I can't believe how that all went down! Tracy still fighting...im really rooting for her.
Did i see someone voting for Erik??? was it Tracy and Erik voting for Erik?? what was that???
Why the hell did they vote Erik??? how does that make sense?? why not ozzy or cerie? is that a stupid question?
im glad chet is gone but he shouldve helped them take out Ozzy or Cerie. then he couldve just left the next day. DUH
Dude! Now I wouldn't mind the plan to get out Cirie, but now your talking about my boy! ;)
Ozzy is one of two contestants that should have won but didn't, Colby Donaldson being the other. He is Survivor Boy. This game was made for him. Okay so he isn't the brightest in the strategy department but he rocks those competitions.
I have never been more scared in my life of watching Survivor that an awesome player was going to get duped by that dang immunity idol. Ask my daughter ask my fiancé I was more freaked out tonight than I was when it happened to James just a few months ago.
I have no idea why Chet and Tracy voted for Erik, that seemed pretty stupid.
Chet needed to go today, so alls well that ends well. :D
Seeing Jonathon cry about having to leave the game got me all teary-eyed. Poor guy. I've been there with his surgery and I know just how long the recovery is. It's really sad that he had to go out like that. I didn't particularly care for him as a player but my heart went out to him.
I was all for getting Cirie out as well and when the talk turned to Ozzy I absolutely took a double take. Yes, it made sense to get rid of the strongest player in the entire competition if you are there to win - but not our Ozzy!
I was glad that Chet "Worst Survivor in History" Welch went. It made their tribe much stronger while the other tribe became weaker at the loss of Johnathan. Johnathan was not the greatest of people, but he was fun to watch and my last hope that this season would turn out well. Being that I am generally not pulling for the Cirie led faves, it was sad to see him leave as he an Eliza were planning on getting together with the fans in their tribe and getting rid of their half of the "uber force" prior to the merge.
Now I fear that come merge time, all the major players will still be around and just come back together to rid the remainder of the fans (Eliza is now my unofficial fave, favorite.)
I will say Ozzy was annoyingly cocky at the end. Not sure if that was editing or what, but at that point I was ready for the tribe to throw him out the door!
[B]BTW: [/B]Is Jason really that stupid? This is the 16th season of Survivor and if he was actually a fan he would know that every idol that has ever been produced has been either intricately carved or painted. A stick with a smiley face on it is going to fool you? The only good I can see come from this is the joy of Jeff saying, "Ya got nothin" and tossing it into the fire like a ******.
Oh and Rock.....I see now why you like Tracy. Very perky with the morning chill!
A good interview with a lot of things that did not air: [U][URL="http://www.realitytvworld.com/news/exclusive-jonathan-penner-dishes-on-survivor-micronesia-experience-6734.php"]Jonathan Penner dishes on 'Survivor: Micronesia' experience [/URL][/U]
Cirie, Yau-man alliance! Wow!
Oh and Kathleen...you were right about the recovery time on that injury. He said 21 days in the hospital, and it sounds like he is still not 100%!
yeah a thing like that could take up to three months to treat and heal and constantly monitored as the wound heals and like he said may have to be reopened again to go back and clean out the infection.
At least his is in the knee, mine was in a more inconvenient spot.
I wonder why Survivor edited out the yau-man/Cirie alliance, that would have made good TV.