Survivor: Blood vs. Water - The Dead Can Still Talk

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Survivor: Blood vs. Water - The Dead Can Still Talk
A castaway gives up the game for a loved one and tribal council gets out of hand.[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial] [/FONT][/COLOR][ATTACH=CONFIG]3023[/ATTACH]
Survivor time!!
Redemption Island has to be so awkward.
[QUOTE=MF41590;373800]Redemption Island has to be so awkward.[/QUOTE] I don't think they believed one word Brad said.
Isn't Laura married?
"Gervase I have blanket space." Smooth, Laura B.
Is it weird i do not want Brad to lose.
Brad having to complete a puzzle? This could be comedy.
That's not true Jeff. While Candice has not lost, she has been beaten.
Have we seen this Duel before?
John is surprisingly good at puzzles.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;373817]John is surprisingly good at puzzles.[/QUOTE] Isn't he a doctor though?
[QUOTE=Purple25;373818]Isn't he a doctor though?[/QUOTE] He is. It isn't a surprise at all.
Im surprised Brad did not lose, i thought he had no chance of winning.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;373819]He is. It isn't a surprise at all.[/QUOTE] That's your opinion. He is absolutely devoid of street smarts which lead to his early departure. It's good that he at least has some aptitude for puzzles. Just because you are a physician, doesn't make you a diagnostician.
Thanks for zooming in on her toe.
I dont like Caleb as much this episode, he is getting kinda cocky.
Feels like a lot of filler this episode.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;373830]Feels like a lot of filler this episode.[/QUOTE] yeah, i noticed that too.
This challenge looks fun.
Aras looks like he's getting sick of the "brother vs brother" crap.
Ciera can't do a thing to save her life
[QUOTE=molds13;373838]Aras looks like he's getting sick of the "brother vs brother" *********] Who you like better Aras or Vytas?
Monica probably makes the most sense. Maybe Laura B.
Give a man a steak and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime...
[QUOTE=molds13;373849]Give a man a steak and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime...[/QUOTE] Maybe they are banking on the merge happening ASAP. Regardless, a bit of a head scratcher there.
[QUOTE=MF41590;373851]Maybe they are banking on the merge happening ASAP. Regardless, a bit of a head scratcher there.[/QUOTE] There are currently 13 people left, and the 2 at Redemption Island makes it 15. If they eliminated 2 people at the last pre-merge RI, it would only be 3 days until the merge. 5 days at most.
Of course you did Tina. Australia was handed to you.
CBS is slacking. They called for a huge blindside so you know it's going to be Laura M.
[QUOTE=molds13;373869]CBS is slacking. They called for a huge blindside so you know it's going to be Laura M.[/QUOTE] maybe they exaggerated like always. or not.
