Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains - Cirie Fields

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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains - Cirie Fields
[url=][img][/img][/url] [B][SIZE="3"]Cirie Fields Age: 39 From: Norwalk, CT Previous Seasons: Survivor Panama, Survivor Micronesia - Fans vs. Favorites Tribe: Heroes[/SIZE][/B] Cirie Fields was born and raised in Jersey City, New Jersey with her sisters Karla, Cicely, and brother Kenneth. She attended St. Francis Nursing School in New Castle, Pennsylvania, where she obtained her nursing degree. She currently works as the clinical coordinator for Norwalk Hospitals Operating Room. Her previous occupations include surgical technician, home health aid, working at a candy factory and telemarketing. Fields' proudest accomplishment was becoming a nurse. Her mother is her hero because she has overcome many adversities and managed to raise six kids with nothing and taught them many life skills. Fields loves to swim. Her favorite sports include running and working with a personal trainer. She loves amusement park rides and watching television. She describes herself as funny, charismatic and compassionate. Fields currently resides in Norwalk, Connecticut. She is married to Clarencio and has three sons (John, Jamie and Jared) from a previous marriage. We last saw Cirie on Survivor: Micronesia - Fans vs. Favorites where she made it to the final three, but was voted off and became the eighth member of the Jury. Cirie also made it to the final four, before being voted off on Survivor: Panama. Will Cirie make it far, once again, on Survivor: Heroes vs. Villians?
From[B] Tribe[/B]: Heroes [B]Hometown[/B]: Jersey City, N.J. [B]Current Residence[/B]: Norwalk, Conn. [B]Personal Claim To Fame[/B]: “Passion for providing extraordinary safe, quality patient care.” [B]Inspiration in Life[/B]: “My three sons John, Jamil and Jared.” [B]Previous Finishes[/B]: Panama: 12th Out, 6th Jury Member; Micronesia: 15th Out, 7th Jury Member [B]Favorite Past Moment[/B]: “Having my husband at camp.” [B]Previous Survivor She Respects Most[/B]: Aras Baskauskas (Panama) [B]Previous Survivor She Respects Least[/B]: “No comment.” [B]Why Did She Come Back?[/B] : “Because I didn’t win the last 2 times.”
Okay , I love her!
Cirie's EW writeup: [URL=""]'Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains': Cirie says she'll win because 'I'm a gangsta in an Oprah suit'[/URL] [URL=""][/URL]
This season doesnt start till February 11th? Why does it seem like it's taking forever for this season to get underway?
[url=]YouTube - Survivor Heroes vs. Villains Featured Player Countdown Promo - Cirie[/url]
Reality Blurred: [URL=""]Cirie Fields: "There are bigger targets out there than little ol' me." + reality blurred[/URL] [URL=""][/URL]
Im really nervous for Cirie. I was catching up on the cast pre show interviews, and A LOT of people are gunning for her. I guess it just goes to show what a strategic genious Cirie is. So.....GO CIRIE!!!! <3.
[url=]YouTube - Survivor: Heroes vs Villains - Cirie's Final Words[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Heroes vs Villains - Cirie the Day After[/url]
So sad Cirie is gone. What will we do without our regular Cirieownage that we are used to seeing every season she is on?
I like how she can actually admit that she was outplayed. Most people can't say the same.
I liked Cirie, I was sad she was voted out ):