True Blood Season 2

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True Blood Season 2
[COLOR=magenta][B][I]Does anyone watch this show? (sorry if this is a duplicate thread, didn't see a True Blood thread)[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=magenta][B][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=magenta][B][I]Anywho.....I love this show!!!![/I][/B][/COLOR]
Being I am paying for HBO just to watch Entourage, I probably should give the series a shot. I'm just not that into vampire shows.
[quote=Bacchus;102615]Being I am paying for HBO just to watch Entourage, I probably should give the series a shot. I'm just not that into vampire shows.[/quote] [COLOR=magenta][B][I]It is a good show..lots of crazy stuff going on. I was not into Vampires, either but I find them funny as hell on this show.[/I][/B][/COLOR]
I was just tellin B that my BF keeps buggin me to watch it but I haven't yet. He says it is a really great show though and that it makes him laugh with it's dark humor.
Anonymous's picture
I'm still trying to find the time to finish season 1. I love it!!!! Its way better than twilight and its not so cheesy. It makes twilight look really dumb.
I wanna get into it, because I have heard great things, but have not watched an episode. :D
I started watching this show out of boredom and Its actually pretty good.
[quote=Flamen;102929]I started watching this show out of boredom and Its actually pretty good.[/quote] [COLOR=magenta][B][I]That is how I got into it last season! It keeps you guessing what is going to happen next.[/I][/B][/COLOR]
[quote=tjhallow;102756]I'm still trying to find the time to finish season 1. I love it!!!! Its way better than twilight and its not so cheesy. [B]It makes twilight look really dumb.[/B][/quote] A pile of rocks makes Twilight look dumb...
[quote=Sweet-Fire;102965][COLOR=magenta][B][I]That is how I got into it last season! It keeps you guessing what is going to happen next.[/I][/B][/COLOR][/quote] The end of every episode makes me anxious and angry because they always leave the viewers hanging!...Lol. Lately it has become very X-rated ever since MaryAnne has been in the picture.
This show is AMAZING. So different from anything on TV, without the lameness of Twilight. It's no Buffy, but it'll do =)
Anonymous's picture
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;105397][B]This show is AMAZING. So different from anything on TV, without the lameness of Twilight.[/B] It's no Buffy, but it'll do =)[/quote] I agree. Anybody who thinks twilight is amazing really needs to watch this. Sooo much better!
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;105397]This show is AMAZING. So different from anything on TV, [B]without the lameness of Twilight.[/B] It's no Buffy, but it'll do =)[/QUOTE] Twilight isn't about the vampire story line as much as it is about forbidden love conquering all. I have been meaning to watch this show, I just haven't had time.
Anonymous's picture
[url=]Perez Hilton: Bill And Sookie To Get Hitched In Real Life![/url] YAY for TB :).
yeah i was scrolling through HBO channels and that's how i stumbled upon True Blood last season and I still watch it because I love it!!! I'm always anxious for the next episode because of the cliffhanger at the end of each episode.
So I finally made the time to watch the entire series to date (well I haven't seen last nights episode) but this is a really great show. I am actually quite anxious for them to get the next episode up online so I can watch it. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes vampires. And I have no problem saying it puts Twilight (the movie) to shame. I haven't compared the books though because I have not read the Southern Vampire Mystery books.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Stacee_Danielle;117095] [B] And I have no problem saying it puts Twilight (the movie) to shame. I haven't compared the books though because I have not read the Southern Vampire Mystery books.[/B][/QUOTE] Suck yeah!
[QUOTE=Stacee_Danielle;117095] [B]And I have no problem saying it puts Twilight (the movie) to shame. [/B] I haven't compared the books though because I have not read the Southern Vampire Mystery books.[/QUOTE] Is that because it has more sex in it? :D
[QUOTE=molds13;117193]Is that because it has more sex in it? :D[/QUOTE] That could be a big part of it, LOL. But yeah, it is better. On a side note I saw a preview for Vampire felt like a deja vu Twilight with new actors.
[QUOTE=molds13;117193]Is that because it has more sex in it? :D[/QUOTE] Lmao. Sex has been everywhere in True Blood lately. Mary-Anne is wicked.
I am scarily obsessed with Eric Northman and the actor who plays him, Alexander Skarsgard. Season two for him was huge, and while looking so hot he can act his *** off. Diverse acting dependent on the tone Alan Ball creates for Eric each episode - Alex dominates screen time and out acts everybody on the show in my opinion, including Oscar Paquin. The only people who I think come close to AS in terms of acting and dominating screen time is Nelson(Laffy) and Ryan(Jason Stackhouse). Allan Hyde who played Godric was amazing as well, shame he got four episodes and a 20 year old preformed flawlessly when permanent and regular cast bore you to death.
Yeah I am obsessed with Eric as about sexy! I am not really feeling Evan Rachel Wood as the queen though...idk why, she is funny and all with the whole Yahtzee game and stuff but I feel like the role could have been cast better. Don't get me wrong, I like her work, I am just not feeling her as the queen. I am going to wait for the last episode to see if I warm up to her more though.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Stacee_Danielle;117216]That could be a big part of it, LOL. But yeah, it is better. On a side note I saw a preview for Vampire felt like a deja vu Twilight with new actors.[/QUOTE] It looks exactly the same, except Nina would make a prettier Bella. She is so blah in Degrassi, she's a bad actress. It will probably get good ratings just because its about vampires but I heard this was also a book before twilight?
[QUOTE=Stacee_Danielle;117287]Yeah I am obsessed with Eric as about sexy! I am not really feeling Evan Rachel Wood as the queen though...idk why, she is funny and all with the whole Yahtzee game and stuff but I feel like the role could have been cast better. Don't get me wrong, I like her work, I am just not feeling her as the queen. I am going to wait for the last episode to see if I warm up to her more though.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I totally agree. I feel like QSA should be an old soul, worldly, and quite frankly bored because she has been around for so long. Instead, it reminds me of a sex-craved teenager. I get she was turned at 14 or 15, but being around 1000 years or so you would think would damper that. I guess we already had that character cast though, as Godric, so they are using the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of Sophie Ann. I think Deborah Wolfe(I think it is? Actress who plays Jessica) would of been a better fit to play QSA. I'm willing to give Evan Rachel Wood another shot though. Overacting and excitement jitters hopefully go away. I hate Bill Compton. He bores me to death. :)
[QUOTE=LCbaby;117345]Yeah, I totally agree. I feel like QSA should be an old soul, worldly, and quite frankly bored because she has been around for so long. Instead, it reminds me of a sex-craved teenager. I get she was turned at 14 or 15, but being around 1000 years or so you would think would damper that. I guess we already had that character cast though, as Godric, so they are using the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of Sophie Ann. I think Deborah Wolfe(I think it is? Actress who plays Jessica) would of been a better fit to play QSA. I'm willing to give Evan Rachel Wood another shot though. Overacting and excitement jitters hopefully go away. I hate Bill Compton. He bores me to death. :)[/QUOTE] I think Jessica is perfect...she cracks me up...I really wish Hoyt wouldn't have upset her the way he did...I fear what she may end up doing out of revenge and hurt. I don't hate Bill Compton but I do hope they give him a little bit more edge than what he already has so spice him up a bit. If the shows go anything like the books then I think he is going to get a little better next season. I haven't read them, but I read what they were about on a few different sites...I didn't go past book 3, but I do need to get them so I can read them.
[QUOTE=Stacee_Danielle;117347]I think Jessica is perfect...she cracks me up...I really wish Hoyt wouldn't have upset her the way he did...I fear what she may end up doing out of revenge and hurt. I don't hate Bill Compton but I do hope they give him a little bit more edge than what he already has so spice him up a bit. If the shows go anything like the books then I think he is going to get a little better next season. I haven't read them, but I read what they were about on a few different sites...I didn't go past book 3, but I do need to get them so I can read them.[/QUOTE] Yes, I love Jessica and the actress who plays her. She commands the screen just like Alex S. and Nelson. I am so obsessed with this series! I watched all of season one before getting the books, then I decided to read them in my downtime. I loved them, but I am a big book nerd. Some were annoyed, just like in Twilight where beautiful vampires and supernatural creatures are all fighting for the affections of the awkward and annoying female lead who doubts her mediocre beauty throughout. Reading the books makes the slightest of Eric fans into the hardcore. His character personality and personna is like night and day in the series and books. For example, Longshadow was staked by Eric. Not Bill. Bill sucks, plain and simple. But Alan Ball is seemingly in love with Mr. Compton, so I doubt we will get much change. I hope for it though, I want Bill exposed and bad. He is quite the good bad vamp ;)
well, I am up to date on the series, so I am going to have to get the books now...I am very anxious to read them. Sookie seems pretty secure about herself on the show, is she insecure in the books or something?
I ******* LOVE TRUE BLOOD. ...that is all.
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;118041]I ******* LOVE TRUE BLOOD. ...that is all.[/QUOTE] Ditto! Dude...I love it so much, I get all giddy when I see a new post here, LMAO! Sooo...RSV we haven't had a show to discuss in a while, who is your favorite character?
Found this pretty interesting: True Blood's season 2 finale brought in 5.1 million viewers, on par with some of its past episodes, but was [B]more than double[/B] its season 1 finale (2.5 million).
[QUOTE=molds13;120953]Found this pretty interesting: True Blood's season 2 finale brought in 5.1 million viewers, on par with some of its past episodes, but was [B]more than double[/B] its season 1 finale (2.5 million).[/QUOTE] The season finale was good! I will be looking forward to season 3.
