Oh why does it have to go down this way? I understand that Dave was a crazy, wacko - but it was more then obvious that Sherea was the weakest link this week. I was sick to my stomach as she told Jeff, "I look forward to competitions rather then camp life unlike others" while at the same time saying, but not saying, "I am the laziest ***** alive!"
Ugh! If they merge next week (or do team swapping) and she is spared form the top of the chopping block pecking order -along with Courtney for the other tribe - I am going to be really disappointed.
I thought the reward this week was cool. Those fishing birds are awesome! What would they have done had John Robert not have been able to translate? He seems to have been in intricate part of the meal preparation! Interesting that he was able to acquire so much Mandarin in such little time in Taiwan as a child and still retain it to this day. It really goes to show that young minds are like a sponge (unlike the dense rock I possess!)
There is a twist next week and I always like it when they shake things up so I definitely look forward to it. I really hope they can toss Sherea soon. I hate being mad while trying to enjoy TV, and her attitude drives me nuts!
[B]Dave Cruser - Season 15 Episodes 1-4[/B]