Survivor Samoa: Episode 3 - It's Called a Russell Seed

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Survivor Samoa: Episode 3 - It's Called a Russell Seed
[B][SIZE=3]Jaison attempts to gather support to oppose Russell, who struggles to maintain power at Foa Foa. During the reward challenge, the chief of one tribe makes a controversial decision that lands him in hot water back at camp. At tribal council, one castaway is voted out of the game.[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/CENTER]
The Russ show continues.
Whoo hoo! CBS Rocks! Bathing suits!
What in the hell is Monica wearing?
Yasmin has an evil look to her... I don't know how I feel about the combined reward/immunity challenges.
Shambo reminds me a lot of Denise from China.
[QUOTE=behindme;124951]Shambo reminds me a lot of Denise from China.[/QUOTE] Ahh, that is who she reminds me of. [QUOTE]I don't know how I feel about the combined reward/immunity challenges. [/QUOTE] Ya, I don't like it.
I wonder if Shambo is lying about her job like Denise was. I highly doubt it.
I don't really like this season much so far. Too much Russell, not enough of the others. During the intro I'm like who are these people that I have yet to see? I also don't like the combined reward and immunity challenges.
Galu wins again. Surprise surprise... Man Samoa is beautiful.
Thank goodness...I don't know how much longer I could've put up with him. I am really starting to like Jaison. I think he's very well put together and an eloquent speaker.
Same to everything you said.
[QUOTE=molds13;124969]Thank goodness...I don't know how much longer I could've put up with him. I am really starting to like Jaison. I think he's very well put together and an eloquent speaker.[/QUOTE] Agreed and Agreed. This was an outcome I could live with and was looking forward to this week. Ben really was bottom of the barrel... I guess the next question is, how long will Jaison fall for Russell's act?
[QUOTE=Bacchus;124973]Agreed and Agreed. This was an outcome I could live with and was looking forward to this week. Ben really was bottom of the barrel... [B]I guess the next question is, how long will Jaison fall for Russell's act?[/B][/QUOTE] I hope it's not until his torch is snuffed out...
Glad to see Ben go, he was a *****. Plus I like seeing Ashley stay, she seems most interesting of the young blonde mactresses.
At this point I kind of hope Russell goes out in a ball of fury or a blindside. I like what he brings to the show, but I feel like having him go out "because he's the last one left" would be a waste of time.
He better be another to go soon. Also, anyone wonder how they formed the teams in the beginning?
[QUOTE=molds13;124979]At this point I kind of hope Russell goes out in a ball of fury or a blindside. I like what he brings to the show, but I feel like having him go out "because he's the last one left" would be a waste of time.[/QUOTE] Yes, I want him to have a look of betrayal on his face when he goes down in flames. :D
Wow, this was a good episode. One of the most intense tribal councils in a while. I like Jaison, I hope he teams with the three girls and takes out Russell. Only thing is, they are REALLY starting to lose numbers, and going into merge, im afraid they don't stand a chance. I still don't know anyone on the other tribe. Besides "other Russell", Yasmin and Shambo, and that's because they have big personalities. All in all, it was a good eppy, I just HATE how they have Russell narrate every scene. We get it, he's controlling the game. Oh and Ben, I hope you hired a security guard.
Ben is annoying and slightly racist.
I dont get why everybody hates Ben - he is the only one on Foa Foa who is not fake. And I do NOT think he is racist because that girl got all up in his face with her sub-par grammar and yelled at him - he just called her out on what she was. One of the few people I liked from FOA FOA is now gone - there is only Mick and the long blond haired girl left. Russell is the complete opposite of Ben - he makes Coach from last season look like a boyscout - what a slimeball!
What is the deal with the joint reward / immunity challenges? Is the rest of the season done in this format or will we have 2 challenges the rest of the way? Anyone have any ideas or thoughts?
I like that they're only having one challenge now... It gives us more time to get to know the castmembers and more time for strategizing. ... and I am REALLY glad that they got rid of Ben. I don't think Ashley has done anything wrong and wouldn't have deserved to be voted out. I was happy that Jaison stood up for her.
I'm glad Ben left, didn't like him. Jaison is cool.
[QUOTE=RW_Chall_Fan;125121]I dont get why everybody hates Ben - he is the only one on Foa Foa who is not fake. And I do NOT think he is racist because that girl got all up in his face with her sub-par grammar and yelled at him - he just called her out on what she was. One of the few people I liked from FOA FOA is now gone - there is only Mick and the long blond haired girl left. Russell is the complete opposite of Ben - he makes Coach from last season look like a boyscout - what a slimeball![/QUOTE] Oh please, so saying she needs to go back to eating ketchup sandwiches and drinking Kool-Aid is NOT racist??? GMAFB. I take offense to that. I know I would've done more than what Jaison did if I was there. Yea, Yasmine was rude and outspoken, but he went too far. Not to mention he was incredibly rude to pretty much everyone.
[QUOTE=Lamb Chop!!!;125158]I like that they're only having one challenge now... It gives us more time to get to know the castmembers and more time for strategizing.[/QUOTE] I think I would like having so much time to know the players more if it wasn't so one sided. Even with all this time they are NEVER over at Galu. Plus one of my favorite parts of Survivor are the challenges and now they are cut in half :( Also, peace out Ben. Not gonna miss you in the slightest.
[url=]YouTube - Survivor: Samoa - Tribal Council Voting[/url]
Jaison is a stand-up guy. He showed some courage out there...good for him! Yasmin sucks, but Ben sucks even more. See ya, Ben! I can name 2 people from Galu...who are the others? lol
It really is too bad that with the challenges being combined in what I assume is an attempt to learn more about our cast, we don't know much about Galu at all. The guys are way cuter in that tribe too. Boo :(
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;125333]Jaison is a stand-up guy. He showed some courage out there...good for him![/QUOTE] Agreed. Great speech! [quote]Yasmin sucks, but Ben sucks even more. See ya, Ben![/quote]It always is hard when you have a ******* attacking a drama queen and you have to make decisions about what took place. Ben is the worst of the worst. He has no saving grace. Yasmin is about as annoying as they come and thinks she is intelectual filet mignon. I look forward to her elimination. [quote]I can name 2 people from Galu...who are the others? lol[/quote]You know two! Congrats. At this very second, I know zero, although a few are at the tip of my tongue being we have seen their names kicking around here for a month.
I wish Kelly got more airtime because she looks very interesting.
