Survivor: Micronesia - Ep. 1602

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Survivor: Micronesia - Ep. 1602
[SIZE=4][B]Survivor[/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG][/IMG] [/CENTER] I am very disappointed with the fans. Why get rid of Mary? Joel is a major loser and I hope he is cut adrift soon. His plan only screws their long term hopes. You are supposed to go after the weakest members of the tribe and attempt to gain unity in order to win the immunity challenges. That way you will have the numbers advantage going into the merger. This show has been on for 16 seasons. You would think that they could have figured out the premise by now! I am sick and tired of the weakest players always making it to the end and tribes screwing themselves. China was the worst example of this type of behavior yet and I fear that we could see the same trend developing this year. Yes, it was Mikey's fault for over analyzing the situation and leaving a door open for mutiny, but in the end Joel was the person that went about staging the coup. The bad news for him is that this does not give him power, but rather make him a target. Next time they lose it will probably be him or Mikey that goes home. Do y'all see the problem here? They are two of the stronger players and now will be at war. Then they will lose the next week being short on athletic talent and the weak alliance will have been solidified making sure that another strong player goes home yet again......and then the Faves will rule the land. Chet and the old hag need to go, NOW! Two episodes in and all my dreams are crushed as I can see this playing out in my head and it doesn't look good. I immediately gravitated toward the fans as I like underdogs and they have already started down the path of defeat. Even more depressing, it looks like next week is going to be all about Cirie and her rise to power, who by my scorecard is the biggest floater-weakling Survivor of all time. Great. Another season that has nothing to do with surviving and everything to do with getting rid of all the players I like... At least there is Ozzy. I guess I'll shift the deck and start pulling for the Faves.
Sorry I've been MIA. I thought this episode was pretty good in entertainment value. Joel is so ridiculous I couldn't help laughing at him the whole hour long. Getting rid of a potentially strong player because he thinks it will keep him in control is laughable. It's too early in the game to be playing this way and if you tick off your stronger team mates they will turn the sword right back on you the first chance they get. 5 against 1 are not good odds. He'll have to join the weaker side to get the numbers back on his side. Unless of course he can somehow convince his side that what he did was for the good of the team. He can always fall back on that he didn't actually vote her out. He needs to be knocked down a few dozen pegs. Who the hell does he think he is really, "My Team" and then yelling at Chet to get out of the water. Of course it made sense but he has no tact or leadership skills. People will only follow you if they respect you. It doesn't matter how strong you are or whatever. And Cirie and Kathy on Exile island, OMG Cirie in her narration was hilarious. I'm sure the next two people will find the idol no problem. I wonder if they will get another set of clues.
[QUOTE]It's too early in the game to be playing this way and if you tick off your stronger team mates they will turn the sword right back on you the first chance they get.[/QUOTE] Back in the old days of Survivor they always got rid of the weakest players first so that they could be a better team and win the next immunity challenge. That strategy has totally disappeared of late. You are right, it is good game play to get rid of the stronger players - maybe 25 days from now. To do it on the second Tribal [SIZE=-1]Council[/SIZE] is just idiotic as it now sets up unneeded confrontation and eats away at unit cohesion. [QUOTE]And Cirie and Kathy on Exile island, OMG Cirie in her narration was hilarious. I'm sure the next two people will find the idol no problem. I wonder if they will get another set of clues.[/QUOTE] I am guessing that they have it set up so that there is no way to go through all the clues in one day on the island. Thus you will need previous clues to have a head start. So if Cirie or Kathy go back to exile island they should be on the path to discovery.
getting rid of Mary was SO STUPID. a powerplay WAY too early in the game. Chet could endanger the fans in future challenges....keeping him around was stupid. it was SUCH AN OBVIOUS CHOICE
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;6525]getting rid of Mary was SO STUPID. a powerplay WAY too early in the game. Chet could endanger the fans in future challenges....keeping him around was stupid. it was SUCH AN OBVIOUS CHOICE[/quote] Ahhh, so RockSteady, you decided to watch. Great! It is good to have another person around here to chime in and enhance the harmonic whining. :D
hahahaha yup! though i usually don't watch til Friday...i'll be a-postin'