Survivor Nicaragua: Yve Rojas

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Survivor Nicaragua: Yve Rojas
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Yve Rojas (41) [b]Tribe[/b]: Espada [b]Current Residence[/b]: Kansas City, Mo. [b]Occupation[/b]: Homemaker [b]Personal Claim to Fame[/b]: I am most proud of my daughters. They are independent, kind, smart and inspiring - an ongoing accomplishment. [b]Inspiration in Life[/b]: My mother. She is remarkable. [b]Hobbies[/b]: Traveling by myself, dancing, yoga, catching the last movie of the day. [b]Pet Peeves[/b]: Not being acknowledged when I speak. [b]3 Words to Describe You[/b]: Tenacious, resilient, magnetic. [b]SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like[/b]: A mix between Bob Crowley and Danni Boatwright. Intelligence + Athleticism + Generosity = a lethal winning combination. [b]Reason for being on SURVIVOR[/b]: Turning 40 was tough. I want to be an example of perseverance for my girls...make life and dreams happen and forget about age! [b]Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR[/b]: I am utterly unassuming. I am never what people expect after they get to know me.
She's got a lot going for her: A) She's from Kansas City which is pretty much the coolest place in the world. B) She listed Danni as who she's similar to... Danni is also from Kansas City (well Tonganoxie, KS) so she's also awesome. I have a feeling Yve and I will become good friends this season. :)
Does anyone else notice in the video that she looks like a cross between Brooke Burke and Danica McKeller from The Wonder Years?? I'm liking her, but I'm not sure if she will be one of my favorites.
[quote]SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: A mix between Bob Crowley and Danni Boatwright. Intelligence + Athleticism + Generosity = a lethal winning combination.[/quote] Two of the most boring winners ever...that's something to look forward to :rolleyes:. Pretty sure no one on Survivor gives a **** about generosity...
I can't believe she's 41. She's really hot for 41.
You can tell she is 41 by her.... Neck! She is really hot though!
Felt bad for the chick. She seemed like a great competitor.