Survivor: Gabon Cast's Myspace

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Survivor: Gabon Cast's Myspace
[URL=""]Ace[/URL] (Private) [URL=""]Charlie[/URL] (Private) [URL=""]Corinne[/URL] (Private) [URL=""]Jessica[/URL] (Private) [URL=""]Kelly[/URL] (Private) [URL=""]Ken[/URL] [URL=""]Marcus[/URL] (Private) [URL=""]Matty[/URL] [URL=""]Michelle[/URL] [URL=""]Paloma[/URL] Not all of the cast members are on here. This is all I could find. Enjoy! :D
cool, thanks!
Not myspace related but facebook - if anyone is friends with Sugar on FB (Jessica Kiper), check out her status update with the 50+ comments, she and Corinne apparently had an incident last night Her status update said: [B][SIZE=3]Jessica is kicking out LOSERS and NOT taking NO-NAMES (never said Tocantines sucked ,just you C.K.)[/SIZE][/B] (CK stands for Corinne Kaplan) And some of Sugar's comments on that status update: [quote] Carolina fell into the wrong crowd...had to get booted too... [/quote] [quote] It's cool...I played for entertainment value actually. So my nemesis tried to crash MY party last night and I had to make her was sad....she is sad... [/quote] [quote] We call her C**trine. [/quote] [quote] haha..well Candace had my back in front of Corrine,so she's cool in my book. People would have paid to see this,no lie! [/quote] [quote] Here it is= I wanted an apology, she has a false sense of pride which would not allow her... therefor she had to go. Why try and crash MY party if not to burry the hatchet? Two simple words..."I'm sorry"...I could have forgiven her! There's only 4 people on Earth that witnessed that,and none of them where Caroleeeeeeena, so she needs to back off-this isn't her fight. I WAS ready to throw down. If they had not left, I may have gone banshee on them both.Caroleeeeena needs to stay with her Season,which she dealt with for um...3 days,and not EVEN try and get in THIS mess,which SHOULD be over. Caroleeeena's boy works at Corrine's fav they must see each other everyday (4-7). Jerri Mathey wants people to STOP associating her with Corrine. Jerri is cool. That is all, I will be in the bathtub ordering take-out. Sorry about having to get all grade-school! Thanks for reading.xo! [/quote] For some reason the interactions between this cast make me laugh
Hmmm, interesting stuff. I would never wish to be on the wrong side of Jeri Manthey.
I started watching this today and friended her. I love a good reality cat fight and no matter the outcome I am on Team Sugar!
[QUOTE=Bacchus;52531]I started watching this today and friended her. I love a good reality cat fight and no matter the outcome I am on Team Sugar![/QUOTE] I love Sugar! I just friended her too! Seriously...why the **** would Corinne come to her party if not to bury the hatchet????? WOW. Did anything pop up elsewhere? :::runs to Google:::