[QUOTE=molds13;291039]That's the beauty of the edit, I guess. CBS must have really wanted us to think that Coach was running this game![/QUOTE]
Which sucks, because if Coach doesn't win then they definitely tricked us with editing the entire time. And the jury was just quite bitter.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;291040]Coach played the best game but Sophie did the best in the Final Tribal Council.[/QUOTE]
Absolutely...and that's what people are goingn to remember.
Are they still going to give the reunion after this? CBS schedule said the reunion should be on right now, but they're still giving the first two hour game. I think it's cause of the Football game.
[QUOTE=molds13;291048]Meh. Another season where the player who won shouldn't have...although at least it's not Albert.[/QUOTE]
Exactly. They've only gotten right once in the past few season with Rob winning last year. Every other winner shouldn't have at all.
Coach loses because the jury is bitter. I like how Cochran voted as a fan instead of a bitter jury member. I wish the entire jury voted logically instead of emotionally.
I seriously wish they would go back to a 2 person finale. One person normally gets zero votes so just put them on the jury. I mean come on...go back to how Survivor used to be.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;291053]I seriously wish they would go back to a 2 person finale. One person normally gets zero votes so just put them on the jury. I mean come on...go back to how Survivor used to be.[/QUOTE]
I think the only time someone in a 3 person jury got votes was China.
[QUOTE=molds13;291055]I think the only time someone in a 3 person jury got votes was China.[/QUOTE]
And that was really early on when they first started doing that. It never works...
[QUOTE=fabulous788;291057]And that was really early on when they first started doing that. It never works...[/QUOTE]
The problem with a three person final is that it's normally always between two people. The third person is just an afterthought. If Becky (Cook Islands), both the finalists in Fiji, Sugar (Gabon), Erinn and Stephen (Tocantins), Mick (Samoa), Russell (HvV), Sash (Nicaragua), or Natalie (RI) would have won Survivor, I would have never watched another episode.
I hate a bitter jury, but I don't think that is what lost it for Coach. He is a HUGE hypocrite and used religion to get through the game. Religious people do not respect that. If he would have said that was his strategy it would be a different story.
[QUOTE=RMD1;291062]I hate a bitter jury, but I don't think that is what lost it for Coach. He is a HUGE hypocrite and used religion to get through the game. Religious people do not respect that. If he would have said that was his strategy it would be a different story.[/QUOTE]
It's still a bitter jury though. You have to see past religion (seriously this game is not about religion, yet they keep it coming). This is a game and if you basically look at the aspects of the game Albert and even Sophie didn't outplay or outwit anyone. Sure they outlasted and Sophie won a few immunities, but the jury should always look at the game. They shouldn't be bitter because they see Coach as a hypocrite.
[QUOTE=molds13;291064]It's kind of sad that Cochran was the biggest villain this season.[/QUOTE]
It's very sad and he didn't even come out of it with a tan. Sad is the only way to describe it.
I really want to read Cochran's paper. I wanted to root for him, but he was just completely the super fan gone wrong and his strategy didn't pay off whatsoever. He just really went down the wrong path after he switched sides.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;291063]It's still a bitter jury though. [B]You have to see past religion [/B](seriously this game is not about religion, yet they keep it coming). This is a game and if you basically look at the aspects of the game Albert and even Sophie didn't outplay or outwit anyone. Sure they outlasted and Sophie won a few immunities, but the jury should always look at the game. They shouldn't be bitter because they see Coach as a hypocrite.[/QUOTE]
When the person you are voting for makes religion the basis of his game, still keeps it to the end and does not own up to it you have no other choice than to look directly at it.
[QUOTE=RMD1;291073]When the person you are voting for makes religion the basis of his game, still keeps it to the end and does not own up to it you have no other choice than to look directly at it.[/QUOTE]
I'm never going to agree with you on this. Cochran saw past Coach's religion to vote for him. If anyone shouldn't have voted for Coach it should have been Cochran. Cochran knows this is a game and understood that the best person should have won.
I think it's absolutely disgusting that Brandon's family is disappointed with how he played the game. He played it with much more integrity than Russell.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;291074]I'm never going to agree with you on this. Cochran saw past Coach's religion to vote for him. If anyone shouldn't have voted for Coach it should have been Cochran. Cochran knows this is a game and understood that [B]the best person should have won[/B].[/QUOTE]
She did.
[QUOTE=RMD1;291076]She did.[/QUOTE]
To you she did. To me, no. She was hands down far from the best player. Not as far as Albert, but still far.