The Shows I Watch...

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The Shows I Watch...
I was hoping that everyone could post a list of the shows that they watch or are planning to watch this fall season. I know we did this exercise previously on another forum, but most of that information got lost in the shuffle and this will just make it easier. [URL=""] Here[/URL] is a schedule grid of the OTA (Over-the-air) Networks for reference. Do not include shows that will be coming on later in the year (like Lost and TAR.) Here is my list to get things started, in no particular order: Heroes Grey's Anatomy Survivor Chuck (new) Cane (new) CSI: Miami CSI Journeyman (new) Pushing Daisey's (new) Private Practice (new) Kid Nation (new) Kitchen Nightmares Dexter I might check out, NCIS, Scrubs, Ghost Whisperer, The Real World and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition from time to time. Wow.....that is a longer list then I thought! I am such a loser!
In no particular order. Desperate Housewives Prison Break Dancing with the Stars (maybe) October Road Kid Nation (new) Bones Dirty Sexy Money (new) Beauty and the Geek Smallville Supernatural Survivor CSI ER Las Vegas Numbers One Tree Hill New Shows I may check out Life is Wild K-ville Journeyman Bionic Woman Private Practice Big Shots And Daytime... can't forget those ;) General Hospital Young and the Restless
I watch or will be watching.... Survivor Weeds Dexter The Hills The Real World Gossip Girl??? I watch CSI Vegas on and off.... One Tree Hill Whatever that new show is with Kelsey Grammar I will probably check out. I heart him.
I watch or will be watching: The Big Bang Theory (may only last one epi though!) Two and a Half Men Monday Night Football NCIS (record) Bones Beauty and the Geek (online due to NCIS and Bones) Cane Kid Nation Private Practice Criminal Minds (record) Ugly Betty (record - what can I say??) Survivor Grey's Anatomy (will watch first episode online) The Office (record) CSI: Vegas (just this one to see them rescue Sarah) Desperate Housewives Brothers and Sisters (record) Dexter (will be flipping during commercials to Sunday Night Football)
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;29]I watch or will be watching.... Survivor Weeds Dexter [B][COLOR=magenta]The Hills <----------------------[/COLOR][/B] The Real World Gossip Girl??? I watch CSI Vegas on and off.... One Tree Hill Whatever that new show is with Kelsey Grammar I will probably check out. I heart him.[/quote] Say what!?! Amazing the things you can find when you rummage through old threads ;)
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;10668]Say what!?! Amazing the things you can find when you rummage through old threads ;)[/QUOTE] muhahahahaha!! Hey would should resurect this list so we can all find some common shows. Anyone got a list of this seasons lineups?
[QUOTE=Kathleen;28] General Hospital Young and the Restless[/QUOTE] I am always up for GH talk :)
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;10668]Say what!?! Amazing the things you can find when you rummage through old threads ;)[/quote] You missed the top of that thread: [B][SIZE=7]The Shows I Watch... (Originally Posted by Katedid)[/SIZE] [/B]I had to move a bunch of posts over from the old message board. My account was called "Zeus" which I later changed into the feed bot. It is all in the details OPD! :punish:
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;10676]You missed the top of that thread: [B][SIZE=7]The Shows I Watch... (Originally Posted by Katedid)[/SIZE][/B] I had to move a bunch of posts over from the old message board. My account was called "Zeus" which I later changed into the feed bot. It is all in the details OPD! :punish:[/quote] Oh man! ooooooops...........:dash1:
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;10679]Oh man! ooooooops...........:dash1:[/quote] How could you have even thought such a thing! :wacko2:
[QUOTE=Bacchus;10680]How could you have even thought such a thing! :wacko2:[/QUOTE] and there we thought we caught you :)
[QUOTE=stacee_danielle;10673]I am always up for GH talk :)[/QUOTE] I can rant all day about that show! :D
Anonymous's picture
[quote=stacee_danielle;10682]and there we thought we caught you :)[/quote] I know I did!! *foiled again*!
seems like I am a little bit late, but I thought I'd throw in my show's as well! Show's I watch: Bones House All CSI's Desperate Housewives Survivor The real world The Hill's Life of Ryan Criminal Mind's Medium Smallville American Idol The Bachelor/Bachelorette Big Brother (just started this season) Rock the Cradle Rock of Love Bridezilla's I am sure I will be made fun of for a number of these shows, but what can i say....I love reality TV.
[QUOTE=Kathleen;10683]I can rant all day about that show! :D[/QUOTE] Okay then I am going to start a thread...I don't get to watch, just get to read recaps online...sometimes they are great...sometimes, not so much :) Follow me to the new thread :D
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;10676] I had to move a bunch of posts over from the old message board. My account was called "Zeus" which I later changed into the feed bot. It is all in the details OPD! :punish:[/quote] ??
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;10691] ??[/quote] Technically....Zeus is my cat. No, I am not Zeus. Zeus is a bot that grabs feeds.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;10693]Technically....Zeus is my cat. No, I am not Zeus. Zeus is a bot that grabs feeds.[/quote] Ohhhh.
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;10694]Ohhhh.[/quote] I see people talking to him in the [URL=""]chat room[/URL] all the time. It is hilarious ( least for me!)
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;10695]I see people talking to him in the [URL=""]chat room[/URL] all the time. It is hilarious ( least for me!)[/quote] Ha-Ha that's pretty funny. You should put Zeus's icon as a pic of your kitty! :D
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;10696]Ha-Ha that's pretty funny. You should put Zeus's icon as a pic of your kitty! :D[/quote] [U][URL=""]Zeus Pic[/URL] [URL=""]Zeus Chat[/URL][/U] You should go talk to him. He loves company!
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;10697][U][URL=""]Zeus Pic[/URL][/U] [/quote] Awwwww....he's so cuuuuute!!!
well i am a newbie here, but here is my list prison break the hills the bachelor/bachelorette ncis the unit real world biggest loser rock of love grey's anatomy lost numbers brothers and sisters desperate housewives oh and of course dora the explorer, when the 4 year old wins.
[QUOTE=kates1;11008]oh and of course dora the explorer, when the 4 year old wins.[/QUOTE] LOL, at least you can stay current on some spanish :)
While I am here... Gossip Girl Hell's Kitchen Desperate Housewives Grey's Anatomy Ugly Betty Heroes One Tree Hill (occasionally) CSI's Real World The Hills (ish) uuummm, there are more but I can't think of them right this second...
[QUOTE=kates1;11008]well i am a newbie here, but here is my list prison break .... [/QUOTE] Look Bacchus, I'm not the only one in the world that watches Prison Break! Cool. Nice to meet you Kates. :D
[quote=Kathleen;11024]Look Bacchus, I'm not the only one in the world that watches Prison Break! Cool. Nice to meet you Kates. :D[/quote] Quick, forward the list of viewers (all two of you) to Fox before they cancel it! Hehehe...glad you found a new friend Kath!:wink2:
[quote=Bacchus;10695]I see people talking to him in the [URL=""]chat room[/URL] all the time. It is hilarious ( least for me!)[/quote] I have a confession to make. I silently stood by earlier today while a new member chatted with Zeus for 25 minutes. I could see the frustration building as Zeus "seemed" to have his own agenda separate from rational thought, but did nothing. I am a bad, bad person.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;11616]I have a confession to make. I silently stood by earlier today while a new member chatted with Zeus for 25 minutes. I could see the frustration building as Zeus "seemed" to have his own agenda separate from rational thought, but did nothing. I am a bad, bad person.[/quote] Evil Evil Bacchus.....(did Zeus talk back?!?!) ;)
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;11617]Evil Evil Bacchus.....(did Zeus talk back?!?!) ;)[/quote] Yes. Zeus is a chat bot. :D [B]Edit:[/B] You should really check it out.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;11619]Yes. Zeus is a chat bot. :D [B]Edit:[/B] You should really check it out.[/quote] Mmmm- hmmmm
