What Eliza should have done was convince Jason to make things more dramatic and give her the immunity necklace and then allow him to play the false idol (since he was [I]sure[/I] that was the real idol) instead of revealing to him that it was just a stick with a smiley face carved into it. I doubt it would have taken much batting of the eyelashes and would have made for a more dramatic tribal council. Jason is one of the most oblivious players in the history of Survivor and it would have been fun to see him folly.
Overall I thought it was a slow transition episode. We knew from the outset that Eliza was going home (because they set up the entire hidden immunity idol exchange) and even though the edit attempted to play on Amanda's jealousy of Ozzy and Alexis, it was quite clear that was not the way things were headed.
I am a bit confused why the fans and Eliza did not group together and force a tie. In not doing so they have given the elders the upper hand which will allow for their systematic elimination through the ranks to the final 5 (if they remained loyal.)
I guess Parvati really sold the newbies on their secret off the books alliance. I am not buying it. I think she'll quickly sell them up the river when it comes down to it. They don't seem to be the sharpest tools in the shed whilst Parvati is a machete.
Eliza is not my type in either the looks or personality department, so I was not sad to see her go. I was just sad to see the numbers game settled so quickly without any real drama.
As for next week, the teaser seems to tip off that the Oz Man is in danger, so if he goes the game would once again be wide open with both the fans and faves with an even number of cast members. Lets hope they actually do go after him and he deflects with the idol, taking out....[I]*wait for it*....*wait for it*[/I]....CIRIE!
That would make for great television and remove what I consider to be a blight on the game. I know, I say the same thing every week...
[B]BTW:[/B] If anyone is going to make the biggest mistake in Survivor history as hinted at by Jeff Probst, it has to be Jason!