There is a chance that the strike could end any minute (and there of course is also a chance it could continue for months and months and months.) But, if they can get their act together this week, the Lost season could be saved. It actually might not even miss a beat!
[quote]Good news from the picket lines? A source close to the negotiations says a tentative deal has been reached between the Writers Guild of America and the Alliance of Motion Pictures and Television Producers. A meeting is scheduled for Monday to tie up the final details. Both sides have been conducting informal negotiations under a shroud of secrecy for several days so their chief negotiators could finally bring an end to the ongoing labor dispute, now in its third month. There's been a press blackout on the talks, though the WGA has continued to announce interim deals with Hollywood independent producers.
The WGA has not publicly commented on the latest developments. In fact, on Sunday EW obtained an email sent to the writers by WGA West Patric Verrone and WGA East President Michael Winship, urging the membership to "disregard rumors about either the existence of an agreement or its terms."
"We are still in talks and do not yet have a contract," the email continues. "When and if a tentative agreement is reached, the first thing we will do is alert our membership." Verrone also said that picketing will resume Monday.
[/quote][ via [URL=""]EW[/URL] ]