What the Buck - Back to Reality

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What the Buck - Back to Reality
This is kind of funny thought I'd share. The first 3/4 is BB8/9 related. [CENTER] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5X_WyQDdj4[/CENTER]
Hilarious stuff. I had seen him in the past and he was more annoying then entertaining, but I think he has found his groove. Maybe it is just because I also like making fun of the same people on his hit list this week. Interesting that he mentioned the T-Mobile sidekick on Gauntlet 3. [URL="http://vevmo.com/f187/gauntlet-iii-episode-3-a-1191/index5.html#post6150"]Britney caught that[/URL] a few weeks ago too. :D
Buck is great. We've been watching him for almost 2 years. He is very close to getting a TV deal. Some of his best stuff takes on Oprah. It is a riot.
[CENTER][LEFT]He eloquently gives my exact sentiments on this Big Brother season and the cast, lol. [CENTER] [B]What the Buck?[/B] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]