Well we all know my all time favorite movie....being Ghostbusters.....the Naked Gun(any one of them) would be another.....I also like the original Batman movie but I think my third is Friday the 13th Part 6
I hate this question. It's one of those "I can tell what kind of person you are by your favorite _____" questions...but that's not why I hate it.
It's impossible for me to pick my top 5, let alone my top 3 or my absolute favorite movie of all time. I've seen way too many movies (good and bad) to be able to narrow it down to my favorite few.
There are movies I could watch over and over, but wouldn't put in my top 3. I watch them over and over again because I could sit there and laugh, or nurse my hangover, or fall asleep, or just space out while watching. I don't even think my favorite actor (Will Ferrell) would appear in my top 5 movies of all time. If you were to do top 5 comedies, he would make an appearance. But top 5 of all time? I don't think so.
However, if you were to say "What are your top 3 ([U]fill in the genre)[/U] movies of all time?" I'd be able to answer much more easily.
Aiya. ... I have a hard to pick three.
Wall Street (which will always be there for its money vs ethics story)
Plainclothes (great 1988 film about a cop who goes undercover into high school so he can prove his younger brother's innocence. It is a murder mystery/comedy starring Arliss Howard with Diane Ladd, George Wendt, the late Robert Stack, Suzy Amis, Alexandra Powers, Harry Shearer, Max Perlich, Peter Dobson, Seymour Cassel, and Loren Dean. Highly entertaining scene of Arliss Howard reading ee cummings poem "She Being Brand New". Only available in VHS so far.)
The Duellists (a recent rediscovery. Ridley Scott's first film from 1977 about two French officers in Napolean's army who fought several duels over the course of 20 years. Based on a true story in fact. Excellent film from the visuals, costuming, fight sequences and performances from Keith Carradine & Harvey Keitel. ... Able to watch instantly on NetFlix.)
I don't know if I could pick three favorites...but I have been obsessed with Love&Basketball since the first time I SAW it and I can watch it over and over without getting sick of it.
And I loved when they were dating in real life. Its one of my favorites.
It always changes but the movies that I've probably watched the most are
- Talk to Her (Hable con ella)
- The Color Purple
- The Warriors
But I've seen Gangs of New York, Blazing Saddles and Anchorman a bunch of times too. And I've probably seen every DeNiro movie pre 1995 at least twice probably more.
This is a pretty hard decision! My list changes quite often but I think this is my top 3 right now:
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- 9 to 5
- Forgetting Sarah Marshall