The Ruins: Thai Me Up! Thai Me Down!

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[QUOTE=Unicorn;139428]ha ha. Why does he hate vevmo these days? Well he seems to hate everything. lol. The funny thing is I was just starting to warm to Dunbar after hating him for so long.[/QUOTE] A friend of mine that spoke with him a few weeks ago asked him about Vevmo and he said he wasn't a fan... You see, when he left for The Island he told Julie (his now ex) to come here and check out the spoilers and well...we told her a few things of interest beyond the spoilers, lol. Hey, that doesn't mean I don't like Dunbar. He has grown on me a bit with time. ;)
I love how Mark runs the show!
This is not the main event for me, sorry Mark (though I am a little curious about what really happened).
Dunbar has grown on me too! I still love Kelly Anne, too!
Haha, this is some good stuff.
Is Kelly Anne referring to Vevmo?
The Kelly Anne/Dunbar argument is just so stupid to me. I can't even understand what either of them are talking about. It seems like they are talking in circles. Did Kelly Anne say "most girls are closet w#)@es so it would make sense that I would lie" ha ha.
Gotta love that when Mark asks Dunbar if he's gone all the way with KA he goes back on his definition of "hooking up", but when KA brings it up he's ready to change it again. I really don't see the need for all of this to be twisted, it's so silly.
Man, I don't know if Casey can do it...the suspense is killing me.
Darrel/Brad showed the difference between the guys and girls on these challenges. While guys tend to squash their issues before a challenge even ends, the girls string it along over various challenges.
Usually when I watch the challenges I cannot stand all three of Johnny, Kenny, and Evan... but during The Duel 2 I had respect for Evan for going in all those times and manning up and doing what he had to do to win. I had no beef with Evan really after Duel 2. As for Johnny, after going in tonight I can tolerate him a little more. As for Kenny, I can't stand him!!! Especially when he gave Johnny a look like "what, ME?? Are you actually saying [B][I]I[/I][/B] should step up and go in?" In addition to that, I don't see a giant difference in performance between Johnny, Kenny, or even Derrick for that matter. For them all to look at Johnny and say it was his turn to step up confused me. Throughout the challenge, I have seen really no difference in ability between Johnny and Kenny... and I think the only reason Johnny was so easy to call out is because people like Kenny (for some reason) and Derrick more than him.
They should have allowed Brad to stay, he didn't throw punches from what was shown.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Famous.;139472]They should have allowed Brad to stay, he didn't throw punches from what was shown.[/QUOTE] Yeah, why did Brad go home? He didn't throw any punches. Wouldn't it be crazy if Darrell went home and Brad stayed and got all his money...holy ****.
man darrell blew his chance of over $30,000. i think they would have thrown him in again cuz johnny kenny and evan are backstabbers.
yeah but he instigated the fight, just like Adam/CT on the Duel..Adam didnt hit the first few punches (or any if I recall) but him pouring the drink on CT caused the fighted, just like Brad mouthing off to Darrel. Btw Brad and Darrell can blame themselves all they want, but I honestly think production is to blame. They don't want fighting, yet it causes drama that they can use, why didn't they take Brad or Darrell out of the room till the situation defused? They could've done the same thing on Duel 2 with Adam and CT. They may implement the rule but they sure as hell don't do anything to stop it, one day someone is really going to get hurt and hopefully production will realize they are as much to blame.
[QUOTE=Entropy;139477]yeah but he instigated the fight, just like Adam/CT on the Duel..Adam didnt hit the first few punches (or any if I recall) but him pouring the drink on CT caused the fighted, just like Brad mouthing off to Darrel. Btw Brad and Darrell can blame themselves all they want, but I honestly think production is to blame. They don't want fighting, yet it causes drama that they can use, why didn't they take Brad or Darrell out of the room till the situation defused? They could've done the same thing on Duel 2 with Adam and CT. They may implement the rule but they sure as hell don't do anything to stop it, one day someone is really going to get hurt and hopefully production will realize they are as much to blame.[/QUOTE] Very well said. But Adam did punch Ct a couple times. But Brad Didn't do ANYTHING! All he did was instigate. But No Mtv Is lame! Why keep showing episodes you KNOW the Champions are gonna win! Why even show the Challenges its so obvious Mtv is L-A-M-E!
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;139321]Darrel is a punk. You don't hit a person on the ground. Brad is definetly wrong just as much as Darrel, but Darrel is nothing but a punk for hitting a person on the ground.[/QUOTE] Lol, you must've never been in a fight. On a side note: Holy cow Brad's eye was ****ed up!! But im glad they made up.
Oh and Laneahh I agree the Ruins has been the most lopsided Challenge ever.
Anonymous's picture
Did Darrell and Brad havae tears in their eyes? Oh my god...thats so cute.
Brad really came at Darrell out of nowhere though. He was not only verbally provoking him but he shoved him a number of times and grabbed him which is what cause Darrell to go after him in the first place. I think it was well justified to send Brad home, and if not Darrell I'm sure he would've tried to pick a fight with someone else that night. He was just madly drunk, running wild right until he was going to hit a wall. Unfortunately for Darrell, he had to be that wall.
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;139297]can you imagine if wes was here, hell would happen[/QUOTE] Wes wouldn't have let this happen. When Wes gets mad, yeah he gets in your face. But he wouldn't let his friend Brad get that far.
btw Brad deserved to be sent home. Instigators shouldn't get a slap on the wrist. Plus Brad threw a weak *** kick at Darrell and pushed him as well.
In the dailies it showed Brad kicking Derrick on the leg and for some reason it was hilarious to me and I can't figure out why. And after Derrick pulled Brad away from Darrell he pushes Derrick and says "You need to chill out baby." LoL
ha brad is literally saying the same stuff he did in G2 with his confrontation with derrick he says "believe me Family" and **** or "Family said that" this might not make sense reading it but watch Gauntlet 2 ep 6 then watch this episode and you will see what i mean
Anonymous's picture
Ouch I knew Brad's eye was bad but wow that blood coming out almost made me sick! :( I'm glad they've both come to a better place with it now.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;139483]Did Darrell and Brad havae tears in their eyes? Oh my god...thats so cute.[/QUOTE] That part made [I]me[/I] almost choke up a bit. True bromance. I almost thought they'd kiss and make up instead of just make up.
Btw Derrick posted on his twitter that he actually went first, and was afraid of Susie throwing missions thus why he did that to Sarah. Gotta love editing.
Darrel - Throwin' away $30,000+ like that? OUCH! Was good to reunite D and Brad at the After Show though. They're both classy dudes, I like them a lot. I met Brad once, and he really is a good guy. Bummer they went out like that. Dunbar is a TOOL. So is Kenny. And Casey, ughhh. In the After Show, Dunbar said that Kelly Anne was "the first girl I ever cheated on my girlfriend with". HAHAHAHA What a terrible, awful human being. And now he's just lying and squirming in that hot seat. What a loser. Kelly Anne is such a hot mess too! It's so crazy watching her. I mean, The Island Reunion? She's a riot. I love laughing at her. Even though I kind of despise most of the cast that's left...this challenge HAS been really good! I'm basically only rooting for Sarah, Kimberly, and Susie.
Entropy, that's good to know because I was actually bothered by Derrick's decision to do that. I thought it was unsportsmanlike, mean, and unnecessary since they were clearly wining by a lot even with Casey having yet to go. You don't need to slaughter the opposing team. A win is a win. I'm glad to know it was editing that made it look that way because I do like Derrick even if he isn't really the same guy that stood up, kicked the leg out of a table, and vocalized his disagreement with the team in G2 when they wanted to have a silent vote instead of just having the balls during deliberation to say to someone's face that they should go in. I also just want to add that I like Dunbar. He had a little bit of a temper during his Sydney season, but I think he's tried really hard since to control his anger. Kelly Anne was annoying the *** out of me, and I was just watching. I think Dunbar is pretty well-spoken and even funny at times.
[QUOTE=Entropy;139459]Darrel/Brad showed the difference between the guys and girls on these challenges. While guys tend to squash their issues before a challenge even ends, the girls string it along over various challenges.[/QUOTE] with the exception of Wes and Kenny.
