What Happened to Rachel & Veronica?

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What Happened to Rachel & Veronica?
They clearly broke up. Anyone know details? My guess is Veronica broke up with her.
damn, i thought for sure i'd get some answers here.
Give it some time, I'm sure someone here knows. I didn't even know they were together because I didnt watch the show then
Honestly I don't know what happened but they dated for a long time, I'm sure someone here knows the details...though I don't know if they want all that out. Interesting to note is that they aren't on each others top friends on myspace either though CollegeDropout seems to be still going.
I looked at their friends list the other day and I didn't even see them as having each other as friends on myspace, so I was a little curious as to why that was.
i didn't know they were actually dating. i just thought they were really good friends.
^ I wasn't 100 percent sure either way,and I still am not, but if you judge by myspace it looks like they aren't even friends anymore.
[quote=msstock87;31178]^ I wasn't 100 percent sure either way,and I still am not, but if you judge by myspace it looks like they aren't even friends anymore.[/quote] Actually, there was an interesting collection of photos on flickr that I ran into about 6 months ago which showed them being [I]really[/I] good friends (but its location currently eludes me.)
they broke up - it is a definite - i spoke with someone who knew them - as well as ran into veronica at a lounge in california. she is living with another girl now.
[quote=southside79;31406]they broke up - it is a definite - i spoke with someone who knew them - as well as ran into veronica at a lounge in california. she is living with another girl now.[/quote] bummer, I thought they made a great couple :(
If they broke up, are they still running their College Dropout business together?
[QUOTE=msstock87;31466]If they broke up, are they still running their College Dropout business together?[/QUOTE] I don't know if you could still call it a business. quantcast.com is not even measuring their website traffic and it doesn't appear to have been updated in quite a while.
Well the CollegeDropout myspace page is tops on Veronica's page but who knows if they actually are actively involved together and if so maybe to a limited extent. It has sort of fallen away over the years, you use to see the cast wear the shirts alot.
[quote=V1man;31470]I don't know if you could still call it a business. quantcast.com is not even measuring their website traffic and it doesn't appear to have been updated in quite a while.[/quote] Quantcast, compete, alexa, etc are absolutely horrible at measuring traffic being you actually have to have spyware installed on your machine for it to register. None of those even pick up 1/5 of vevmo traffic (as measured by google analytics.) They are only good predictors if you have a very large sample (i.e. a few million visitors a day.) ...but I see your point in that they are not even getting stragglers with spyware installed. ;)
Okay so I was just directed here and i'm shocked. Okay I always knew Rachel and Veronica were close and great friends. And I knew Rachel was a lesbian, but I never knew Veronica was a lesbian. And I didn't think Jen was one either. Maybe I'm just a little confused on this subject. But I had no idea that Rachel and Veronica were a couple I just thought they were BFF. Amazing what vevmo can teach you.
[QUOTE=bratty;33936]Okay so I was just directed here and i'm shocked. Okay I always knew Rachel and Veronica were close and great friends. And I knew Rachel was a lesbian, but I never knew Veronica was a lesbian. And I didn't think Jen was one either. Maybe I'm just a little confused on this subject. But I had no idea that Rachel and Veronica were a couple I just thought they were BFF. Amazing what vevmo can teach you.[/QUOTE] Jenn is not a lesbian. I don't believe she is bi or bi-curious (both outdated terms). I think she is a 21st century woman who does what she wants, when she wants, and with whom she wants. Her only boundaries are those she sets for herself -- the perfect libertarian.
But I didn't know about Veronica. I mean its not that it matters or is a big deal, but I was just in the dark, I had no idea.
[QUOTE=bratty;34016]But I didn't know about Veronica. I mean its not that it matters or is a big deal, but I was just in the dark, I had no idea.[/QUOTE] I didn't either, I thought she was playing lesbian to make herself look hotter (Especially during I2). Didn't someone call her out of that..was it Katie..or Tonya? It must have been Tonya because Katie wasn't on I2.
[quote=msstock87;31178]^ I wasn't 100 percent sure either way,and I still am not, but if you judge by myspace it looks like they aren't even friends anymore.[/quote] no, they were dating. Karamo from RW Phili came to my school a while back, and somebody asked him about Veronica. He's like, "she's not as bad as she seems, she lives in LA w/her girlfriend, Rachel..." This was in late 2006. Plus multiple ppl confirmed they were dating. [quote=southside79;31406]they broke up - it is a definite - i spoke with someone who knew them - as well as ran into veronica at a lounge in california. she is living with another girl now.[/quote] did they break up because of the girl Veronica now lives with?
Veronica has also described herself as a swinger. During The Island taping, Rachel talked privately to other cast members about her breakup with Veronica. Respecting the privacy of those conversations, I'll just say there were certain events involved. It's not like they just grew apart.
[quote=V1man;35126]Veronica has also described herself as a swinger. During The Island taping, Rachel talked privately to other cast members about her breakup with Veronica. Respecting the privacy of those conversations, I'll just say there were certain events involved. It's not like they just grew apart.[/quote] Okay even though that just made me even more curious I'll leave it at that and just accept that we will never know. Or just try later on. I had mixed opinions about them over they years but sad to see that they have parted.
[quote=Blaqk;34017]I didn't either, I thought she was playing lesbian to make herself look hotter (Especially during I2). Didn't someone call her out of that..was it Katie..or Tonya? It must have been Tonya because Katie wasn't on I2.[/quote] I remember Beth saying during the Inferno 2 Aftershow that she thought Veronica wasn't really one.
[quote=GoldenWarrior;35137]Okay even though that just made me even more curious I'll leave it at that and just accept that we will never know. Or just try later on. I had mixed opinions about them over they years but sad to see that they have parted.[/quote] I know, I feel you. I was okay with not know why, until V1 said that. Now I really want to know. Oh well.
[quote=V1man;35126]Veronica has also described herself as a swinger. During The Island taping, Rachel talked privately to other cast members about her breakup with Veronica. Respecting the privacy of those conversations, I'll just say there were certain events involved. It's not like they just grew apart.[/quote] hh thats interesting and I would love to know, but its a private matter and I wouldn't want to bring it up.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Dartagnan;35408]hh thats interesting and I would love to know, but its a private matter and [B]I wouldn't want to bring it up[/B].[/quote] Psst...you just did. ;) LoL
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;35410]Psst...you just did. ;) LoL[/quote] OPD, you meanie! Just kidding.
what happened to their clothing? collegedropout.com? looks like its officially dunzo, no?
I just hope that one day they make up and do a challenge together along with Tina and Coral IMAGINE!
They made up. They don't despise eachother, they just moved on with their lives. I don't think they would do a challenge together because of the awkwardness, but that would be awesome. As for Collegedropout, once they initially broke up, Veronica was running the business solo and because she couldn't do all the work by herself, and it was very time consuming and it wasnt doing too great it just kind of disappated!
sooooooo Ive been dying to know and since i highly doubt we will see either of them do another challenge , can anyone shed some more light or info on why or how they broke up ? they are not friends on FB and I heard a rumor about money laundering that involved V and i saw and interview with rachel online saying how she got out of a 3 year relationship and the girl she was dating (veronica) she didnt mention by name but that she was in the closet ?
[QUOTE=jenni_geegee;241537]sooooooo Ive been dying to know and since i highly doubt we will see either of them do another challenge , can anyone shed some more light or info on why or how they broke up ? they are not friends on FB and I heard a rumor about money laundering that involved V and i saw and interview with rachel online saying how she got out of a 3 year relationship and the girl she was dating (veronica) she didnt mention by name but that she was in the closet ?[/QUOTE] Whatever it is they seemed to have somewhat resolved their differences. Veronica mentioned on twitter recently that she and Rachel speak regularly.
