Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles

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Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles
Yo, so I checked the first 2 episodes out (DVRed them and caught up last night).....NOT A BAD SHOW!!! It was kinda cool! It also stars Summer Glau, who played River Tam in Firefly/Serenity....so of course, I HAD to watch! But I recommend it! It's on Mondays, on Fox
Hmmm..... Does this mean I have to check it out now? Maybe. I was not expecting to read a positive review. It is not like there are all sorts of other shows kicking around in these dark strike days eating up my viewing schedule.
that's the thing....the strike could very well push this show a few seasons, just on the sole fact that theres a hungry audience right now and yeah...the show was good! definitely good enough to watch amongst the nothingness of television, of late haha
Are you serious? I passed on this show because, really T3 bombed so how good can a TV series be. And now you are saying it's good? Shoot! Now what am I going to do. I can't start watching when two episodes have aired. RockSteady, I was starting to think you were my new best friend before I read this thread...Now I know you are. Joss Weadon is God, no?
T3 was on the other day and I passed as usual. I am yet to see it. I will never see it. As far as I am concerned right now, the story ended with T2. Kath, Fox does run an on demand service if you want to give the show a shot. I have nothing better to do pre-idol today, so I am going to watch. I bought a 20 foot S-Video cable and push the video from my laptop to my big screen, and it works out well. [URL="http://www.fox.com/terminator/"]FOX: Terminator[/URL] Oh, and if it is bad, THERE WILL BE FALLOUT! LOL!
WOW, we are on different waves lengths, when T3 came on I watched it beause there was nothing else to watch but I was pleasantly suprised, I really liked it. (does that make me a bad movie critic?) I wanted to give the Chronicles a chance, but I missed it since I never checked the schedule.
[quote=stacee_danielle;4786]WOW, we are on different waves lengths, when T3 came on I watched it beause there was nothing else to watch but I was pleasantly suprised, I really liked it. (does that make me a bad movie critic?) I wanted to give the Chronicles a chance, but I missed it since I never checked the schedule.[/quote] It doesn't make you a bad critic, it just means I listen to critics too much. Roger Ebert said: [QUOTE] [B]Essentially one long chase and fight, punctuated by comic, campy or simplistic dialogue.[/B][/QUOTE] David Edelstein (Slate) said: [QUOTE][B]The villain comes back more times than Wile E. Coyote. I found it tiresome and witless and numbingly repetitive, but action mavens won't feel cheated.[/B][/QUOTE] Those reviews capture what I thought it would be like from the trailer, and I have decided it is not for me. Once I set the switch in my mind to watch or not to watch a movie, it is hard to change that view. Stubborn? Yes!
Here's my thing with T3, #1 - it negated everything in T2. None of what they did to prevent Judgment Day mattered. It is inevitable...hence T3. #2 - the non-stop roller coaster ride. Can I get a breath for two seconds here. Seriously there were no breaks in action scenes. Or very little. #3 - Let's see...do I have a third. I'll reserve this one for later. ;) Overall, it wasn't a bad movie. But as a third installment? Sucked. For the overall story plot. :D
[QUOTE=Kathleen;4792]Here's my thing with T3, #1 - it negated everything in T2. None of what they did to prevent Judgment Day mattered. It is inevitable...hence T3.[/QUOTE] Well T2 managed to delay judgement day but wasn't part of the point of the movie to show that it was inevitable and that is why John Conner had to live, to lead the revolution? [QUOTE=Kathleen;4792]#2 - the non-stop roller coaster ride. Can I get a breath for two seconds here. Seriously there were no breaks in action scenes. Or very little.[/QUOTE] LOVED the action...I usually ALWAYS fall asleep during movies but this one kept me interested the entire time! [QUOTE=Kathleen;4792]#3 - Let's see...do I have a third. I'll reserve this one for later. ;) Overall, it wasn't a bad movie. But as a third installment? Sucked. For the overall story plot. :D[/QUOTE] Third reason I loved it was because the woman terminator was stronger than the man terminator but the man terminator was "smarter"...playing out the sterotype in reverse was cool to watch.
[QUOTE=Kathleen;4783]Are you serious? I passed on this show because, really T3 bombed so how good can a TV series be. And now you are saying it's good? Shoot! Now what am I going to do. I can't start watching when two episodes have aired. RockSteady, I was starting to think you were my new best friend before I read this thread...Now I know you are. Joss Weadon is God, no?[/QUOTE] Allow me to explain.... Joss Whedon = OMFG HE IS THE MAN I LOVE EVERYTHING HES EVER TOUCHED AND LAID EYES UPON AHHHSLEFHWEOIHSLI Deep Breath. Yes, yes I am a Joss fan. Buffy is my favorite show, hands down. I can tell you every single episode name, what happens in each, every character of the Buffyverse, including all those in the Angel territory and beyondddddd =) Do you check out Whedonesque.com?
OH! Me thinks, I need to start a Buffy thread :D I'm literally bouncing in my chair. Yippee.
Bacchus....pretty much the critics are right....its 1 big chase for the first 2 eps...but the way the 2nd episode ended it looks like they could remain stagnant in the future...and have the story unfold. HOWEVER....i havnt seen the movies in a REALLY LONG TIME.......they KIND OF negate what happened in T3....but kind of nod to it...
3rd episode was strong! i'm still totally with this show! 2 weeks til the next episode though....argggg you guys still on board?
I was thinking about it today, but have not watched the first two yet. I got distracted. I have not written it off and still plan on giving it a chance. I'll see if I can get down the pilot tomorrow afternoon.
I watched a bit of it the other night. I'm not sure if I will tune in again. I just hate watching something already in progress. With BB starting up soon, I can't commit right now. ;)
but it has SUMMER in it!! haha
I set my DVR to record the encore of the Pilot on Monday, although I'll admit that I am going into watching it with a baseline preformed opinion (and it is not very good.) Hopefully there is some pop!
I saw part of 1 episode and I plan on catching up before anymore air...I gotta do my research
There is absolutely nothing else on tonight, so I guess I welcome my new robotic overlords. ;)
That's my plan. :D My sister likes it and I might as well give it a full go at it.
Dang I hate when I pass judgment on something before I give it a chance. Now I have holes in the plot. I watched the pilot and it was good. Now I am going to hunt up some episode summaries so I can fill in the gaps. I watched a bit of last weeks so I know the direction it's going right now, but not what happened from there until here. Super job in casting...the transition of Sarah and John to the small screen is believable and you aren't wasting much time convincing yourself that it's them. Not to mention kudos for casting Summer Glau, her timing is excellent as always. Sidenote: City TV here in Canada is playing Serenity on Wednesday. :D
[QUOTE=Kathleen;5558]Dang I hate when I pass judgment on something before I give it a chance. Now I have holes in the plot. I watched the pilot and it was good. Now I am going to hunt up some episode summaries so I can fill in the gaps. I watched a bit of last weeks so I know the direction it's going right now, but not what happened from there until here. Super job in casting...the transition of Sarah and John to the small screen is believable and you aren't wasting much time convincing yourself that it's them. Not to mention kudos for casting Summer Glau, her timing is excellent as always. Sidenote: City TV here in Canada is playing Serenity on Wednesday. :D[/QUOTE] New episode next Monday! yesssss i dig it. I gotta rewatch the movies now though...i have 2 and 3 on my DVR, i just need to Netflix 1 but it has a "very long wait" grrr
I finally gave up. The pilot sat on my DVR for over a week, but every time I saw a commercial for an upcoming episode it moved me one step closer to deleting it (Yes, I thought they were that bad.) Today I pulled the trigger in one of my weekly house cleaning sessions. Oh, well it just didn't look like my kind of show. I hope y'all enjoy it. :D
Oh Bacchus, you disappoint me. ;) I told you it was funny! I've watched the last two weeks with my daughter and she loves it, too. Summer Glau is a killer with the one liners.
[quote=Kathleen;6056]Oh Bacchus, you disappoint me. ;) I told you it was funny! I've watched the last two weeks with my daughter and she loves it, too. Summer Glau is a killer with the one liners.[/quote] The "cheese factor" in the promos was a turnoff for me. To each their own. :D
yeah, i refused to watch it too, but somehow i got sucked into it after prison break, and in my opinion it turned out to be a pretty good show.
im watching tonight's episode now...yesssss
I'm confused about tonight's episode. How could Brian Austin Green be John's uncle? Isn't he a bit young? He's from the future right? Or was that his current time in 2007?
[QUOTE=Kathleen;6143]I'm confused about tonight's episode. How could Brian Austin Green be John's uncle? Isn't he a bit young? He's from the future right? Or was that his current time in 2007?[/QUOTE] i think he's from the future. maybe he's a younger brother. i try not to over think it too much, cause i know it'll drive me crazy.
also, in case you didn't know, john's dad was from the future too.
Thanks, I'm a bit foggy on the back story. It's been awhile since I saw T1 and T2.
