Well I am still scratching my head at the reasoning behind some of these 'favorites' and who the heck deemed them so?
Other than Yao-Man, Ozzy and James I can't say that anyone would have picked any of the others as a favorite. Sure some of them caused drama and I can see from a producers stand point the appeal.
O.K. you got me. I'm still sore that Colby is not playing again.
Moving on then.
How fitting that Yao-Man was the first to snag an immunity idol? I had to laugh at Johnny Fairplay, here is a prime example of an over inflated ego. He is only there for the drama that he can stir up. He wasn't a good player in the competitive sense. Anyway, I laughed my butt off when Yao-Man beat him to the other idol.
And moving quickly onto my namesake....holy heck I hope she doesn't last too long. She is lacking in tact to say the least.
I can't say that things didn't go down as I would have expected. Obviously these fans are more than just fans. They were picked because they could make the challenges challenging. I'm sure for this point on, our 'survivors' won't be feeling comfortable in being veterans.
Because really, how does that give them the edge? So what they did Survivor before. These people have been watching it for 15 seasons. They learned the same things, they just didn't experience it first hand.
And these favorites still need a few more lessons in the game of survivor. They were almost played by Fairplay, but in the end I guess they decided it was just best to cut him loose. Which is not a bad idea, as I'm sure they realized they could never trust a single word out of his mouth.
I'm hoping that Parvati and Amanda don't mess with my boys. But so far it looks like they are. Where are my super Survivors...I hope they wake up soon and start playing the game.
Was it just me or did Ozzy seem bewildered that he couldn't keep up with Erik in the swim? Poor guy.
I really don't have much to say (despite all I've written), this episode was high on the favorites so I don't really have a feeling about the fans yet.
I'm just wondering if the hidden immunity idol will come back into play. It's been a bust since they brought it into play, so maybe this was it.