The castaways try to crack a code to earn a spot in the final five; one player's paranoia threatens another person's stake in the game; Tony's closest confidant is wooed by another alliance.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;409069]The castaways try to crack a code to earn a spot in the final five; one player's paranoia threatens another person's stake in the game; Tony's closest confidant is [B][U][COLOR="#FF0000"]wooed[/COLOR][/U][/B] by another alliance.[/QUOTE]
"Wooed". That's pretty punny funny!
I'm excited for tonight's episode, hopefully Tasha ties Kelly W for most consecutive individual immunity wins by a woman and Kass makes her way to Ponderosa.
Horrible outcome. Next episode looks interesting enough though, I may start rooting for Kass again.
Tasha for Heroes vs Villains II! She was my favorite this season and it really sucks to see her go :apologetic:
Hated that it was between my two favorites tonight. I was glad Trish stayed since Tasha would have had a much harder road to make it to the end. Could just be the editing, but this jury looks bitter.
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;409149]You guys like Trish? I can't stand her at all I think she's kinda creepy looking[/QUOTE]
I love her, but can see why people wouldn't. She has some funny moments and is playing a great UTR game, while still having some strategic moves under her belt.
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;409149]You guys like Trish? I can't stand her at all I think she's kinda creepy looking[/QUOTE]
I don't dislike Trish, but I'm not pulling for her to win. Well, unless it's between her and Tony, then I might change my mind.
I can understand Kass wanting to go with Tony to the final tribal being juries for the most part now vote with emotion rather than logic. Still, taking Trish or Woo is probably even safer being neither have done anything for the last half of the game, ceeding all strategic play to Tony.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;409338]I can understand Kass wanting to go with Tony to the final tribal being juries for the most part now vote with emotion rather than logic. Still, taking Trish or Woo is probably even safer being neither have done anything for the last half of the game, ceeding all strategic play to Tony.[/QUOTE]
Trish hasn't wronged any jurors and/or has good relationships with them. She's been more quiet now, but she got Cliff out, Kass to 100% side with her alliance, and pull Jefra back in. If she really does plead her case, she can beat most people left.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;409338]I can understand Kass wanting to go with Tony to the final tribal being juries for the most part now vote with emotion rather than logic. Still, taking Trish or Woo is probably even safer being neither have done anything for the last half of the game, ceeding all strategic play to Tony.[/QUOTE]
I think its a safe bet that even if Tony makes it to the finals he will not win...the beauty tribe and the other police officer look mighty bitter towards him. If Spencer wins last few Immunity challenges he has got the check already its a done deal.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;409784]Trish hasn't wronged any jurors and/or has good relationships with them. She's been more quiet now, but she got Cliff out, Kass to 100% side with her alliance, and pull Jefra back in. If she really does plead her case, she can beat most people left.[/QUOTE]
Trish hasn't wronged any jurors because she hasn't done anything of note since the jury was formed. Heck, for most of this season she hasn't even been in the loop of what was going on in her own alliance! While she was the front person speaking with Kass, in the end Kass made the decision to switch alliances out of cattiness and illogical paranoia. Cliff would be her only genuine play and that was inspired out of pure dislike for him rather than strategic mastery of the game.
I can't see her beating Kass or Spencer being the former made a real game changing move and the latter is a survivor of cockroachian proportions having slipped the hangman's noose time and time again. It's a coin flip between her and wishy washy Woo and she beats Tony because he is disliked (the new Russell Hantz if you are to believe some) which would make a winner Trish - the new Natalie White.
[QUOTE=IAMNEMESIS;409859]I think its a safe bet that even if Tony makes it to the finals he will not win...the beauty tribe and the other police officer look mighty bitter towards him. If Spencer wins last few Immunity challenges he has got the check already its a done deal.[/QUOTE]
I actually think Tony has a great shot at winning (unless of course Spencer somehow makes it to the end). The jury does seem to hate him, but in the end I think they'll be more bitter toward the people that chose to follow him (Woo, Trish, Kass). I'll admit, I was a bitter viewer and very happy that Natalie beat Russel. He was just an awful person. As a character, I do not like all. He's annoying as sin, but he doesn't come off as a bad person. If Trish, Kass, or Woo get more jury votes than him (especially Woo), it's just wrong. I also think Spencer and Tasha will talk him up to the jury, they don't seem like the type to hold it against him.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;409930]Trish hasn't wronged any jurors because she hasn't done anything of note since the jury was formed. Heck, for most of this season she hasn't even been in the loop of what was going on in her own alliance! While she was the front person speaking with Kass, in the end Kass made the decision to switch alliances out of cattiness and illogical paranoia. Cliff would be her only genuine play and that was inspired out of pure dislike for him rather than strategic mastery of the game.
I can't see her beating Kass or Spencer being the former made a real game changing move and the latter is a survivor of cockroachian proportions having slipped the hangman's noose time and time again. It's a coin flip between her and wishy washy Woo and she beats Tony because he is disliked (the new Russell Hantz if you are to believe some) which would make a winner Trish - the new Natalie White.[/QUOTE]
I gave a few examples already, she also kept Jefra in line and played her masterfully. How was Cliff not strategical? Cliff ignored her quite a bit and she was 100% at the bottom of that alliance. She gained Jefra/LJ as allies (one who will definitely vote for her in the end, other she has a solid relationship with). Trish still invited Kass in. We can say she still would have flipped, but we have no idea if that would occur. The only time she's been blindsided was the Jefra vote, she had an idea LJ might be blindsided and even hinted at it at TC.
EVERYONE hates Kass, I mean everyone. She'll never get Sarah, Morgan, Jeremiah, Spencer, and Tasha's votes. Everyone else isn't a fan of her either. I never watched Samoa, but Natalie is perceived in a pretty negative light for lack of strategy. Trish has pulled moves when she had to and went under the radar, too. Why not keep Tony i he is a big target and is making enemies on the jury? She's friends with just about everyone as well. Her only issue would be ACTUALLY defending her case at FTC and the jury not buying it, just looking at her as a follower.