.T.

23. Coral

25. Rivals 2 (Worst goes to Duel 2)

Anonymous's picture

1. Katie & Veronica - (Inferno 2)

2. CT and Adam - (Duel 2)

3. Landon - (inferno 2)

4. Captain's Chair - (Gauntlet 2)

5. CT and Johnny Backpack - (Cutthroat) I would make this my screensaver but then I would never get anything done. I'd just sit there and watch it all day and smile.

6. Jo (Gauntlet 2) or Puck (Bsattles of the Sexes 1)

7. Backpack betrays Paula on the Island

8. Devyn and Big Easy (Seasons 2) WTF?

9. Johnny Reilly (Free Agents)

10. Hands down, Derrick Kosinski with Sarah Greyson and close 2nd

11. Battle of the Exes (location only, not results)

12. Diem removes her wig (Duel 1)

13. Backpack (see #5) LOL

14. Abe trying to get rid of Katie (Inferno 2 I think)

15. Shauvon

16. Anastasia (Rivals 2, I think). TJ was hysterical talking about her diet of no food and smoking all day!

17. Battle of the Exes (Because Backpack won AGAIN)

18. Chet's concussion on Cutthroat

19. MJ (Duel 2)

20. Now that I've heard of the Cara & TJ hookup, it has to be that!

21. Free Agents

22. Derrick Kosinski

23. Cara Maria

24. Landon, Derrick, Miz, Theo V., Timmy, Coral, Katie

25. Duel 2

26. Sarah Greyson, Kendall, Antoine, Holly (RRMV)

Anonymous's picture

*cough* Sarah Greyson. Gauntlet Smile

sooo? i didn't say Laurel was the winner, just that she can still count as a nominee.

Er sorry I didn't mean to offend you!! Was just voting for Sarah... again... XD

No problem Yellow Dog Biggrin

Anonymous's picture

No problem Yellow Dog Biggrin

********!!!! You're so cute haha! The only reason I call kollanekoer that is because that is what her name translates to in English XD

OK, so tomorrow's the last day of first-level voting. Anything after tomorrow will NOT be counted as a nominee vote.

I'm gonna give you the options whether to continue the OFFICIAL [narrowed-down] CATEGORIES & NOMINEES either continuing on here or if I should make an official Facebook page and do the voting there.

Props to cnorth61 for mentioning an OLD but still acceptable Gnarliest Injury nominee, Coral's spider bite, Gauntlet 1.

Also, categories that are scarce in nominees will be filled up by my personal choices; sometimes by one (you guys guessed every Challenge Haircut nominees [minus Wes 'cause they didn't show him recieving the haircut like CT, Dan, Puck and Landon... and y'all forgot Abe in Inferno 1: "We're kicking the Real World's *** now, which means I'm hardcore enough to have a mohawk."]) and sometimes by many [Greatest Story Never Shown].

Either way, the "EA's RW/RR Awards Personal Nominees" (I technically consider Puck/David BS1 fight leaning more on technically physical rather than verbal... and nobody mentioned CT/Davis, Inferno 3; they didn't show it, yes, but it still technically counts) will be posted possibly tomorrow and if you guys decide, the "RW/RR Challenge Awards: Official Voting Topic" will be made on October 20th and will continue to be open until November 20th.

And then... well, I don't really have a concrete plan on how to officiate this awards show. What I'd like to do (and I know that it's next to impossible) is find a location and a date we can all physically come together [Challenge castmembers (some winners and non-winners) and some of us VEVMO users] and possibly film an official Awards Show and post it on my YouTube Channel [EAStartingChannel's my channel for those uninformed].

Thanks again; I knew y'all wouldn't let me down.

1. Katie & Veronica
2. Adam & CT
3. CT's Beard (not hair but still crazy lol)
4. XXX Games (Rivals II )
5. Bananas vs Jordan (Free Agents )
6. Trishelle leaving Rivals II with a decent partner
7. Team San Diego sending in St. Thomas for no reason.
8. Mike and Paula (Rivals)
9. Johnny Reilly
10. Frank, he beat Chet and Dustin, who ate good competitors, while incredibly sick.
11. Rivals II
12. Johnny Bananas Backpack
13. It was one of those random sorry clips during the commercial when Devyn was talking about CT being sexy.
14. Assembly Required (The Ruins)
15. Jasmine (RW:Cancun)
16. She didn't quit but TJ's roast on Anastasia when she got eliminated on Rivals II was hilarious
17. Guantlet III
18. Katelyn (Fresh Meat II )
19. Cara Maria ( Rivals II )
20. When Devyn got left on the bus during FA
21. Free Agents or Battle Of The Seasons 2
22. CThomas
23. Diem
25 Battle Of The Seasons 2



