Survivor Gabon: Life At Ponderosa

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Survivor Gabon: Life At Ponderosa
With Marcus being the first Jury Member of Survivor Gabon, Life at Ponderosa is back! :D I will post these videos after each episode as long as they keep posting on youtube. [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - Morning in Survivor Ponderosa[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - What a Drink is All About[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - Life on Survivor Ponderosa[/url]
Those were good to watch. I love the ponderosa stuff, which reminds me I am going to have to go see if TAR has their behind the scenes sequester stuff running yet.
This show's clearly growing on me. The best part was seeing Marcus go and bite into that snickers bar
[quote=viane;37988]This show's clearly growing on me. The best part was seeing Marcus go and bite into that snickers bar[/quote] Welcome to Vemo viane! The more fans the better! ;)
[QUOTE=viane;37988]This show's clearly growing on me. The best part was seeing Marcus go and bite into that snickers bar[/QUOTE] Hey, welcome! =) I love the Ponderosa vids. Will have to watch these later on when I'm not in classss
Charlie being the 2nd Jury Member means more Ponderosa videos! [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - Charlie in Ponderosa[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - What Its All About[/url]
The videos were funny. CBS is really pushing the Marcus and Charlie as a cute couple angle, lol. ;)
Just caught up on these. Maybe Marcus and Charlie should hold hands as they walk into Tribal. It was a little much lol but I'm glad they're happy? I guess? haha
[QUOTE=Bacchus;38780]The videos were funny. CBS is really pushing the Marcus and Charlie as a cute couple angle, lol. ;)[/QUOTE] Like really bad...
[quote=darksamurai88;39289]Like really bad...[/quote] They probably keep hoping that something comes out of that lol Oh well we'll see who joins them next soon.
[QUOTE=GoldenWarrior;39340]They probably keep hoping that something comes out of that lol Oh well we'll see who joins them next soon.[/QUOTE] Who The next person will kill their "private time"
Here are two more Ponderosa Videos :D [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - Randy in Ponderosa[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - Enjoying Ponderosa[/url]
You know I bet that Randy brings so much good energy to Ponderosa lol It looks bad it seems that all of the former Kota power alliance are going there one by one. Either way thanks for the videos Phoenix.
[url=]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - Corinne in Ponderosa[/url]
There are more videos, but for some reason they were not posted on youtube. To watch them head over to
Normally I enjoy these videos, but I don't think I care enough about Corrine's return to seek them out. He constant harping about being one of the cool people in this video was off putting enough. ;)
It's funny how she always said that they never planned on taking Bob to the end and then she was all up under him but in the end he outlasted all of them.
It really is funny that many of the players that she didn't think much of all beat her out in the game. Even Bob, who she said more than once she never planned to take to the end, outlasted all his alliance.
I feel bad for the next person who gets stuck there alone with the 4 of them
Phoenix, thanks for continuing to post these!
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;41230]Phoenix, thanks for continuing to post these![/quote] Your Welcome. :D I watched the other Ponderosa on CBS and if you haven't watched it yet... you're not missing anything. They pick out what they are going to wear.... Corrine complains.... Corrine complains some more..... and it shows them at tribal council.
[quote=Phoenix;41281]Your Welcome. :D I watched the other Ponderosa on CBS and if you haven't watched it yet... you're not missing anything. They pick out what they are going to wear.... Corrine complains.... Corrine complains some more..... and it shows them at tribal council.[/quote] UGH. haha yeah i'll pass!
I forgot to mention that Corrine gives Randy a MOHAWK on the video as well.
[url=]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - Silent Treatment in Ponderosa[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - Crystal Enjoying Ponderosa[/url]
Ohhh, the silent treatment. It is 2nd grade all over again! Of course, if I was there I'd be guzzling beers and giving her dirty looks too. :D
Marcus and Corinne "oh we're not trying to be 5 years old..." Whatever. You don't have to be BFFs with the girl, but you don't have to give her the silent treatment. Pathetic. Childish. Ugh..I've already wasted too much time hating on Corinne. She's not even worth a viewer's hatred. She is satan.
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;41584]Marcus and Corinne "oh we're not trying to be 5 years old..." Whatever. You don't have to be BFFs with the girl, but you don't have to give her the silent treatment. Pathetic. Childish. Ugh..I've already wasted too much time hating on Corinne. She's not even worth a viewer's hatred. She is satan.[/QUOTE] Jeff is often unkind during the renion show to people like Corrine.
Charlie's attitude of not wanting to be nice to someone so he can be accepted by his friends is completely pathetic. Time for some new friends, it would seem. ETA: I also love how Corinne in one of the inside clips a few weeks back remarked that she loved her alliance because they had a genuine bond. Yea, real genuine, when it is based solely around treating people like crap.
Corinne probably would have been okay with everyone going home in her alliance if she got to the end. Take Bob for example. She repeatedly said she never planned on taking him to the end but was stuck to him like glue after her alliance bowed out. But I guess I wouldn't be overly friendly with Crystal either, though I'd at least talk to her.
The Final Ponderosa videos of Survivor: Gabon [URL=""]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - Ken in Ponderosa[/URL] [URL=""]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - Living in Up in Ponderosa[/URL] [URL=""]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - Hanging out in Ponderosa[/URL] [URL=""]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - Matty in Ponderosa[/URL] [URL=""]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - Emotions in Ponderosa[/URL] [URL=""]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - The Top Three in Ponderosa[/URL] [URL=""] [/URL]
That was a lot of video to watch! Good way to wind down from the season. Glad the showed the final three in camp as it offered a post game perspective that we normally don't see.
