Survivor: One World - Total Dysfunction

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Survivor: One World - Total Dysfunction
A group of misfits bands together under an unlikely leader; one tribe becomes dysfunctional.
Maybe this weeks the episode will be interesting... Let's hope there is actually a tribal vote out this time.
Im just hoping some how Colton goes home tonight
[QUOTE=erodwhtboy;297717]Im just hoping some how Colton goes home tonight[/QUOTE] I'm right there with you in that boat, but you have to remember he now has an idol and I'm sure the first chance he gets, he'll use it. I think he'll use it just on the fact that he knows that he'll be the one voted out the minute the guys go to tribal council. I wouldn't blame him for using the idol either because he really, from just the first episode, didn't do anything around camp except hang out with the girls and beg them for an idol. The guys legitimately have a reason to vote him out and he's scared.
I wonder if Matt realizes that even though he's in an alliance, it's not a majority alliance. Can he not count?
Can the girls just be thankful that the guys kept their fire going?
It's kind of annoying? Was he expecting them to vote 4 people out?
My goal tonight is to identify one likable cast member. Literally, just one. It's going to be a long night.
Ladies and gentlemen, A-lee-see-a - she's a special education teacher! No opener this season? They didn't have one last episode either.
I would love nothing more for the girls to lose immunity tonight and then vote out Alicia (the big hair girl). I cannot stand her.
Don't ever ever ever ever agree to be the leader. Ever.
It seems that the girls are never going to agree on anything. EVER. They all want to be heard.
Annnnnnnnnnnd Tarzan in briefs. I'm done here.
Kat is about as slow as a sloth, mentally. And yes, I do need to apologize to sloths.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;297734]Kat is about as slow as a sloth, mentally. And yes, I do need to apologize to sloths.[/QUOTE] [img][/img]
Sayid speaks!
Is Probst sick? Dead?
I feel bad for whoever put those ropes together. It looks like it took forever to do.
[QUOTE=molds13;297737]Is Probst sick? Dead?[/QUOTE] I know right? Just the way they started off this challenge was boring. Jeff would have made it 100 times better. I miss the commentary already, but I do love how they are actually having a reward challenge and then a separate immunity challenge later.
[QUOTE=molds13;297737]Is Probst sick? Dead?[/QUOTE] He's being a prima donna. Clearly the lighting isn't right.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;297739]I know right? Just the way they started off this challenge was boring. Jeff would have made it 100 times better. I miss the commentary already, but I do love how they are actually having a reward challenge and then a separate immunity challenge later.[/QUOTE] I can hear it now... "The women are getting NOwhere...get it toGETHer girls...Manono getting closer...MaNOno, WINS reward!"
Did they seriously just compare Colton to Russell? They are as opposite as two people can get.
OK, they did not just compare Colton to Russell.
Colton is like a small, sad, puppy dog. He seems miserable and doesn't fit in anywhere. He is the biggest drama queen I've seen on Survivor in a while.
I have a feeling Colton came into this game thinking he would automatically be in the majority alliance in his tribe because he could relate to women. He would be bothering the ever loving crap out of me.
[QUOTE=molds13;297745]I have a feeling Colton came into this game thinking he would automatically be in the majority alliance in his tribe because he could relate to women. He would be bothering the ever loving crap out of me.[/QUOTE] The girls are handling it pretty well. I'd probably be yelling at him to get back to his side if he just kept strolling over.
Colton is about as annoying as a Survivor contestant can get. If there are more episodes like this with him as the focus, the entire season is dead. So maybe everyone can hate him (not that hard to imagine) and he'll quit. Best case scenario.
Tarzan is the new Phillip, just with better colored underwear.
I think Jonas is giving way too much credit by saying he's ridiculously smart. The girls just handed him the idol...
I'm sorry, what? Colton thought he was with Matt and Mike? In...what universe? I can't believe he played that so soon. His best scenario was to wait until they even had to go to tribal council. Now, it just seems like it's an inevitability that the women win.
If the girls don't win this balance immunity challenge, I will be shocked.
