Ugh can Jennelle get any more annoying? She is not operating on the same planet as the rest of us. How often do you think it would work if you went to a judge and said, "Um no, that jail date doesn't work for me because it conflicts with a concert I'm planning to attend!". Lol... seriously? I'd prefer they just stopped showing her segments because they painfully defy reality and show a serious lack of self-awareness on her part.
Kailyn comes off as a jealous whiner so far this season. It's clear that Joe wants to live his life as a "rock star" right now and doesn't want to be burdened with parenting responsibilities, so why make a big deal out of things? Just take the kid full-time and I'm sure you'll both be happier for it.
Chelsea... I'm rooting for her. I want Adam to come around but man, he is such a shmuck.
Leah... I've always had a hard time believing her/Corey's storyline, same as with Kailyn in earlier seasons. He wanted a truck, she wanted a house. Yeah I know the show is supposed to be teaching teenagers not to have kids, but it's not credible to see these kids act like they have money problems when I know how much they're making per episode.
Another thing I'm disliking this season is when the girls are sitting down to lunch or whatever with one of their friends and the friend asks a series of questions in a logical sequence that pretty much screams fake... could you at least try to make it seem like they weren't coached? What person <23 even thinks to ask some of those questions?