Survivor China: Ep. 1503 - I Lost Two Hands and Possibly a Shoulder!

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Survivor China: Ep. 1503 - I Lost Two Hands and Possibly a Shoulder!
Alright.....I know right where I want to begin this week: [B]W[/B]hat [B]T[/B]he [B]H[/B]ell was Dave thinking when he "dropped trow" in the middle of the luxury competition!!! Either he has a full grown mongoose in there that he was planing on using to attack Jame's pythons -- or more likely, he is absolutely Nuts! The good news is even after those really creepy antics, the Zhan Hu tribe won (Luxury) and then won again (immunity) forcing the once undefeated Fei Long to cannibalize. I think Fie Long acted in their best interests at tribal council as Leslie would have quickly defected to a new "Self Righteous Christian" alliance at the merge. John Robert is an ***, but he is also a big smart dude and if you want to be the tribe with the numbers you need to keep the strongest players. I personally would have tossed Courtney first, but she can always be given her one way ticket out of China next week. That would make it two weeks in a row the right person left.... What was CBS thinking in the first place when casting a 75 pound anorexic woman? This might be the year, if enough fans complain, that they set a survivor body fat % just like they did to those models in Europe. If you don't have enough meat on your bones, don't bother applying as it is not safe. [B]RIP Leslie:[/B]:rip: [IMG][/IMG]
See, I think it's stupid of Aaron to be so worried about Leslie right now. Who cares if she will defect to the other side when they merge. It should not be his focus at this time in the game. But nothing about him makes me think that he is a very smart or reasonable thinker. I wish John Robert would have been voted out. He disgusts me. I agree that there should be rules about health and safety. People who can not afford to loss any weight should not be allowed to be there. And for the love of Pete! Why don't people learn from other seasons. Be prepared to go with what's on your back. Wear a bathing suit instead of underwear!!!! AT least make sure you are wearing underwear!
[QUOTE]Who cares if she will defect to the other side when they merge. [/QUOTE] That was just one of a million reasons to get rid of her. She was annoying, in your face religious, weak as a competitor as well as a threat to defect if they continued on with her to the merge. All valid reasons to toss her out the door. [QUOTE]I wish John Robert would have been voted out. He disgusts me.[/QUOTE] He is actually growing on me. A real *******! I always am attracted to these characters (****!) as they really get under the skin of the "good people." What fun would it be if they were all good people? [QUOTE]Be prepared to go with what's on your back. Wear a bathing suit instead of underwear!!!! AT least make sure you are wearing underwear![/QUOTE] Was that why Dave dropped his shorts? He didn't want to get them wet or something? I think I am missing something
Yes, apparently he was going commando that day...and now he has no underwear. I suppose a little nudity is better than wet denim and chaffing.
You both have very good points. I have no choice but to gree with you both.but courtney should have gone first then leslie.i would want the weakest out first cuz winning the luxaury comps r important to get bye each week.