I was really distracted most of this episode. I had a friend over who has not seen any of this season's Survivor episodes and he would not stop talking about Courtney.
He is a health care professional and he was shocked that they were allowed to keep her on the show to this point, with her serious medical condition. Every time they would offer a shot of her he would comment, and every time I would nod in agreement as I took a quick look then turned my head away in disgust.
I am at a loss for words. What was CBS thinking when the cast her? They should have said, "Thanks, but no thanks and make sure to grab a complementary "intravenously accessed" bag of vitamin enhanced fluids on your way out!"
Being that I was preoccupied the only other thing I can say is, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.
They voted one of there own out and the not the guy with the two idols. They basically let the members of the old other tribe back in the game and set James on his way to the final 4.