Send Diem Your Love

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Send Diem Your Love

During the night People magazine released an article that Diem left the Challenge and is currently in the hospital recovering from surgery. She is battling cancer for the third time. This thread has been created to send Diem love from her fans and everyone that supports her. There will be NO Challenge talk in this thread. Diem Brown's Cancer Returns, Reality Star Diagnosed with Colon Cancer I will start: Diem - You are a beautiful soul. I think the way you have educated people over the years about cancer with your videos and articles has been incredibly strong and all your charity work has been nothing short of amazing. My heart is with you, CT, your family and friends and I hope to hear you are feeling well again soon.


Part II Can Be Found Here.

Diem stay strong, we love you and you'll get better :)
Diem - you are a strong and beautiful person. Your inspire me and many others. Please stay strong, and get better.
Diem you're an amazing and strong person. You will kick cancers *** for a 3rd time. Prayers are with you and your family.
Stay strong Diem <3
Cancer in general, always hits very close to home for me. As someone who watched my dad face cancer 4 times before he passed away; I know how horrible cancer can be to face. The disease and treatment sucks the life out of you. Diem is definitely a fighter though and I know someone like her won't let cancer beat her. I know you got this Diem. You will be fine and continue to inspire others.
Diem I know you can beat this, I know how bad it felt when I found out my mother had cancer and it's terrible, you're a strong beautiful woman and you can beat this I know it
Diem you're what you're. A fighter. Stay strong and keep fighting. You're not alone.
Praying for Diem with all my heart and soul. It's so devastating how a ball of light like herself has to once again go through this terrible ordeal. But like the previous times, Diem's light will continue to shine through. You are a FIGHTER, baby! You are beautiful. You are strong. You are resistant. This is only one more battle in the story of Diem and like the other battles and hurdles you've endured, you will once again be victorious. <3
Anonymous's picture
I love you Diem! You need to make it through!! Too many people want to see you beat this. You are such a beautiful person. Please stay strong!!
So sad to hear about Diem, get better soon! I hope she writes blogs about this to keep us updated, we all support you Diem!
Watching,reading and hearing about Diem having to go through cancer so many times is truly heart breaking. I've been watching that girl since I was like 11 and I don't even know her, except from tv, and she had me crying. I wish her nothing but the best, she is an amazing person and a true warrior and she will definitely kick cancer's *** yet again.
Get well soon Diem all our thoughts are with you and your family! I know you can beat this!
God gives the toughest fights to the best fighters, Like you. I don't know you, but I admire you. Stay strong and beat it again D, My Heart and thoughts are with you.
Diem, you are truly an inspiration to me and to everyone. I have had family who had cancer and I know how difficult it must be, not only for her, but for CT and her family and friends. I think it's absolutely exceptional what you have done with your foundation. I know you are going to grace us with your amazing prescence for many years to come, I have no doubt you'll be able to beat cancer again. Get well soon.
Thought you all would like to know almost 8k raised already lots of people love diem!

Praying for you Diem!! You are a fighter and I know you will battle your heart out once again.. Love and support you always. Sometimes the world is just such a horrible place, but we just have to remember that every set-back bears with it the seeds of a come-back. I believe in you D! Keep fighting, girl. <3 Mitch

Add my thoughts and prayers to the thousands you're already getting. You've beaten this insidious disease twice already and I know you have it in you to beat it again. More importantly, YOU know you can beat it. There's not a doubt in my mind that there will be many many more hair whips in your future.
My thoughts are with you Diem! Bad things happen to good people sometimes but you are a constant inspiration and can't wait to hear that you kicked cancers butt for a third time! Stay strong
Diem, you are a beautiful and STRONG woman! You are an inspiration not only for every person that watches The Challenge, but for every person in the world. I was heartbroken when I heard the news today, but if there is anyone that can beat cancer for a third time I know it is you. Please never stop fighting -- we are all rooting for you!!!!
Diem, I don't know if you'll ever see this but just know that you are not alone in this fight, even if it is the third time! We all love you and are hoping and praying for fast recovery. Even though we are complete strangers please know the difference that watching you on tv has made in thousands of people's lives. Of all the challenges you've faced in life I know this will be no different. Stay strong, be tough, and know that your vevmo family is always rooting for you. We know you will once again win this challenge!
[url=]Diem Brown Battling Cancer for 3rd Time, Says, I've Been Needing Some Hope to Fight for | E! Online[/url] "This time around has been the scariest build up towards my cancer journey. Both mentally, physically, emotionally the most traumatic. I've been needing some hope to fight for, some light to look forward to at the end of this journey. I find that strength in my family, friends, and fans. People I've never met before believe in me, I can't let them down! I won't" -Diem Her saying that brings tears to my ears. My grandfather died from cancer and I know that at the end of his life just how defeated he felt. It broke us. And for her to do this 3 times and each team get stronger is so uplifting! She's not only fighting for herself, but for us and those who couldn't fight anymore. She's the definition of a FIGHTER! She's in my prays and heart. I know she can beat this again and will beat this again.
This shouldn't happen to anyone once I can't imagine what its like to have this happen three times, Diem is a amazing person and a fighter. she is a inspiration and shows people not to give up despite what life throws your way.
Here's hoping Diem gets better soon. A beautiful spirit. Beautiful soul. And an all-around beautiful woman.
Almost there in less than a day :) [URL=""][/URL] [ATTACH]6955[/ATTACH]
As a constant lurker of reality message boards, I rarely post, but when I saw this thread, I felt I needed to pop out of hiding to add my respect and admiration of Diem Brown. Diem, our love, prayers and respect are with you. You have singlehandedly informed a generation about Ovarian Cancer, about the trials of chemotherapy, and the aftermath of learning how to survive with cancer. We cheered you on when you revealed your secret to Derrick all those years ago, we relished when you started feeling like a woman again on the challenge,cried for you when you revealed that you had a relapse, and screamed at the tv at the terrible editing job BM performed on your story in Rivals 2. You have inspired millions of americans to not give up, no matter how hard the fight. Mad props Girl! And as such you have our unconditional love and support in this difficult time. If you every need a joke, a smile, a pat on the hand know that an entire generation is cheering you on. Cancer is a tough business, and I know you have many difficult days ahead, but we are with you, no matter what. You are not alone. And finally thank you for inspiring us, teaching us, and sharing your life with us. Our prayers are with you. Back to the lurkerverse.
Diem, You are such an inspiration to so many. I just checked MedGift and saw that the page for you has over $20,000 already (I donated earlier). Please know how loved you are. Let this fill your heart and drive your determination to beat this again.
You've had a major effect on people, you've changed lives. The fact that you have raised almost $30,000 in one day is absolutely astounding. We all want you to win, in the Challenge and through life's challenges. Keep pushing, keep fighting, and keep conquering Diem. You're already a champion in our eyes.
Diem, The first time I saw you on my TV screen, I was rooting for you from the start in Fresh Meat and on the Duel. You were only cast member I can relate to on a whole different level. You represented a group of people that hardly gets represent on reality tv, Cancer patients/Survivors/fighters. I believe Fresh Meat and the Duel came on in 2006-2007, which was right in the middle of my chemo treatments. I knew the pain and fear you had during Fresh Meat of starting this long hard battle, but I had faith that you'd beat it. You did! Seeing you in the Duel, putting yourself out there, challenging yourself, reassuring that your not weak and that you're more capable than you think you are, was so inspiring. There's no other words for how much fuel and hope you gave me. Being in the swim team, I was in the same position, but seeing how you tried your hardest only helped me try harder. I learned that I'm not my illness, I am what I make myself to be. You helped me, I am forever grateful to you Diem. You may not know me, but you gave hope to many who've watched you on their screens. I don't know what how it feels to battle cancer for a third time and I sure know it's not easy, but I wish you the best. People do say, third time is the charm, so keep your head up high and know that you'll beat this. Cause you're a boss. You're a fighter. You're the best.
Diem, you are an inspiration to me and to countless other people whose lives you have positively affected. Just know that we love you and are rooting for you baby!
Diem, you are a light and such an inspiration to so many people. You have shown time and time again that you are a fighter in so many aspects of life. You won your last two battles and you'll win this one too. We're all pulling for you and wish you the best as you enter treatment. You, CT, and your family and friends are in my thoughts. Stay strong!


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