Survivor: South Pacific - Whitney Duncan

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Survivor: South Pacific - Whitney Duncan
[CENTER][url=][img][/img][/url][/CENTER] [B]Name (Age)[/B]: Whitney Duncan (27) [B]Tribe designation[/B]: Savaii [B]Current residence[/B]: Nashville, Tenn. [B]Occupation[/B]: Country Music Singer [B]Personal claim to fame[/B]: My first record "Right Road Now" was released on Wa*rner Brothers in 2010. It's definitely my biggest achievement to date. [B]Inspiration in life[/B]: Jesus and Elvis because they both inspired me in such different ways. Elvis is the reas*on I started singing and performing. And, Jesus saved me. [B]Hobbies[/B]: Reading, hiking and kayaking. [B]Pet peeves[/B]: Slow drivers and people who talk down to me. [B]3 words to describe you[/B]: Outgoing, happy and honest. [B]SURVIVOR contestant you are most like[/B]: Stephenie from Palau because she’s smart and a bad-***. [B]Reason for being on SURVIVOR[/B]: It’s the adventure of a lifetime, and I want to prove to everyone and myself that I can do whatever I set my mind to. Plus, I could use a million dollars. [B]Why you think you’ll “survive” SURVIVOR[/B]: I’m smart, physically fit and not afraid of anything. [B]Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR[/B]: I’m extremely competitive and love to win. People normally like me, and I feel like I can read them well. [center][/center]
Chase, is that you?? No **** Survivor is out of your comfort zone. It's out of most people's comfort zones.
Whoopsie... [url=,,20544013,00.html]Survivor: South Pacific: Whitney Duncan's Secret Marriage :[/url]
I never got the gist that Whitney and Keith were hooking up? Must have missed that. This explains why she was so furiously pissed off at Cochran when he screwed over the tribe and sent Keith packing, lol.